Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Yes it is Sunday... And therefore time again for my weekly rant...First and foremost, I will again state that I have never liked nor been a great "fan" of  Prince Roger Nelson's "music".... When the album "Purple Rain" came out way back in the 1980's, I looked at it as being a load of trash and not as "great" as many were proclaiming at the time... I have always been a rock and roll lover and to me, this infatuation with Prince did not make any sense.... To me the guy was a midget and a freak..... And to me all this sudden mourning for an "artist" that to many was nothing of the sort makes no sense.... It does not make sense as to why all of the alternative and Jew spew media outlets out there are still trying to figure out how Prince died, when the solution is quite simple... He overdosed on pain killers that he had been taking for years due to the enduring pain from hip surgery.....And with that, hopefully we can now get over this sudden increased infatuation with Prince, and get on to more important things happening in our world...It is so damn cold up here right now in central Canada.. It does appear that winter still has not left these environs and we may just skip Spring time and go directly into Summer.... But this unusually cold weather makes sense when you stop and realize that the planet is indeed entering a long cooling phase due to diminished solar radiation output from our Sun, Sol..... And of course this flies in the face of all of those clowns out there that are still, sadly, trying to promote the outright lie that the planet is "overheating"....However the real injustice here in Canada with this entire "climate change" fraud is how individual provinces are now imposing their sick "carbon taxes" on their citizens.... This scam, and indeed it is a scam, is nothing more than a new tax to fleece more money out of people... The money collected from these "carbon taxes" will do nothing to help the environment as fools are brainwashed into believing, but will go into the sinkhole of general coffers.... Yes, my fellow Canadians, in regards to this entire "Climate Change/Global Warming" fraud, you are gullible fools and we all are now paying the price for that ignorance....Last week was of course Adolf Hitler's birthday, marking the 127th year since his birth in 1889, and honestly the more I look into REAL history and not the bullshit the Jewish power elite have been trying to brainwash the masses with for decades, I see that this man was right in so many aspects of where the world was indeed going if these criminals were not stopped back before and during the World War II period.... Yes, Adolf Hitler was no saint, and he made so many mistakes in his time, but he did fight against the Jewish criminals who wanted to enslave our world, and we are now paying that price for failing to heed his warnings and his efforts on our behalf.....  I have always been asked what the world would be like if Adolf Hitler's efforts had not been in vain and if Germany had either won or had avoided the Jewish criminal effort to destroy him and Germany in World War II, and I can say that it would definitely be a different world today and hopefully without the criminal Jewish power elites running the show....We are all paying the price today for "winning" World War II and allowing these criminals to succeed in our enslavement.....Someone asked me for my take on the recent "Politically correct" moves being made right across North America where "transgender" children and adults can now have access to either a Woman's or a Man's washroom when ever and where ever they want.... And by now most people know how I feel about this "political correctness" bullshit and especially all the "transgender" bullshit we see all over the Jew spew media these days, so my answer is simple... These freaks do not have the rights to go marching into a woman's washroom or change room, period , end of story.... The fact that these freaks would want to have their penises whacked off does not suddenly turn them into a woman, and the others that suddenly cross dress and call themselves a "woman" are not as well... I am therefore dead set against this idea of allowing any men into women's rooms, and vise versa..... But of course we all by now know exactly what "tribe" or criminal group of scoundrels are behind this gender bending and this transgender bullcrap.. And they are doing it by design in their efforts to destroy our societies and our families......It is all written right there in their own Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and again they are following that blueprint for our eventual enslavement almost to the letter....The bottom line is; Political Correctness can go to hell, especially when it comes to this fraud transgender issue...On the subject of what is happening in Syria right now... I said months back that this entire "ceasefire" agreement was a sham and would be used to regroup and redeploy the fraud US CIA/ Israeli Mossad "ISIS" forces for a new and more deadly push for the destruction of Syria itself, and I am again sadly being proven correct... These fraud "terrorists" are now rearmed with the latest US and Israeli gadgets and weapons and are again launching new attacks on many fronts across Syria...... And of course the US itself is upping the stakes even higher by sending in more "special forces" into the region for the sole purpose of