Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 5th, 2015

   Easter Sunday... And time for my weekly rant...Yes, it is indeed Easter Sunday.... A most "holy" day in Christianity... But considering what I know about religion in general, I will not spoil it for those who celebrate today....First, I want to let everyone know that my friend and cohost of the Turbulent Times shows, Whitewraithe, is indeed alive and well.... She had been in a real funk since unceremoniously losing her job almost a month ago... But now it appears she has landed a great job and I am crossing my fingers that she will be able to hold onto this new job, and succeed in her new position.....Well, what is there to say that has not already been said about the "war" going on right now in Yemen... To me, what we are being fed by the Jew spew media about exactly what is happening there is pure and utter bullshit.... The Houthis that have been marching now into the former capital city of Aden on the Gulf of Oman coast are NOT these "bad guys" as the liars in the media are portraying.. To me, these proud Yemeni people had had enough of being brutalized by the previous dictator, Abu Hadi, and finally decided to take their nation back... They basically kicked Hadi out of the country, and for the last few weeks that murderous criminal has been working with his friends in Saudi Arabia at reconquering and thus reimposing his dictatorship on Yemen....I stated in my previous rant that I look at this war in Yemen as a multi-faceted situation... The US has indeed been arming BOTH sides in that conflict, and just recently we have reports about the Saudi Arabian airforce airdropping supplies into Aden for what they claim is for Hadi supporters.  However, these supplies are definitely falling into the hands of Houthi forces that are right now fighting in the city of Aden itself... It does appear that this is again evidence of where both sides are being well supplied in a bloody war of attrition.... We see the same thing happening in Iraq where the US and EU are constantly being caught supplying the fraud known as "ISIS" at a time when the liars in the media and our own governments are portraying this "ISIS" to be our mortal enemy!Of course we have the Jew spew news coming out with all these reports about the fraud Mossad/CIA run "ISIS" having a strong following in Yemen... But what made me realize how much this war in Yemen was a fraud were all the reports that have been coming out about the US/Israeli run "Al Qaeda" having "bases" in Yemen.... The fact that CIA/Mossad run "Al Qaeda" has such strong "support" in Yemen should have raised red flags with everyone that this entire 'war' in Yemen is not as it seems..... The fact that with BOTH of the frauds known as "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS" operating out of Yemen, we may soon see the criminals in the United States government use them as their "excuse" to send in American forces to invade that nation.We must also not forget about exactly where Yemen is located.. Yemen is at a strategic point at the southern end of the Arabian peninsula, where the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea meet.  Petroleum tankers destined for the European Union must go through the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb that separates Yemen in Arabia, from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa.   Petroleum tankers must transit that important strait before entering the southern end of the Red Sea.  At the northern end of the Red Sea, these same tankers transit through the Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean Sea, and to markets in Europe... Basically, who ever controls Yemen could easily shut off and close the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb and prevent the tankers from reaching Europe via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.... I stated in previous articles that this may be exactly why we see this war in Yemen at just the right time when world Petroleum prices are at a 10 year low as well as Petroleum production now exceeding storage capacities... This war in Yemen could potentially curtail shipments to Europe and thus drive up world prices, which is exactly what our criminal governments do desperately desire.....The one puzzling aspect that I found about this entire Yemen war were the recent reports about how the Israeli airforce was involved with the Saudi Arabian airforce in the bombing of Houthi positions as Houthi forces moved south into Aden.... How in the hell can it be that  suddenly we see supposed mortal enemies, Jews and Muslims, now fighting side by side in these air strikes?  The answer is apparent when you do realize that the House of Saud that controls Saudi Arabia is entirely made up of Jews themselves! Yes, the Iranian nuclear deal seems to be a go, with the P5+1 nations organized by the United Nations finally signing off on a deal that would see Iran fully comply with demands that it not pursue nuclear weapons development in exchange for a lifting of sanctions against that peaceful nation... The fact is again that Iran has absolutely never ever pursued nuclear weapons and has never had any intention of ever building any nuclear weapon.. Any logical person can see that if Iran did develop even one single nuclear device, it would give the criminals in the US government and their masters in Tel Aviv their long sought excuse to attack and destroy that nation.  