Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 26th, 2015

   Yes, Sunday again... And as usual I want to present my weekly rant....I have been busy again with many family and personal issues this last while, and sadly this blog has suffered by the lack of new articles as a result... As I have always said, family does come first and of course there has to be sacrifices from time to time... I also just finished posting the many comments that were awaiting publication that many have sent to this blog over the last few days, and I must apologize to those who were waiting to see them accepted and published!  I have received many comments over the last while, and some emails saying that I should periodically spend at least an article or two to discuss what is RIGHT with our world, instead of concentrating so much time on the wrongs and evils that surround us all..... I figure that it is time that I spent an entire rant to give "shout outs" to everyone and everything that is actually right on our planet... Yes, in spite of the tremendous evil that the tribe and their minions are doing to our sick world, there is in fact so much good out there....First I want to give a "shout out" to the proud people of Palestine that have stood their ground against so much evil and hardship from the criminal and psychotic state of Israel... These proud people know that their future is at stake and know that the Israeli psychopaths do indeed seek their entire destruction as a people and want them wiped off the map... They are true warriors and they do deserve everyone's respect and support...And of course I want to give kudos to the Palestinian people that have been locked up in that open air prison camp called the "Gaza Strip"... These people have endured the worse hardships imaginable and are still picking up the pieces from that brutal onslaught and massacre done by the criminal and psychotic state of Israel with their "assault" on the strip last summer.... Yes, these people are survivors and truly are the real good people on the planet...I want to give a "shout out" to the people of Syria, who have endured years of "civil war" and have stood their ground in supporting the good guys, which of course are the Syrian army and the government of Bashar al-Assad... The psychotic state of Israel has long sought the destruction of Syria and the slaughter of its citizens in their sick pursuit of total hegemony over the entire Middle East and the expansion of their sick state to the Euphrates and Nile rivers... The Syrian people are also still in a battle with the US/Israeli forces masquerading as "Al Qaeda"and of course the latest and greatest "terrorist" group called "ISIS".... The US and Israel are of course using these phony "terrorist" groups as their proxy fighters to soften up the Syrian nation and make it ripe for potential invasion and destruction... Yes, everyone should support the  proud people of Syria in their fight against the forces seeking their destruction and everyone should call out and protest against our governments for supporting such evil.....I want to give kudos to the people of Ukraine that have turned against their criminal US led puppet government in Kiev that has ruined their lives and has continued the senseless slaughter against fellow Ukrainians who's only crime was to decide that their future does not lie with criminals!  These people do see the truth about the attacks against the Eastern provinces of Ukraine and have not been fooled or brainwashed by the endless propaganda of their own criminal government....I also applaud those Ukrainian army forces that have seen the truth about their war on "rebels" in the eastern provinces and have decided to turn their backs on the fight..... It does show that some people are not blinded by the propaganda and once the truth is staring them in their faces, they say "no more" and will not partake in the slaughter of innocents....I also want to applaud the people of the eastern provinces of Ukraine themselves that rightfully voted in a legal referendum to separate from Ukraine and seek their future elsewhere.. These proud people are now being subjected to another massive attack by the criminal Ukraine army now armed with the latest and greatest US supplied and US taxpayer paid for weaponry and are being slaughtered by the thousands...Yes, these people who have committed no crime and deserve the right to decide their own future are really the good ones, and deserve our support....I want to give a "shout out" to my fellow real "truth seekers" who like myself have their eyes wide open and know the real truths about our sick world... I will list just few here who I do applaud for their tireless efforts...- Buelahman, who writes "Buelahman's Revolt" at   - Greg Bacon, who writes "Goon Squad" at - Digger, who writes "Digger For Truth" at Penny, who writes "Penny For Your Thoughts" at Aangirfan, who writes "Aangirfan" at Horse237, who writes "Video Rebel's Blog" at www.vidrebel.wordpress.comThere are others of course that I have not listed above that also do their part in this fight against evil, and they are of course listed in the left hand side of this blog under "The Finest Bloggers That I Know".   Their efforts must be applauded and of course have my full support....I want to give a special shout out here to Whitewraithe, who I did not put into the list above, and who writes the blog: Pragmatic Witness at It was by chance that I discovered her work some 7 years ago now, and she has been a tireless warrior of truth, is one heck of a writer, and has long been a strong supporter of my own efforts.  This lady has endured such terrible personal hardships and has suffered greatly as a result.. .However, in spite of her hardships, she is a fighter and has devoted so much time and effort in trying to reach people with the real truths and the dangers that we all face.... She truly is one of the real good ones out there, and does deserve our support....I want to applaud those people who see the truth about the dangers from the poisons we are all subjected to in our daily lives, and especially to those who have refused to allow themselves and their children to be vaccinated..... Yes, our criminal governments are now pushing very hard for "mandatory" vaccinations, and there are those out there that have refused to accept these mandatory vaccinations, because they have done their own research and know the truth about these poisons... I applaud them for taking a stand even if it costs them in terms of government assistance or even facing jail time..... Those people who are revolting against forced immunizations know exactly what these poisons do, especially to their own children.  