attacking and destroying Syrian forces and infrastructure......Yes, the "ceasefire" was a sham, and we are seeing the results in renewed and more deadly fighting....One thing that caught my eye this week in regards to Syria is how Vladimir Putin "met" with criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) to "coordinate efforts" in the war in Syria, due primarily to Russian and Syrian ground forces and aircraft targeting Israeli air craft that have been flying over Syrian airspace.... It is puzzling to see Putin even talking to that mass murdering freak of nature, considering that Russia, unlike Israel, was indeed invited into Syria to fight the so called "terrorists" and that Israeli aircraft rightfully can come under attack for flying illegally over Syrian air space... Overflights of Syria are indeed a violation of Syrian territory, and the Syrians do indeed have the right to defend themselves and their territory.... I again cannot therefore understand the purpose of that meeting, and I am indeed wondering what kind of game Putin is playiing by actually communicating with the Israelis who are in full support of the "terrorists" fighting for the destruction of his ally Syria?.... It is indeed a puzzle, and as before it shows that there is indeed more than meets the eye when it comes to Russia's involvement in Syria.... And it again shows that everyone should not put all their faith in Putin that he is somehow a "saviour"....The truth about why Yemen was attacked and almost destroyed over the last year is now coming to light in reports that the Saudi Arabian criminal government is now planning to build a new Oil tanker "shipping canal" right through the desert area of southern Arabia, and possibly right across Yemen itself.... The Saudis and the American criminal government supposedly had this planned canal long in the works and long before they planned to destroy and subvert Yemen.... This canal would speed oil shipments to the Red Sea from the Arabian Gulf region and bypass both the Straits of Hormuz, and the Bab-el-Mandeb straits separating the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea itself.....And such a passage would prevent any political problems if these straits were suddenly closed due to militants operating in that region, and/or if tensions with Iran and other nations arise..... Yes, finally the truth has come out as to why the entire war in Yemen has been going on for the last few years, and why millions of Yemeni civilians were either murdered or starved to death in that senseless fighting... That entire useless and bloody war was to secure the area so that this canal could be built with no opposition.....The criminality of the Saudis and their American counterparts again knows no bounds....I see that right on cue the fraud Zika virus has reared itself again and is making some headlines with reports that "Zika" has been discovered in new areas across North America, and in fact right up into here in Canada... But again this Zika virus is a scam and is being pushed to promote the lie that people need to get out there and get "vaccinated" against this and other "illnesses".....It also shows that the Jew spew media and the hucksters in the medical industry are still out there promoting and pushing everyone to be stupid enough to get into line, roll up their sleeves, and allow these DNA busting, brain melting, chemicals into their bodies... As I have said before, NEVER take a vaccine, and if someone demands you take one like an obedient slave, resist......I also noticed that the US government and the Jew spew media outlets are still trying to promote the falsehood that somehow the Saudis were behind the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11.   It is to me so ridiculous and so laughable that there are Americans out there that will swallow that bullshit and the so called "28 page documents" that have been promoted by the Jew spew media as proof of Saudi involvement.  I have of course only the need to point out that it was NOT Saudis that were arrested on 9-11 driving explosive laden vans en-route to the Holland Tunnel that day, but Israeli Mossad agents... And of course the 5 dancers on the rooftop across the Hudson "filming the event" were NOT Saudis, but Israeli Mossad agents as well..... Unless you have been living under a rock all these years, the proof is now positive that the attacks of 9-11 were not done by the "Saudis", but were absolutely 100% done by the Israeli Mossad operating in America and aided by the US government itself..... One thing before I get onto my usual lasat minute "tidbits"... I again want everyone to take a look at what Whitewraithe is putting out over at her "Pragmatic Witness" website, at With my constant demands in my personal and business life, I have had to slow down a bit in getting new articles out at Northerntruthseeker, and in the meantime, Wraithe has been all over the recent news and has put out some great new articles over at her site.... And again, both her and I are in discussion on getting Turbulent Times back on the air over at Blogtalk radio, but with so much in time constraints, that will not happen for a while  yet.... Patience everyone......OK, onto my last minute tidbits... As usual, I cannot cover everything in this rant, and I try to touch on so many other issues on everyone's minds here.......First, I again cannot understand this sudden "love in" with Donald Drumpf.  