Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 27th, 2014

It is indeed Sunday, and I am of course presenting here my usual "Rant" where I take a look at what is happening around the world.   I take what we are being told by the liars in the mainstream media and rip that to shreds...I have been under attack again for my statement that the media is controlled by the Jews... I honestly do not know what planet these morons are from or if they have been living under a rock for the longest time because of course almost ALL of our media and ALL of so called "Hollywood" (which I rightfully call Jewlywood) is completely controlled by the "tribe"..... I have asked the critics on countless occasions to please show me proof that the Jews do NOT control Hollywood or the media, and they go silent (no surprise here).    I therefore rest my case.... The Jewish control over our minds as required in their Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion manual for world domination is almost complete... Thank goodness for the internet as the last bastion of true freedom left for our minds....This last week marks the first anniversary of the fraud "Boston Bombing" and from the get go I called it as clearly a hoax and just like Sandy Hook before it, another attempt to suppress American freedoms, take away their only line of defense left against Jewish hegemony in America which is their guns, and to again remove important parts of the US constitution that still curtails the criminal push for total control over America.   I thought about putting up a few articles about the fraud Boston Bombing, but thought to myself.. Why bother? ... If Americans are that stupid and cannot see the fraud by this time and how it is so obvious, then again it is useless to throw in my own two cents again.... I will state that there are many great videos and articles out there that show the fraud in great detail, and I personally have done my part with many great articles as well....  Speaking of frauds... It appears that Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang Halbig are indeed heading to Sandy Hook within the next two weeks apparently to finally confront the townspeople and the town council in their parts in that fraud.   Almost a year and a half since that fraud where nobody died, and we may finally get to the bottom of the entire operation.  However, I do believe that Halbig will have a tough time in trying to even get the time of day from the Sandy Hook council and the criminals will indeed stonewall and delay his attempts at getting any hearings... His trip to Sandy Hook may be all for naught because these criminals will simply refuse any hearings and outright lie to Wolfgang.   We must remember that these criminals rubber stamped new bills and laws that block any investigations into their criminal acts and considering the Sandy Hook "police force" is also in their hands, Wolfgang will be stonewalled...... I hope the trip does not turn into a fiasco, but all indications at least to me show that Wolfgang's trip may turn out to be a useless venture, where he will not get the information he wants.  The bottom line is that the criminals absolutely do not want their fraud of Sandy Hook exposed and considering the criminality goes very high up into the US Government itself, they will do their utmost to keep the lie going and the truth hidden.... It is a very sad statement to make about America itself in my opinion....The war on the Ukrainian people by the criminal US puppet regime in Kiev seems to be entering a phase where these criminals are indeed starting to shoot Ukrainian citizens.   I for one am shocked by the actions of that criminal government in going into cities and towns in eastern Ukraine and actually murdering Russian speaking Ukrainians whose only crime it seems is their desire to seek the same type of referendum that Crimea successfully and peacefully ran last month to vote for separation from Ukraine to join the Russian Federation.  But again the Jew run mainstream media has been spewing their lies in the world wide media that somehow these people are "rebels"... I had to stop and think a few times this last week about the usage of the term "rebels" as these so called separatists are being called... These people are not seeking the overthrow of the Kiev government at all, but are wanting a peaceful and absolutely legal right for a referendum to decide their own future.  Therefore the term "rebels" is absolutely false and is being promoted by the liars and con artists in the media as meaning that they are somehow in "rebellion" against the US controlled puppet government in Kiev. The problems in Ukraine are very complex... The so called "Maiden square" revolution of over two months ago has turned into a complete fiasco, and the truth came out early that the entire "revolt" was financed and led from the get go by the United States itself.   The result of that "successful" coup has been an absolute nightmare for the Ukrainian people, with these coup leaders showing their true colors early on as nothing more than puppets for the United States and the Rothschild controlled European Union.  One of their first orders of business was to take ALL of Ukraine's gold bullion reserves, some 40+ tons, and secretively whisk it out of the nation on several overnight flights unbeknown to the Ukrainian people themselves... Then they obediently have allowed the Rothschild IMF to come in and impose horrible "austerity" measures on the entire population.  These fraud "austerity" measures mean enslavement by the Ukrainian people for all eternity.   In the short time since their "successful" coup, these criminals in Kiev have turned Ukraine upside down and have turned that nation from one that was gaining ground toward prosperity into a total basket case of corruption and destitution.... It is no wonder that the Russian speaking majority in Crimea saw the truth early on and voted overwhelmingly by a 98% referendum vote to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia.... It is also no wonder that the Russian speaking majority in Eastern Ukraine also see the writing on the wall and also want a legal and peaceful referendum to join Russia as well..... But the criminal Rothschilds do not like the idea of any of their slave nations escaping their evil grip and this is why there is a military crackdown in eastern Ukraine happening right now...The United States government cannot admit that they have made a grave error in being fully responsible for creating the mess in Ukraine, and therefore rather than admit their fault, have threatened Russia with war over the turmoil in eastern Ukraine.  