Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Sunday.... First Sunday in April... And I am back.... AND as usual, time for my weekly rant..Yes, I did take a well deserved vacation for the last two weeks... But as I could not afford to take an extravagant vacation to some distant land or resort, but instead I did take a stay at home vacation where I basically turned off my PC and laptop and preferred NOT to blog at all.... I spent most of my time doing some work around my house and went to the local YMCA on an almost daily basis to try to burn off a few excess calories..... It was a much needed period of rest to recharge... And as I stated in last week's rant, it always seems to be that the world goes to heck during my absence... It is nice to be back writing...Well, first off, there is about 3 inches of snow on the ground here in central Canada and yes it is peculiar for this time of year... Everything that I have seen so far this year points to the FACT that the world is absolutely NOT overheating as the criminals behind the Global Warming fraud continue to falsely harp..... As I stated before, I am truly surprised that so many people have allowed these criminals to get away with their blatant lies, especially their laughable statements made that "2016 is already on its way to being the hottest year on record"... I could not help but laugh my ass off when I saw these escapees from clown college make such a ridiculous remark, and I truly wondered what these bozos were smoking?   But the real shocker is how so many fools out there are actually believing their bullshit and are so readily and gullibly ready to surrender more money in the form of fraud "carbon taxes"..... Must I again state the facts here that the fraud artists behind the Global Warming scam are only in the fraud to line their own pockets?  And that the Global Warming scam is part of the long term plan for one world governance?I was so pleased when I saw all the reports over the last two weeks about how the Syrian government forces and their allies were able to retake the ancient city of Palmyra, and yet I too was so saddened to hear about the devastation that the fraud "ISIS terrorists" did to Palmyra's ancient artifacts and structures.... It has long puzzled me as to WHY these CIA/Mossad operatives have always been destroying ancient relics in every city and village that they have occupied, and it seems that the answer may lie in the fact that the Jewish criminals have no real history and are in fact destroying ancient relics all over the Middle East out of fear that many of these relics would tell a different story of real history and not the bullshit that their own fraud Torah tries to portray....Yes, so far from everything that has been unearthed in the Middle East, and especially in the region of Palestine and Egypt, there are absolutely NO artifacts unearthed that prove the existence of the ancient tribes of Israel and of the ancient "Hebrews" or "Israelites:... All that has been discovered so far is evidence that Egypt was in fact enslaved by an Asiatic people sometime in the 14th century BC called the Hyksos.... And that the Hyksos themselves were run out of Egypt due to their criminal enslavement of the Egyptian people during the period of time that parallels the stories in the fraud Torah about the so called 'Exodus'.....  Once everyone researches for themselves the history of the Hyksos in Egypt they can all conclude that the real Exodus story is absolutely a sham and that the ancient "Hebrews" were in fact the Hyksos that resettled into the region of ancient Palestine after fleeing for their very lives out of Egypt....And it again shows that the Abrahamic "religions" are all based on pure bullshit.... Yes, I am firmly against all religions, for I consider every single one a fraud and used only for mind control and manipulation of the masses....And if you do not like it, tough.....It does appear that the Syrian government forces and their allies are now on the verge of total victory in their battles against the American and Israeli bought and paid for mercenary forces making up the ridiculous "terrorist" groups..... With Palmyra in the hands of the good guys, the next step is of course to secure the area around Aleppo and begin operations to destroy the centre of 'ISIS' activity in Syria itself, the city of Raqqa..... I again will state that with Assad's string of victories, it is no wonder that the criminal American leadership is searching for ANY excuses to get a direct invasion of Syria itself off and running... YES, some American forces are indeed already on the ground in Syria around that airbase in Kurdish occupied northern Syria, and reports have come out this last week admitting that US 'special forces' are also already in Syria itself... But these are not enough to stop the Syrian offensive and the criminals in Washington know that without a more direct intervention, their dream of destroying Syria and overthrowing Assad will fail....One thing that has puzzled me for the last few years is this... WHY exactly has the US government been constantly harping the same ridiculous demands that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has to go?   I have gone over so many different articles via the alternative media for years now, and I cannot find a real valid reason at all for Assad to be removed from power in Syria at all... Granted, we have all seen the Jew spew media constantly harp the same lies that Assad is a "butcher" and a "murderer" of his own people, but I have found NO evidence of either... The mass "gassings" that was claimed a few years ago were also debunked and shown to be actually done by the US led "terrorists".... And of course we have the liars in the Jew spew media also harp that the Syrian people "hate" Assad, and yet in the last general and very free elections, Assad garnered some 85% of the vote meaning that he is in fact well loved and respected by the Syrian people.... Therefore we can only conclude that there must be a logical and sound reason for Assad to be removed from office, and yet I cannot find ONE that is legitimate or makes any damn sense! Honestly, does it not seem strange that over the last two decades, the only leaders that were forcibly removed from office in their respected countries were the ones that defied the US and the Jewish monsters controlling our world?  