Drumpf himself is and always has been an "Israel firster" and if he attains the US Presidency, then it will indeed be "business as usual" and the Israelis and their cohorts in America will continue to control and subvert that once great nation...... I again have a serious red flag when it comes to this Bernie Sanders character and his campaign for the US Presidency.  I have stated before that while Americans are being subjected to the political circus between Drumpf and that psychotic demon Hillary "Killary" Clinton, very quietly the media and the Jewish controllers are bringing Bernie into the mix as a "voice of reason".  Yes, the game appears to have always been to have the American people so pissed off at both Donald and Hillary that they push Bernie, the Zionist Mossad agent, into the mix and they get their full blown Israeli agent into the White House as the "alternative".......Here we have that Jewess Chelsea Clinton out there saying that now that US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia met an "untimely" death recently, the court can now impose "gun control" on the American people.  Yes, this demonic seed of the freak Killary is out there wanting Americans to surrender their freedoms and their guns, like a good little tribe member would......The US military is now looking into restarting the F22 Raptor fighter program due to the abysmal and horrific failings of the F35 Lightning II $400 Billion boondoggle.  This is great, for now rather than have the American air force pilots being blown out of the sky in the ridiculous F35, they will be asphyxiated in the F22 Raptor instead.  Lets face it, for both programs were colossal failures and what America needs is to get back to the drawing board and actually build a fighter plane that can actually fight!........One thing I forgot to mention in regards to Syria is this: The Syrians held general elections over the last week and much to the chagrin of the Americans and Israelis that want that nation destroyed, the people spoke and again overwhelmingly voted for pro-Bashar al Assad representatives to the nation's parliament in Damascus. Yes, true democracy has won again in Syria, and it flies in the face of those who continue to claim that Bashar al-Assad is somehow a "butcher" and "hated" by his own people.........Not much to say these days about the still ongoing disaster at Fukushima.  The melted reactors are still spewing their poison into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean unabated, and there are almost NO reports anywhere across the Jew spew media these days about this catastrophe.  But again, wars for Israel count first and foremost with these media liars...........China has now fully launched their Gold based Yuan, and I again have been looking for at least ONE headline about this very important event in any of the Jew spew media outlets.  And of course there are NONE!  Obviously these outlets are not wanting the American people to understand that their entire economy and their own dollar may be fucked!.....Speaking of the pure insanity of political correctness, I saw where an ice hockey player playing for the Chicago Blackhawks, Andrew Shaw, was reprimanded and suspended for one game for getting mad at a linesman during a scruff at the end of a game and in the heat of the moment calling him "gay".  I again am sick of this entire "political correctness" and how far it has gotten.  This player in the heat of the battle, like most other players in all sports, will say almost anything, and swearing and name calling just goes with the territory.  I would say to the players and officials to get a grip, not get too crazy about this incident, and move on...........George Soros is still in the news stirring up more trouble in Europe and elsewhere.  Again, I must ask WHY this arch criminal is not in jail for his horrific crimes against both the European people for his funding of the "illegal immigrant and migrants" that have been destroying Europe itself?  Again, this proves that there is one law for the so called "chosen ones" and one law for everyone else......Well, with Arsenal battling Sunderland to a 0-0 draw, and Leicester City quite easily beating Swansea City in England's Barkley's Premiere League action, it is all over for the Gunners now in trying to claim the Premiere League title.  And I saw reports coming out where fans and critics are now calling for Arsene Wenger to step down as coach.  There will be serious changes for the Gunners in the off season, and maybe changing of the old guard is in the air......And finally, again I will bypass the skank Kardashians again for this week as the psychotically insane and demented Hillary Clinton is a better target for now.  Well, lo and behold, but Killary is out there this last week talking about her love for Israel and how she is against the "two state solution" for the Palestinians.  Yes, the truth is that this creature, being a psychotic Jewess herself, is first and foremost an "Israeli firster" and if this demon attains the White House, it would not only be "business as usual" in regards to Israel, but she would most probably work with these psychos to destroy the last vestiges of Palestinian autonomy all together.  But honestly, would it be any different with either Drumpf or Mossad agent Sanders in the Oval Office?  Basically no matter who is the next President, not only is America fucked, but Palestine and the Palestinian people as well...More to comeNTS