For the longest time we have had the liars in the Jewish run mainstream media promote the fraud that the "rebels" in eastern Ukraine were actually armed and led by Russians themselves.  The truth came out many times that this was absolutely not the case and that the uprising in eastern Ukraine was actually very peaceful with no armed "rebels" anywhere in sight.  The liars even promoted for the longest time the blatant lie that Russia was "massing huge forces" in Russia itself for a planned "invasion" of eastern Ukraine, which has now proven to be another whopper of a lie...... But the United States puppet regime in Kiev has now gone and sent in their own armed forces and have begun to shoot civilians in eastern Ukraine.... This act of cold blooded unwarranted murder is something Russia will not tolerate and they have of course now rightfully threatened military action against Ukraine to stop this senseless slaughter, and NOW have begun to build up their forces for possible intervention.... The situation is getting worse and worse by the day, and the United States may be in a full blown war with Russia itself by the end of this week!I do not like the prospects of war with Russia..... The United States (and of course Jewish controlled Canada) does not have the men, the weapons, or the means for a full scale war against the Russian Federation, and possibly against Russia's ally China.   After the destructive and mostly unsuccessful wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Libya, the United States has bankrupted themselves and can no longer guarantee any type of victory against a well armed Russian Federation.  Even with NATO and other allies, the prospects of a victory against Russia and China are very slim.   Therefore war at this stage of the game is a no win for the United States, and when they start to lose, which they most surely will, the criminals in the US Government itself will turn to the option of using nuclear weapons... Once that genie is out of the bottle, there will be no turning back and the result will be the destruction of this planet itself.   Billions of people will be dead as a result....I have stated it many times before and I will state it again... The Jews who run the US and most other nations actually do want war..... To them, war is a financial bonanza where they finance through their world wide criminal banking networks both sides in a major conflict and garner massive profits as a result.   They care not who wins in such a conflict as long as they get more wealthy in the process..... And of course right now with the US about to lose their long stranglehold in having their fraud US dollar being the world's only "reserve currency", the US government is indeed considering a world war to keep the US itself from collapsing economically.    To me this is lunacy, because a global war will indeed go nuclear, and the devastation created by a global nuclear war will see the US itself destroyed, and not just its economy!... I have always said that the American people do desperately need to wake the hell up and put a stop to this madness immediately...Of course while the world stays focused in on the troubles in Ukraine, there is the escalating situation in Syria, where the US/NATO/Israel are trying diabolically desperate measures for their excuse to invade that nation..... They have even gone as far as to recently accuse Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of gassing (!) his own people again, like they accused him of doing so last August.   Again, this is a blatant lie simply because Assad has the total love and full support of the Syrian people and therefore definitely did NOT do this recent gassing.  The facts are again coming out that this "gassing" was conducted by the US/Israeli bought and paid for "rebel" mercenaries.  But we are watching as the Jew run media is spinning this latest fairy tale as an excuse for "humanitarian intervention" (invasion) of Syria by NATO itself.... The lies are so blatant now that fewer and fewer people are fooled...The problem with Syria for the United States is of course the fact that Syria has now entered an election cycle and it is obvious that Assad will get a landslide victory when the results come out in June... That victory by Assad would show the entire world the truth about the fraud "civil war" in Syria and be a black eye for the US criminal government.   Therefore the US and Israel have already "condemned" this Syrian election (no surprise here) and have upped their support for their mercenaries.   But time is running short because the mercenaries are losing everywhere in Syria, and only direct military intervention will now save their collective asses....Therefore I do see a false flag coming to be blamed on Assad's government and coming very soon...The other news that come out this last week from the Middle East, and was of course suppressed by the Jewish run media, was the call for unity between the two factions controlling the Palestinians, Fatah and Hamas.... This unity should have happened a very long time ago, but these two groups were purposely kept warring against each other by the criminal Israelis (again no surprise here) purposely so that the Israelis could continue to both swallow up more Palestinian land while claiming falsely that both groups were "terrorist organizations".    This call for unity has also been "condemned" by the Jewish run US government as well, which is absolutely no surprise to me as well......But the result of this unity has been both condemnation by the criminal Israeli government as well as new military actions being launched against the open air concentration camp called the Gaza Strip..... Israel will now use this unification of Palestine as their excuse to simply destroy and swallow up what little is left of Palestine..... The fact is again as I have always said, there can never be any "peace" with these criminal Jews in Israel, period, and the only choices left for the Palestinian people is again to fight for their very survival against these monsters, or face extermination.  The choice to make is therefore very clear....Why people continue to put up with the liars in the Jewish run media when it comes to Malaysian flight MH370's "disappearance" is beyond me..... Now over 50 days since that plane "disappeared" and the liars and scoundrels in the so called "media" are still spewing the fraud that this aircraft "crashed" in the southern Indian Ocean when it obviously and very logically was flown to Diego Garcia..... I mentioned to my friend, Whitewraithe, in our weekly telephone conversation just yesterday how I noticed in a CNN Youtube video how two lying reporters were standing on a map of the Indian Ocean in one of the CNN studios, and how they were very conveniently standing right on the very spot that Diego Garcia is located on that map!..... In such a way they would have the viewers focused exclusively on the eastern part of the Indian Ocean with Diego Garcia no where in the picture.   