Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

 Yes it is Sunday again... And I AM BACK!!! And yes, the break I took was much needed and I do feel so much better... I spent my time actually catching up on some much needed sleep and a bit of exercise... That not giving a crap about work or what kind of a mess I will be returning to as of tomorrow...Lets face some reality here...I am thoroughly pissed off by what I am seeing happening right now in Canada with that idiot savant Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, opening up the Canadian borders to every kind of filth to come flooding into this nation crying the blues that they are "refugees"... Lets first get the facts straight here, for most of these "refugees" are nothing of the sort, but have been actually paying good money in the United States to be taken to the Canadian border and then laughingly just cross the border into the waiting arms of Canadian Customs officials with their lies that they are fleeing the United States due to "persecution" or that they are afraid of being "deported" to what ever hell hole they originated from.... In so many cases, the Canadian officials upon further examination of these "refugee" claims, have discovered that so many are actually criminals that were fleeing their original nations where they would be in jail cells for their crimes... Instead, now we have the stupid asshole Canadian government saying that we as a nation should 'welcome" these "poor refugees" with "open arms", and that they will potentially make great Canadian citizens?  My ass..... For the majority have now come into this nation, and as I said before are not able or not willing to actually follow Canadian values and traditions, but instead will be living in homes bought and paid for by Canadian taxpayers, eating our food at Canadian taxpayer expense, and will be collecting money from the Canadian welfare system also at Taxpayer expense!  This and the fact that many have their strange customs and their 'religious beliefs' that will further poison Canadian society as a whole... These filth should all be forced to follow Canadian standards and Canadian values, or be sent packing immediately....Lets get over the bullshit of this "Political Correctness" garbage when it comes to these illegal migrant workers that are now flooding into Canada... Every single one of those fucking Liberal retards out there that say that we should allow every single 'refugee' into our nation with open arms should be either shot or forced to have that garbage come and live with THEM.... There is no room for this "political correctness" when it comes to these migrants, for each and every one of them should be vetted, searched, examined, and forced to follow the same rule of law for every other immigrant that has come into this nation legally.... There is still at least a 4 year waiting period for Canadian citizenship in this nation, as well as programs to make sure that immigrants learn Canadian rules of law and Canadian social customs.. If any immigrant fails or does not adapt, then they are in many cases sent packing back to their nation of origin....The rules should not be changed for these illegal migrants at all, and I can guarantee the majority of Canadians are either already on board with what I am stating or are finally waking up to the real reality of what these illegal migrants could potentially do to this nation.... I only need to use Europe and the disaster that migrants have done to the nations there as the prime example....OK, I have indeed come under some fire for my stance on this bullshit "Political Correctness" crap that has absolutely damaged so many nations, and has now become a danger to freedom of speech.. I must point out here that the concept of this "Political Correctness" that has now ravaged this nation and so many others has its roots in the Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and these psychotic criminals' desire to use weapons such as this one to destroy our societies, muzzle freedom of speech, and eventually lead to their domination of the planet... I must again ask people to take a good hard look at the reality of this "political correctness' bullshit and see what it really is... If more people would indeed take a stand and now bend over when someone says that they are "offended" by what they are saying or doing, then it would go a long way to defeating this bullshit and possibly thwart the Jewish wet dream of their planned world dominion....Now onto other business... OK, what the FUCK is President Drumpf doing in making things so much worse in the Middle East?  I said before that this man is absolutely not this "man of peace" or the great "saviour" for America that so many stupid people have been led to believe, and I have found NOTHING at all to change that stance... In fact, Drumpf is very possibly worse than that homosexual criminal psychopath, Barry Soetoro, that ruined the US in the last administration... And yes, Drumpf has only been in power now since January less than three months ago!Well, lo and behold, but I was right when I called it in my last rant about what the US is up to right now in Syria... Yes, the US ground forces that have been 'aiding' the Kurdish forces in and around Al Raqqa have been purposely placed between the city of Al Raqqa and the Syrian government forces that were advancing along the Euphrates River... That absolutely was done to prevent the Syrian army from regaining Al Raqqa without engaging the US forces that are standing in their way!   This criminal act is indeed done on purpose, for the original US and psychotic Israeli aim for Syria was to either have Bashar al-Assad removed from power, or to have Syria broken up into smaller states... Now that the Syrian government has won their rights to stay in power, the US and Israel are absolutely looking at the other plan for the break up of Syria, and their method is indeed to have the Kurds control the northern part of both Syria AND Iraq to form an illegal nation of "Kurdistan".   