Look at how the US went after Saddam Hussein in killing him and destroying his peaceful nation while claiming that Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction" that were found to not exist.... And of course Muhammar Gaddafi who's only crime it seems was to defy the Jewish gods and try to free both Libya and all of Africa from their evil grip.  The US and the Jewish Rothschilds sent in their NATO attack dogs and destroyed that nation while killing Gaddafi in the process as well....... And now we have Bashar al Assad with the bullseye on his head..... It therefore should be apparent that Assad is targeted because he is defying his Jewish masters and rather than being their puppet, he is wanting what is best for his Syrian people....Granted, we all know by now exactly WHO controls America, and these Jewish bastards of course want Assad out of office in Syria for their most evil "Greater Israel" project and for their blueprint for domination in the Middle East, the infamous "Securing the Realm" documents released back in the 1990's.... And YES, it is none other than Israel that wants Syria not only destroyed but to be fractured into small little "fiefdoms" that would be easily controlled by the Jewish state.....It is therefore no wonder that the Israeli puppet government in Washington DC continues to act like a bunch of bird brained parrots and repeating the same tired line that "Assad has to go"... It shows again how the US government is nothing more than slaves to criminal Jewish interests.....The US "selection" process for the next Jewish puppet President is going as expected.... The facts should be painfully obvious to everyone living in the United States that Hillary "Killary" Rodham Bligh (Clinton) will be their next President no matter how evil and diabolical she truly is.... It seems that only in America will you find this sinister demon "campaigning" to empty auditoriums and meetings and yet strangely she is well ahead of the Jew Bernie Sanders in the "delegate" count... I for the life of me cannot figure out the twisted US "selection" process that allows a true monstrous criminal mass murdering freak of nature to not only not be in jail, but will be the Jewess sitting in the Oval Office as of this November....Yes, only in America.... Any other sane nation would have put this criminal to death for her crimes against humanity and her treasonous activities that have cost the lives of thousands of Americans.... And yet there she is, slithering along, and soon to be the US Commander in Chief... On the flip side we have of course Donald Drumpf and the circus of the US Republican primary race... It is just as bad if not worse than the fraud Democratic facade, where Donald has all the support now to be the Republican candidate and yet the snakes in the grass in charge of the Republican party will do their utmost to destroy Drumpf's campaign once and for all in the charade of the upcoming Republican convention and put their preselected minion, Canadian Ted Cruz, to be their candidate..... But lets face it, the American people have allowed this debacle to happen and they only have themselves to blame... Too long have they sat on their laurels and allowed the criminals to cement their control over the American nation and turn the 'selection' process into the farce we see now..... The facts are that the Jewish monsters in control over the entire game are purposely destroying the Republican party and shattering the Republican vote to ensure Killary achieves the Presidency.....Yes, I said in previous rants that the only hope for the US, due to the failings of the fraud 'two party' system of governance, is to have the lesser of the two evils, Drumpf, to be the next US President..... And yes, Drumpf is absolutely under the firm control of his Jewish masters and will do exactly what they demand if he is made Commander in Chief.... People so quickly forget how Drumpf did go to the Jewish AIPAC meeting two weeks ago and sucked up to his Jewish masters.  I found it laughable how many in the alternative media have been harping that Drumpf had to go to AIPAC and that he lied (?) in front of his Jewish masters to woo them and get their support... But Drumpf has always claimed that he does not need "Jewish money" and yet he went to AIPAC to grovel?   It should be obvious that Drumpf is just the same as the rest of these fraud candidates and does indeed suck up to his Jewish masters.....  Yes, too many Americans are pinning their hopes on Drumpf just like they did before with Ron Paul..... I have long stated that if the American people wanted to save their nation, they should be doing it themselves and not pinning their hopes on these pre-selected candidates....I see that more people are now waking up (finally) to the dangers of vaccines due to the release of a new "controversial" movie in the US called "Vaxxed".... It is so amazing that we find absolutely NO reports about this movie anywhere in the Jew spew media outlets, and it makes sense when you realize that the criminals behind forced "mandatory" vaccinations are none other than the same Jewish criminals in control of said media...... From all the preliminary reports that I have seen so far over the alternative media, this movie "Vaxxed" is an eye opener and reveals the bitter truths about how vaccines absolutely do NOT work and are being used to destroy humanity itself..... AND of course this new movie and the reality that vaccines are destructive are coming to light at just the knick of time; The criminals involved are in a race against time, where they are definitely frantically pushing for their mandatory vaccinations of everyone BEFORE the general public learns the truth about vaccines...Lets face it.... I and others in the real alternative media have been preaching for years now about the dangers of not only vaccines, but of all the dangerous chemicals that have been added into our foods and our water for decades for the sole purpose of wrecking our bodies and our minds..... Heck, you cannot even go into a grocery store any more and select any products that are not laced with horrendous chemicals and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that