How convenient is that?  And it shows how the propaganda machine is still working on keeping everyone away from looking directly at the US military installation at Diego Garcia!One new "revelation" that came out of the liars in the media about MH370 was a report of a "mysterious" aircraft that was seen in the vicinity of MH370 just before its disappearance.... It is amazing how some 50 days since this aircraft vanished that this new revelation enters the mix..... It is also remarkable that some clowns in the media reports are somehow looking at this "second aircraft" as a UFO!   Other nuts are even now again saying that missing flight MH370 was somehow "abducted by aliens" which is preposterous and so laughable....But what about this second aircraft?  I have stated before that for the US to abduct this aircraft and fly it to Diego Garcia, they would need the use of a specialized aircraft, most probably an AWACS plane, to blind and mask the radar signature of MH370 and make it magically "disappear"... Therefore I would say that this "second aircraft" that has now come into the picture was indeed an AWACS out of Diego Garcia that was sent to blind Malaysian radar so that the plane could become invisible and therefore fly all the way to Diego Garcia undetected....This is to me the most logical explanation.....One final note here about Malaysian flight MH370.... I am angry and yet very sad that the American people have again sad idly by while their own government conducted that horrendous act of piracy and cold blooded murder that has cost the lives of 239 innocent people.... Why nobody in the United States has openly challenged this criminal act and gone after the criminals in the US government is astounding... But it again shows as I reported many times how the criminal Jewish elite has done their dirty work in turning Americans into lazy apathetic zombies who will do nothing to stop their own nation's demise and their criminal government from committing acts of genocide and murder all over the planet....The people of the world will not soon forget how they have had their lives ruined by the actions of the United States, and many will actually celebrate when the US finally collapses and do very little to come to the aid of America's citizens...Well, I guess that is enough for covering some of the so called major "news" for this last week.  I will again as usual close this rant with my "Weekly tidbits"......  Yes, the evidence that an American destroyer was buzzed by a Russian fighter plane and had its radar systems disabled seems to be true.  That ship, the USS Donald Cook, was suddenly removed from the Baltic Sea without fanfare at the end of last week and without any information explaining why.  Until someone proves otherwise, the article stays up, and again the US is ill-prepared for war with Russia..... I am also sticking with my article that again shows the F35 "Lightning II" aircraft that the US is spending a fortune on is nothing but a piece of junk.  Billions and billions of dollars wasted on something that would not survive long in a shooting war against superior aircraft deployed by Russia and China......I have not talked about the supposed growing crisis in west Africa with this latest outbreak of Ebola for a while.  That is a new "strain" of Ebola, and right now it has infected possibly thousands in Africa, as well as possibly spreading to southern Europe (and the United States?) as well.  The real fear in my opinion is the idea that the criminals that want to bring about a new plague on the entire planet may have "weaponized" Ebola to wipe out part of the world's population.  I will indeed be keeping a close eye on this latest disease outbreak and put up articles here if necessary..... The Global Warming scam artists are still at it, much to my own chagrin.  Considering that this last winter was one of the worse on record, I do wonder how anyone can actually give them the time of day?  But they are still there and spewing their lies, and the people in the US must especially be ready.  The fraud of "Obamacare" has failed miserably, and therefore the criminal US government will indeed be trying the fraud "carbon tax" scam next........Reports this last week have come out confirming what I have stated for over two and a half years now,  that the melted cores at the Fukushima disaster have long broken through containment and are indeed burrowing into the Earth itself.  It may not have been the explosive "China Syndrome" scenario as I and others have predicted, but there is absolutely no way in containing the melted cores as they continue to mix with ground water, spew deadly radiation into the atmosphere, and continue to poison the Pacific Ocean itself.   This disaster will continue for decades sadly because nobody has the technology presently to stop it.....Whitewraithe finally had her long needed dental surgery but has not been blogging over at Wordpress for a while.  She is also in no shape for doing any kind of podcasts or shows with me for the moment.  I hope that everyone takes the time to go over to her site and give her some well wishes......The dream of winning the Premiere League championship for Arsenal is over.   It has turned into a three team horse race between Chelsea, Manchester City, and Liverpool for the title, with Arsenal hanging onto 4th place by a thread.  Better luck next year, Gunners.....Yes, the NHL playoffs are on right now, and people say that I should be a great "hockey fan" being a Canadian.  I do not mind hockey, but again Soccer has always been my first love in terms of sports....And finally, my weekly shot at America's sweethearts, the Kardashians.   It appears that one of the creative directors for Vogue magazine, Grace Coddington, has made a statement this last week where he compared Kim Kardashian to 'subway riders'.  First, I am astounded that she makes that comparison, considering that I find it insulting to subway riders, considering that every one of them have far more class than that trollop skank!  And second, I am equally astounded that this makes news considering again how America is going to hell in a handbasket.  It shows again how far America has truly fallen....More to comeNTS