The Iranian leadership are no fools and understand fully that Iranian possession of a nuclear weapon would be tantamount to suicide.. But of course we have the insane leadership in that lunatic asylum called Israel harping even louder now that the deal with Iran has been signed that this new deal will allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon "within a year"... To me, we have heard this same crying of wolf for decades with these liars saying constantly for over 30 years that Iran was "less than a year, or a month, or even a week" away from building a nuke... And in each case, the CIA and even the Mossad did their own analysis and came to the same conclusion each and every time that Iran was at least a decade away from nuclear weapon development.. Lets be clear here that all of these accusations are again nothing more than reaching for excuses for Iran's destruction.I have stated many times that the only reason why Israel wants Iran destroyed so badly is due to the fact that Iran is now the last truly credible threat against their sick goal of hegemony over the entire Middle Eastern region.  The sickness of Israel wants their twisted dream of a greater Israel stretching from the Nile River to the Euphrates River and the destruction and subjugation of all nations in between.   And of course in pursuit of that twisted goal, these monsters have been using their minions in the United States to do all the fighting for the destruction of peaceful nations.  It is also a fact that these psychos running Israel may still decide to launch their attack on Iran, even with this new P5+1 deal in place.   The sad part in all this is moment Iran rightfully retaliates against any Israeli aggression, the Israelis will demand their slaves in the United States come to their assistance and we may yet see Iran destroyed with many American soldiers dying for the glory of their Jewish masters in the process.....While there is turmoil and war going on over much of the planet, little attention is being paid to what has been happening in Europe, especially with the economic situation with the collapsing European Union.... The Syriza government in Greece has decided to vote this coming week on the agreements that they reached with the IMF and EU shortly after their election to power to "bail out" Greece's financial disaster.   If they vote to continue with the insane IMF "austerity" measures, it will mean enslavement of the Greek people to these parasitic scoundrels for eternity... The solution is therefore obvious, with the Greek government finally telling these banking hoodlums to take their odious debt and shoving it up their asses.... Then the Greek government should rightfully quit both the European Union and NATO and seek economic partnership with the BRICS nations.... The question is, will the Greek government make the right decision or continue to have their nation be nothing more than a slave to criminal Jewish bankers?And we have the situation in Iceland that no one in the Jew spew media wants to talk about, and for good reason.  Iceland will very shortly take away all the issuance of currency from any private bank and restore it to the Icelandic government itself.  THIS move by Iceland will not only free the Icelandic people from the scourge of Jewish run private central banking criminality and debt, but could turn Iceland into an economic powerhouse and a beacon for other nations to emulate... I can guarantee the criminal Rothschild scoundrels are not taking this move by Iceland lightly, and we may find some flimsy excuses coming for economic, or even military, action against Iceland itself. The Germanwings air crash of flight 4U9525 into that French Alp mountain that took the lives of some 144 passengers and crew is still making major headlines, especially with the Jew spew media reaching for every excuse possible and focusing on the copilot and his supposed anti-depressant drug medications.   I look at these reports as misleading as usual and diversion away from what really happened with this flight... It is amazing that all mention of the 5 fighter planes that shadowed that aircraft just before it flew into the mountain has been purposely taken out of all reports for starters.  Why were those fighter aircraft there in the first place?  And as I noted in my last rant, there is no mention of the fact that the cockpit doors are easily opened from the outside by simply entering a keypad code!   The fact is that this aircraft appears to have been  remotely controlled and purposely flown into that mountain.  The big question that everyone should be asking themselves is exactly who or what was on that aircraft that our criminal governments purposely had it destroyed....Some people have been asking me if there has been any further news here in Canada since the citizens right group known as COMER won its court battle to have the original Bank of Canada act reinstated that would return the printing of Canada's currency rightfully to the Canadian government itself and away from criminal Jewish private central banking hands.... The fact is that since that COMER victory in court a few months ago, the Jewish controlled media has been doing a massive blackout attempt to prevent the people of this nation from finding out that their nation can now free themselves from criminal Jewish banking debt enslavement.... The criminal Jews have also made sure that their slaves in the Harper regime keep this wonderful news under wraps and away from the public eye. These Jewish criminals are definitely working on making sure that the COMER victory in court does not equate to any changes in our monetary policies, for they do not want Canada to be free of their control.   