Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Sunday... And yes, I have been busy these last few days taking care of other matters,and therefore I do have a lot of catching up to do... Time for my usual weekly rant!First, it is Easter, and I do want to say "Happy Easter" to those who celebrate this religious holiday... For me, I have not the time or the patience for any religious garbage, period... I have studied enough about all religions to see that they are used to brainwash and weaken the minds of the masses.   They are primarily used as another control mechanism for the masses used by our criminal governments....But if you still want to believe in the man in the clouds, and the great book filled with prejudice, hatred, and other "sins" of mankind, that is your choice.... I have looked at religion for decades now as being a crutch, a hindrance, and a detriment to the advancement of mankind.  The simple fact is that you do not need religion to tell you the need for good to be prevalent over evil, when all you need is common sense and true rationality.   For those who are suddenly "shocked" by my stance on religion, you have not been reading this blog long enough.....Where to begin.... The media is still pushing the lie that Malaysian flight MH370 is somewhere at the bottom of one of the deepest parts of the Indian Ocean.  That false promotion is being done to again keep the sheep looking in all the wrong places, when by now even those with very limited understanding of that "disappearance" can see clearly that the plane was absolutely commandeered and flown to the US military installation at Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territories.   That is absolutely logical.What I find astounding about the disappearance of that flight and it being flown to Diego Garcia is the lack of any anger in the American public to this dastardly and very criminal act by their own government.  For the US to abduct and steal this aircraft and obviously dispose of its 239 passengers and crew is an act of cold blooded murder and piracy.   It is in violation of so many international laws, and yet we do not see a peep from the American people about this criminal act by their representatives and military.     I honestly do believe that the American people are now too far gone and brainwashed now to stand up for what is right, which does not bode well for the future of the United States itself....The situation in Ukraine has not changed much even with this week's signing of a "deal" that was supposed to push all nations back from the verge of war.... I did notice all the reports that even after the "deal" was signed that the pro-US puppet government in Kiev was absolutely bound and determined to continue their assault on "pro Russian separatists" in the eastern provinces of Ukraine.   Therefore again this "deal" will not hold, and the danger of war with Russia is still a very ominous risk.  I could not help but read all the reports of those "pamphlets" that were supposedly handed out to Jewish people living in eastern Ukraine demanding that they "register" with the "pro-Russian separatist governments" or face dire consequences.   Even those with half a brain can see that this was indeed a hoax and done deliberately to garner world attention and sympathy for the US puppet regime in Kiev while at the same time try to falsely label these "separatist" governments as somehow being "antisemitic".   For a while though, the trick worked because the Jewish run media here ran with the story, but after it was called into quesiton and eventually exposed as a hoax, they withdrew it from the media rather quickly.... The real laugher is how that Jew troll, John Kohn (Kerry) the Secretary of State of the United States originally believed it to be true, ran with it for a few days last week in some of his speeches, and has now had to have his own spin doctors try to bury it to save his own neck.... To top it all off, the truth came out just the other day that this entire pamphlet scheme was concocted by none other than the American Jewish run ADL as a means of getting WAR going in that region!  The shocker now is how government officials in the United States are refusing to charge the criminal ADL with this heinous act.  It again shows how much the Jews absolutely do control America that they will get away with crimes such as this... It does beg the question about what the criminal ADL and other criminal Jewish organizations will try to do next. Just the other day I was in a local coffee shop and I did overhear some people at an adjoining table talk about what was happening in Ukraine.... One person blurted out that it was the fault of those "damned Russians and their invasion of Crimea"!   I was astounded and shocked to see how much the Jewish run media in this nation has brainwashed people into horrible lies about the situation in Ukraine.   How can people not research for themselves and see that Russia absolutely did NOT "invade" Crimea for starters is beyond me....  And to hear that people are being fooled into believing the situation in Ukraine is the fault of the Russians shows how foolish people are being suckered by the Jewish run media and our own governments... Those criminals want everyone now brainwashed into a hatred of Russia as a means of getting public support for war!   Lets just say that I did not say a word in that coffee shop, but just shook my head in disbelief knowing I and others that are trying to get the truth out do again have a severe uphill battle on our hands.....I received a few comments about my last article calling the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, an idiot for sending obsolete Canadian F-18 fighter planes to eastern Europe.   Yes, the man and his lackeys in Ottawa are indeed idiots.... Sending these weapons of war, although outdated and would not stand a chance in any open warfare, is not helping the situation in Ukraine at all.    But Stephen and his fellow idiot trolls have their orders and will do their part in angering Russia even further.   I stand behind my assertion that Canada should have butt out and not been trying to get further embroiled in a possible conflict that could have this nation of only 35 million people involved beyond our capabilities...... Canada does not have the military might of other nations by a long shot, and should do what it has a long history of doing, which is to maintain the peace....While the world stays focused on troubles elsewhere, the situation in Syria is heating up again.   We are indeed watching what may be a repeat of last August with the fraud "chemical weapon" attack then with the latest accusations that Assad has just "gassed" his own people earlier this week by the use of Chlorine gas on several villages.   By now, everyone is no longer fooled.... Assad has the love and full support of the Syrian populace and absolutely is not responsible for this latest "attack" once all the facts do come out.   The fact is again that the US/Israel are getting to the point of absolute desperation in their push to have Assad removed simply because he is about to enter a campaign for re-election in Syria where he will get a landslide win.   That win will show the world the truth about Syria and how the Syrian people are not "against" Assad as the liars in the Jew run mainstream media continue to promote.   