It does appear that unless the Russians and the Syrians are willing to now fight the Kurds and the US directly, these psychotic criminals will indeed have their way and Syria will be broken up!I saw several reports just the other day that absolutely vindicates everything that I have long said about the dangers of vaccines and why everyone must NOT take these poisons into their bodies... These reports stated an alarming issue with the usage of vaccines, and one that I had reported on several times in the past... For apparently not only do vaccines NOT actually halt or prevent the diseases that they are supposed to be designed to fight, but they actually do weaken the body's immune system by triggering the body's autoimmune system due to the chemicals in the vaccines themselves.. .That triggering of the autoimmune system does horrific damage to the human body and absolutely weakens the body to the point that it cannot ward off diseases.....AND I must point out that it is not only due to the Mercury that has been used as an adjuvant in the vaccines, but from other chemicals that have been added to the vaccine including squalene, and aluminum... Heck, I was even shocked to find that these bastards have been adding the poison Glyphosate to vaccines!   But this all makes sense, for the bastards behind vaccinations want us all weak and unable to fend off diseases, while they make huge profits from not only the vaccines but from the sicknesses and diseases their vaccines create in our bodies!    Again, never ever take a vaccine and do not be fooled by the lies from our lying Jew spew media and our crooked governments when they constantly claim that vaccines are safe!I was appalled when I saw some reports this last week from the alternative media that backs up what I have been saying about the real situation in Yemen, and how the criminal Drumpf regime in Washington has been working hand in hand with the psychotic and most evil Saudi regime in purposely targeting and killing civilians.... This is indeed genocide and not only a crime against humanity, but a war crime!   And it has indeed gotten so much worse as the reality that Yemen in now in a full fledged famine can no longer be ignored... Thousands of innocent Yemen citizens are not indeed being murdered through starvation, and every one of those deaths can be blamed on Drumpf for his willingness to aid the Saudis in the systematic destruction of that nation..... The trouble is that with the liars in the Jew spew media in America working just as hard to keep the reality of Yemen away from the American sheep, it has again fallen on us in the real truth community to get the word out.....While Americans have been sleep walking this last week, apparently that annual Jew butt kissing get together in Washington DC has been going on... I am of course talking about the annual US government and business subservience to their Jewish masters called the "AIPAC conference".... And from what I have read, it has been as pathetic as every one before it... There has been the usual US Senator idiots and Congress critter roll call as each of them has gone to the conference to pledge they undying allegiance to Israel first and foremost even above the American people... And I was sickened to see the reports about the ones that went to the podium at that "conference" and not only pledged their love for the psycho state of Israel first, but also to state that they would support Israel in their want for a war against Iran!   Yes, this conference is a pathetic and gross injustice...  I say to the sheep out there living in America that if they want to see who really controls their nation, all they have to look at what happens in this fraud conference as proof of criminal Jewish domination...About the situation in North Korea?  I noticed that things have quieted down (at least for the moment) as apparently all the saber rattling by the US was just that.. Saber rattling and a lot of empty threats... Lets face the reality here, for North Korea is a danger to NO ONE and would be better just to be left alone.. However, the US has once again been busy interfering in other nations' business again, and they have indeed put a bullseye on North Korea for a "regime change".... There is one major problem for the US this time around, for the North Koreans do indeed possess nuclear weapons, and apparently would not hesitate to use them if they were to be attacked.... This has indeed been the deterrence against American attack and should be an eye opener for other nations as well... The US has long had a bad history of being the big bad bully on the block, and apparently the only thing that stops them from attacking more nations is if those nations do have the means to do some serious damage to the US forces attacking them!  North Korea with its 10 or so nukes would indeed give America a pretty big black eye if the Drumpf administration is arrogant enough to actually attack...Someone again asked my why I have done very little reporting on the "Russia-gate" or the other silly wire tapping reports that have flooded so much of the lying US bullshit Jew spew media over the last few months....I will lay it out here once again that I see most of these reports as nothing but bullshit and pure fluff ... These reports are mostly laughable distractions for the gullible American people to basically swallow, while the US government does its dirty work elsewhere around the planet, especially in Syria and Yemen..... I have said it before and I will say it again, for wire tapping and hacking has been going on in the US government for decades, and all we have to look at as proof is how Watergate occurred.. Most people simply do not understand that what happened with Watergate in 1972 is that the US government actually got caught!   So lets get it straight here, for of course Drumpf has had his offices spied upon, his computers, and his information (even his personal information) hacked... That is nothing more for the crooked political system in America and will continue until the American people actually have the guts to change the corruption.... And about this "Russia hacking" bullshit?  It is exactly that.. Nothing but pure 100$ bovine excrement.... Sadly, all I can do is laugh when I see all the liars in the Jew spew media out there in America lead off their "reports" with this crap on a daily basis... Wake the fuck up, America!One last thing before I get onto my "last minute tidbits" and it has to do with that latest bullshit "terrorist attack" in London England... I have looked over all the data and especially some of the fine videos released by real researchers into that fraud, and I am calling it for what it is... Another bullshit fraud that was a planned operation using piss poor crisis actors... In fact one major video that was released last week by researcher Peekay Truth really exposed the fraud crisis actors in all their glory, as the video clearly showed some so called 'rescue workers" carrying a "victim" NOT to a waiting ambulance that clearly should have happened, but instead carried that "victim" into a nearby Marriott Hotel that was adjacent to that bridge!  