They understand the importance of protecting their children at all cost against criminality, especially in having their children's bodies poisoned and their brains damaged, and we should all applaud and support their efforts....Everyone must take a stand and get the truth out about vaccines and how they destroy our bodies and our immune systems....I want to give kudos to those who have worked tirelessly in exposing the many false flag "shootings" and "bombings" that we have seen over the last few years... I especially want to give a shout out to those who have seen the truth behind the fraud Sandy Hook shooting and the fraud Boston Marathon bombing... They have indeed done their research and using logic see the truth and have endured just like myself the evil slanders from those fools out there that have called the Sandy Hook shooting "real", and those that claim that the Boston Marathon "bombing" happened exactly as the criminal US Government states.....For those who laughingly call "Sandy Hook" real, I have a few choice words for you all: We are not suckers and we have no qualms in calling you out. We know who you are, and we know YOU are the real agents of disinformation and should be ashamed of yourselves. Everyone is now seeing you for who you really are, and you simply all should disappear...Nobody likes a liar....I also want to give kudos, believe it or not, to those few Jews in the realm of the "chosen ones" who have seen the evil of their own tribe and have truly fought against the criminality of that tribe and the evil machinations of Judaism as a whole.. Yes, those in the Jewish community that are fighting for what is truly right are woefully very few in number, but they have been working tirelessly to warn all of us about the dangers that we all face by this tribe of misfits and psychopaths.... Many of these dissenters have been shunned and rejected by their own community for their efforts, and I do applaud them for taking a stand against evil......Yes, there are many out there that I have not given a "shout out" to, and again, I do applaud their efforts in fighting against the evil that surrounds us all.   To them, I want to say to not give up the fight and understand that if evil does win, then it will be curtains for us all.....Keep up the good fight and continue to try to reach people everywhere with the truth....Well, I guess that is enough for the moment, and I will close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits" to hopefully take a look at what has been happening in our sick world over the last while that I may have missed in my articles... First and foremost, can someone in the United States of America please tell me WHY there is not one decent person out there that can possibly run for the office of President?  Honestly, if the best that America can come up with are a mass murdering freak of nature called Hillary Rodham Clinton, or a  few snivelling Israeli firsters and criminals, called Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, then America is a loss and the nation should rightfully just go ahead and collapse now.......What the hell is the Greek government doing?  They were elected to not bow down to the criminal IMF and here we have them still looking at a deal with these crooks that will put the Greek people into debt enslavement for eternity!  I still hope the Greek people do the right thing and take to the streets, get these bums thrown out of office, and tell the IMF to take their debt and shove it up their asses.......Amazing how the Jew run Saudis are now slaughtering Yemeni civilians by the thousands, and have now got their great fellow Jews in Israel to come in and partake in the slaughter as well.  There are still so many questions that need to be answered about Yemen, but in the meantime the people there are suffering and we should not deny them humanitarian aid!.....Yes, the so called "Iranian Nuclear Deal" has been delayed while the Jew run US government seeks a way at getting it destroyed.  Yes, the Jews that run America do not want this deal and instead are still pushing for a US attack on Iran to see that peaceful nation destroyed and possibly an escalation towards World War III.  Madness is an understatement here......Yes, the attack on Gallipoli happened 100 years ago yesterday.  But one other 100 year anniversary should not be overlooked, which was the beginning of the slaughter of millions of Armenians in eastern Turkey.  I am amazed that so many nations are trying to overlook this mass slaughter and genocide, and no wonder.  The people behind the slaughter of the Armenians were of course none other than the Jews!......Someone asked me to comment about what has been happening with that horrendous Bill C51 here in Canada.  Yes, that bill still has been tabled and is awaiting final passage, and I do wonder that with all the public outcry against this bill, the criminal Harper government will simply await a time that outcry subsides and quietly pass the bill in Ottawa into law without much fanfare and no chance for revolt!.......Amazing that with America going to heck, there are those that have been going gaga over the latest ridiculous toy from Apple called the "I-Watch".   From what I have seen in terms of technical specs, this latest craze is outrageously overpriced, ridiculously underpowered for its usage, and Apple has purposely given this device built in obsolescence that will see it fail after several years usage.  But hey, Americans are so brainwashed that many will fork over hundreds if not thousands for this latest piece of junk......Terrible earthquake in Nepal with thousands dead, and many in the alternative media are saying it was a "HAARP" attack on Nepal.  I cannot see it, because for what purpose would these criminals attack, of all places, Nepal with a HAARP created earthquake?  I suspect this was indeed a natural disaster and not man made..... The sinking of the refugee full vessel in the Mediterranean Sea last week that cost some 1000+ lives is indeed a mystery.  From the photos of the wreckage it does appear an explosion did cause the sinking.  Some in the alternative media are saying an Israeli sub torpedoed the vessel, but again I have to ask for what purpose would Israel sink this ship?  I suspect this was an accident with a man made error that caused the explosion on board the vessel that eventually sank it....Arsenal has just played Chelsea to a 0-0 tie while I finished this report.  The Gunner's chances of catching first place Chelsea Blues just went out the door with this tie game.  Maybe next year, Gunners......And finally, what most people wait patiently for, my weekly look at the worse thing going for America, which is of course the Kardashian family of skanks, hoes, and trollops.  Yes, Bruce Jenner came out of the closet this last week with his interview with that news troll, Diane Sawyer, about him being a transgender and his work to turn into a woman.  To me, this is just another freak in a family full of freaks.  But hey, as I have always said, America even though in a full state of economic collapse and its citizens nothing but brainwashed fools, sure love their Kardashians...More to comeNTS