destroy human health.... And yes, we can see the damage done by these poisons, especially when you look at people around you now acting like mindless drooling zombies......The Jewish dream of Agenda 21 and population control through chemical manipulation and of course diabolical vaccination is definitely alive and well...I knew it would only be a matter of time before the Jewish criminal elite would be again pushing their agenda for a war against the innocent nation of Iran.... Over the last few weeks we have seen reports via the Jew spew media that Iran has been testing new ballistic missiles, and the US government and the criminal state of Israel have been in the forefront demanding that Iran be punished for these tests...They have even had the gall to insinuate that Iran's legitimate missile testing is in "violation" of Iran's nuclear deal that was signed off at the end of last year.....The facts are that every nation on this planet has the right to defend itself, and missile testing is perfectly legal under international law... The reality is of course that the US and the psychopaths in Israel have always wanted Iran destroyed, and they  have been looking for any lame brain excuses for that destruction..... The bottom line is of course that missile testing does not equate to nuclear weapons, and therefore people should not be fooled....Almost two weeks now since that false flag "bombing" in Brussels, and everything is now pointing towards this being another fraud and a preplanned operation..... It is bad enough that we find evidence that drills were conducted mere weeks before this event to simulate such an incident, but what especially had me laughing about that entire incident were the piss poor crisis actors going on the Jew spew media and almost laughing as they answered questions from the news anchors.... One video in particular showed a young American woman talking to Jew run CNN the day of the bombings about her "boyfriend" who was supposedly a victim of the bombing, and she is outright laughing on air as questions are put to her!   Many call it "duping delight" but I look at it as just another terrible crisis actor who rather than showing distress from possibly losing a loved one is instead making a mockery of it all......Well, I figure I have rambled on long enough for this rant.... Yes, there is so much else that has been happening in our sick world over the last while, and hopefully I can cover those key issues here in my usual "last minute tidbits"......The United States is now moving military forces into the NATO nations bordering Russia itself.  I wonder if the maniacs in the Pentagon have now lost their minds in their continuing poking of the Russian bear.  Are they actually considering war against Russia knowing that the US will definitely lose such a war or have it go nuclear?..........North Korea is again making the news of course in threatening war against South Korea and the United States.  Nothing new here, and I would still dismiss it as laughable considering the reality about what a mess North Korea truly is........Yes, the ceasefire in Yemen is to take hold shortly, and again the reality is that Saudi Arabia was losing very badly in their attempts to conquer Yemen and they are definitely behind this ceasefire as a way of not admitting to their defeat and to "save face".........Nothing new about the fraud migrant crisis in Europe.  The reality is again that most of these migrants were duped into believing they could go to Europe (Thanks a lot, George Soros) and find a better life for themselves and their families, only to discover that they were lied to.  They want to go home and every European nation should oblige them by helping speed their transit back to where they belong....... Here is no shocker; The economy continues to decline, and yet we see all the economic "experts" claim that "recovery" is just around the corner.  I do wonder what these fools are smoking these days?..........It is bad enough that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima is still going as strong as ever, but now we find reports that almost ALL nuclear reactors in the United States are leaking and are all in danger of disaster as well.  But again, the American government could give a damn about these issues because all they care about is what Israel wants.......This is shocking; The Trudeau regime in Ottawa has now made many GMO food products legal in Canada, and of course without even telling the Canadian people.  Now Canadians can enjoy the same poisonous foods that Americans have enjoyed for years!........It is tax time here in Canada and the United States, and of course most people will continue to file their claims without knowing that Income tax is actually "voluntary" in both nations.  But try to not file your taxes and watch the police come ramming down your door........ Interesting how low the Jew spew media can get when they went after Donald Drumpf's wife, Melania, for her posing semi-nude over a decade ago when she was a model. I would say that having Melania as the First Lady would be a massive improvement over that transvestite, Michael Obama, by a long shot.  Lets face it, Melania is one very attractive woman indeed........Just to let everyone know, Whitewraithe is doing OK and is hard at work.  It will take some time before she can afford a new computer however, and again our shows will sadly have to wait until that time.........Arsenal won big time yesterday over the Watford Hornets by the score of 4-0.  But again a BPL title is still a long shot as long as Leicester City continues their winning ways.  Securing another Champions League berth seems to be the goal right now for the Gunners......  And finally, I again will take a shot at that foul demonic creature, Hillary "Killery" Clinton this week rather than the Kardashians.   I saw the ludicrous article last week where this foul creature had the nerve to charge some $353,000 US dollars to sit down for dinner with George Clooney for a fundraiser in San Francisco.  Honestly, I would demand this psychopathic bitch to PAY me some $353000 before I would sit next to her at a dinner table.  Yes, America, get ready for the reign of terror once this satanic Jewess gets into the White House, for it is coming.....More to comeNTS