If that alone does not prove that we once again are being bombarded with another fraud "terrorist attack" and that nobody got killed, then nothing will..... And the net result of this attack has the British government granting their police force to now be fully militarized and armed to the teeth.... Yes, Britain, you are indeed being screwed royally and now your own police forces are being trained and armed as paramilitary henchmen.....Well... I guess that is enough for the moment... It is of course a new month, and I have so much to catch up on and more research to conduct... But in the meantime I will close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits to do some additional catching up on some other issues I probably missed this last week........A fire in Atlanta Georgia supposedly caused an Interstate bridge to collapse yesterday?  I call bullshit on this one, for basic fires could not melt concrete and from the visual evidence that I saw via the Jew spew media, apparently there is more to this than meets the eye.  Was the bridge felled by explosives and the government and media are not telling us?  Stay tuned........I saw a report that the Iraqi forces that have entered the city of Mosul this last week were involved in shooting civilians.  I again must state that this entire attack is a sham, and indeed that is all that both the US and the Iraqis are indeed shooting, for the fraud "ISIS" forces were allowed to escape from that city months back by the US itself and then redeployed in nearby Syria.........Remember all those reports a while back about "hate attacks" and acts of "antisemitism" against Jewish targets across America?  Well lo and behold but the perpetrator of those attacks was caught and no shock to me that he was found to be a Jewish man.  Yes, once again these psychotic and despicable Jewish pricks have been conducting these fraud attacks to try to garner sympathy from suckers.  When will people ever learn?......I found no shock in a report that came out this last week where apparently Donald Drumpf's administration has been killing more civilians in the Middle East in his short time in office than what Barry Soetoro did in his 8 previous years in power.  Again, I am no longer fooled by this clown and do indeed see him as an evil bastard who is absolutely NOT going to "Make America Great Again"......I found a report that states that the Polio Vaccine that was administered to the American and Canadian people decades ago was actually purposely laced with a Cancer causing agent.  Again, why am I not surprised at all by this report?  And again, the bastards behind this vaccine absolutely and purposely gave some 90 million people this Cancer causing agent, because of their want for greed and profit by having people become sick and dying from Cancer itself!...........The US is sending its F35 fighter aircraft to South Korea as a "show of force" against North Korea?  Knowing what I know about how the F35 is a flying POS, I hope the North Koreans will stop laughing soon.  Honestly, the antique Mig fighters of the North Korean airforce (or even the Chinese..) will easily blow these POS out of the sky if they had to engage them in combat...........The stupid Canadian government is still pushing hard to ram their fraud "Carbon tax" legislation down the Canadian taxpayers' throats, and sadly too many Canadians have had their brains turned to mush and will accept that tax with no questions asked.   Yes, Global Warming may be officially dead in the US, but up here in Canada, the crooked Justin Trudeau regime is still hell bent on sucking the life out of Canadians with this fraud tax.......I saw a report last week that vindicates what I stated some time ago about the danger of electromagnetic fields on the human body.  This does not bode well for the telecommunications industry that continues to promote the idea of flooding every part of this nation as well as the US with 'WIFI' zones.  As someone who has indeed studied this danger, I will repeat that with the want by people to have more smart phones, better cellular communications, and faster internet, they had better be careful of what they wish for..........A report shows clearly that both Russia and China are now ready to do all of their trading in a Gold backed currency and will dump the US dollar all together.  And people wonder why both Russia and China are labeled as these "evil nations" and our "enemies"?  The truth is that any nation that does not want Jewish Usury debt has always been labeled as an "enemy" and subsequently attacked!...........Arsenal plays Manchester City this morning, and for Arsenal to have any hope of securing a Champions League berth, they have to win this one and every other game to the end of the schedule.  A loss this morning will further the calls for Arsene Wenger to finally resign.  I am crossing my fingers for a victory, but from recent history and how pathetic the team has been playing,  it will be a longshot........And finally, yes another week to avoid the Kardashians while I concentrate on the silliness of the Flat Earth retards.  I saw in a video comment where the Flat Earth retards are dismissing Gravity and claiming that it is not Gravity that holds things to this planet, but "buoyancy" and "density".  I again have to give myself a face palm to this idiocy for these fools simply do not even understand that "buoyancy" for example is an object's ability to resist gravity!   Yes, I blame this Flat Earth retardation on the failings of the American education system.   I honestly do wonder what excuses these fools will come up with next to try to explain how their flying pizza can possibly work?  Stay tuned.....It is good to be back.  I do have so much to catch up on over the next while, and I do want to once again thank everyone for their patience and their support!More to comeNTS