It has therefore fallen on us, in the alternative media, to get the word out to unaware Canadians that we have this chance to finally take our nation back and end odious debt enslavement that has saddled this nation to the tune of some $1 Trillion dollars.....OK, I figure that is enough of taking a close look at some of the major issues for now.  But again, I will close my rant with my usual "last minute tidbits" to hopefully touch on some issues that I may have missed..... There have been reports coming out of Japan stating clearly that TEPCO has absolutely no idea what so ever on how to fix the ongoing nuclear meltdown disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi facility, and that any solution still has to be "invented".  This is exactly what I have been saying for years now, and shows again that this disaster will continue for decades to come. And could still possibly get much much worse.  But hey, who cares about a life threatening nuclear disaster when wars for Israel come always first and foremost, right?......Yes, I saw the reports out of Ukraine where the US proxy regime in Kiev has had a tough time in getting new recruits for their war against the eastern provinces.  The fact is that the Ukrainian people are not that stupid after all and many see exactly what is going on and are resisting the urge to sign up just to kill their follow Ukrainians.  The US has definitely turned their criminal Ukrainian takeover into a debacle and a disaster......Yes, Vladimir Putin is soon to attempt to take back control of Russia's currency away from  criminal Jewish private central banking scoundrels to save his nation and the Russian Ruble and finally free Russia from criminal Jewish banking control.  I stated in last week's article that Putin must be prepared for the Rothschilds soon to attempt to have him assassinated (again).  Hopefully he has both a very strong Kevlar suit and bodyguards he can trust with his life..... Criminal Canadian federal government voted earlier in the week to "extend" Canada's "war" against the fraud known as "ISIS" and to escalate Canada's involvement in that fraudulent war by having Canadian fighter jets now take part in bombing missions into Syria itself.   It is troubling to me to see the ignorance and stupidity of the Canadian people that they are supposedly supporting this escalation!  Again, so much for Canada being a "peace loving" nation.........More revelations came out this week about major pedophile rings operating in the United Kingdom for decades and how truly sick these pedophiles have been.  The key here is of course the involvement of the so called British Royal Family and how much those monsters have been involved in these rings and the deaths of thousands of innocent children for decades.  When the British people finally find out about the sickness of the monsters that falsely sit on their throne, there will definitely be hell to pay..... I am keeping a close eye on this "Jade Helm" operation that will soon be played across 15 major states in the United States.   Many say it is for the preparation of the imposition of Martial Law across the entire American nation.   My hope is that many dumbed down Americans finally wake the hell up and see what is happening to their once free nation........Arsenal won a big victory over Liverpool yesterday, 4-1, and are now sitting in second place in the table.  However, it again appears to be too late to catch Chelsea with only 7 games left in Premiere League action.  Another year, another Champions League berth, for the Gunners......I knew this was coming.  Massive petroleum deposits have now been discovered around the Falkland Islands, and we have reports that the Argentinian government is none too happy and will start up their pursuit of seizing the Falkland Islands for themselves.  Hopefully this will not lead to a second Falkland Islands war.........Yes, I saw the reports about the fiasco known as the F35 "stealth" fighter plane finally going up against 40 year old F16 planes in simulated combat.  I noticed all the reports refused to say which aircraft came out on top in head to head "combat", but I can guarantee it was NOT the deplorable F35.  Again, I have to ask why the hell our governments are hell bent on purchasing this F35 hunk of junk that will make our nations weaker for decades to come?.......Some clowns have been trying to bash me for my stating the parachutes cannot work in the Martian atmosphere due to the extreme low pressure and therefore no possibility of drag on the chutes.  I again ask them to show me how a parachute can work in a 0.004 Bar atmosphere, or stop wasting my time.  Yes, NASA lied their asses off with their fraudulent Mars missions, and I have found nothing to show otherwise.... I really am sick of the Kardashians by this point in time, but what the heck.  It seems that skank #2, Khloe, has suddenly been professing her 'love' for Lamar Odom, even while they are in the process of getting a divorce.  To me, this skank caused her own misery and Odom would be better off without this vile creature.   But hey, it makes for great tabloid news and again, America sure loves their Kardashians...More to comeNTS