Therefore the US/Israel are stepping up their propaganda war on Assad and I do again guarantee that they will try every trick in the book in their vain attempts to have him removed.....And about the "civil war" in Syria?  I did watch some interesting videos this last week showing how the so called "rebels" are now equipped with the latest US military hardware, including modern TOW anti-tank missiles..... The criminal US government has supposedly sent these missiles through Turkey and Saudi Arabia to reach these murderous mercenaries, and they may indeed be a major game changer in the war against Bashar Al-Assad's government forces.... But again, time is short and even these weapons may not be enough to stop Assad's landslide election win in June.... A false flag attack to be blamed on Assad is therefore the only alternative left for these monsters, and as I stated before, it is coming....We must all be ready for this false flag when it comes and to make sure that the US/Israel are rightfully fingered as responsible.Another week and more plight for the Palestinians against their Israeli oppressors.  The world continues to turn a blind eye while the criminally psychotic government in Tel Aviv openly steals more land from the Palestinian people and continues to beat and brutalize Palestinians without a peep coming from their controlled media.  The fraud "peace talks" have gone absolutely nowhere, not to my surprise.   I again must reiterate what I have said before that there is no chance for "peace" at all in that region, simply because Israel does not want peace but wants all the land for their selfish and greedy selves.   The Palestinian people have no choice at all but to fight back against these oppressors, or face extermination.Just this week I read the latest article from a true patriot, John Kaminski, about how our future may be very short due to reports that our Arctic is "melting".   That melting would release the billions of tons of methane gas locked up in the frozen permafrost, which would accelerate "global warming" and lead to our demise.... I must state that I am not sold on this concept simply because the Arctic, especially right here in Canada, is absolutely not "melting" as claimed and in fact the permafrost is not disintegrating at all, but has actually increased over the last while... The facts are backed up by anyone that can simply research the fact that the permafrost line here in Canada that separates the point at which the ground is no longer frozen, from where it is permanently frozen, has not moved north at all which would be definitely happening if the Arctic was indeed "melting".... But in fact the last figures I have been able to check show that the permafrost line even here in this province of mine has in fact moved SOUTH, which indicates that we are NOT having "Global Warming" at all, but are in fact entering a period of "Global Cooling".  This is logical, considering this planet is not warming at all, but is indeed entering a long normal cyclic phase of cooling due to diminished solar output from our Yellow Dwarf star, Sol... This means that the fear of "methane release" in the Arctic region, at least here in Canada, due to "melting" is unsubstantiated and does not fit with the facts.   I do agree with John that our future is indeed in peril, but I do believe that if we do cause our demise, it will be done by other methods than by this "Global Warming" fraud.....  Al Gore and his cronies and liars are in the fraud of "Global Warming" to line their own pockets and we do not need to give them further ammunition for their con....The Cliven Bundy family ranch fight against the criminal US government has not ended by a longshot... The facts now show that the major reason this land that the Bundys have grazed their cattle on for over a century is so coveted, is that the criminal Reid family of Nevada has made a deal for its sale to Chinese businessmen to build a solar power plant. The Reids themselves were to make tremendous profit from this venture, at the expense of the Bundys.  The fight for stealing the Bundy family livelihood has stalled temporarily thanks to the work of patriots who have gone to the Bundy ranch to stop its illegal seizure....However, the Federal Government in Washington has not ended their push to steal that land, and will try again very shortly.....The real astounding and shocking fact that came from this debacle is that the Bundy fight is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the US government appropriating (stealing) land from US citizens... What we have here is US land being scooped up and being used as collateral for the tremendous odious debt owed by the US government to criminal banks and to foreign nations.  The lands of the United States are definitely being stolen right out from the American people, handed over to criminals, and right now very few are doing little to stop this atrocity from continuing....It does appear that Thomas Jefferson and other American patriots were right in saying that if the people of the United States allowed criminals to take over their banking system, then they would eventually wake up one day no longer owning the very country that their forefathers fought so hard and long for...Yes, I did see the reports this last week where researchers have come forward proving that the United States is absolutely NOT a "republic" or even a "democracy" as its own criminal government continues to laughingly claim, but is in fact an Oligarchy.   That is fact, and most Americans need only to do a bit of research and look around for themselves... Their nation is controlled by large corporations that absolutely run all phases of the American government, and all of American society today.   They continue to keep most of the American public enslaved by the "illusion" that the United States is a republic and a democracy, when in fact it is indeed an Oligarchy that is fast approaching becoming a full police state.  Facts are facts, and it is high time the American people wake the hell up...  And for those who think that Canada is somehow a democracy... I have bad news for my fellow Canadians that this nation is indeed run by corporations as well....Democracy is now just an illusion..Well, I guess that is it for now on the major issues of the week.... I will close this long rant with my usual last minute "tidbits"...... Absolutely no change at all in the ongoing disaster at Fukushima, and I am not shocked at all.  They cannot fix this problem at all with present technology and are continuing to just pour water over the situation.  And to top it off, we hear of more reports of radioactive contamination of food from the Pacific Ocean.  This problem will not fix itself, and it is again high time more focus is put placed by our governments on actually doing something about it......I have not talked about the Kansas "Synagogue shooting" at all because I see it as just another hoax, and I hope that others can see the fraud as well.  A proven government operative goes into a center, shoots 3 people, and then screams "Heil Hitler" when he is captured.  Talk about a set up!...... New report by Jim Fetzer over at Veterans Today this week shows that the Sandy Hook "school" was absolutely not a school at all as I have long claimed.  It was in fact a prop that was very poorly set up to look like a real "school".  How anyone can miss the fact that this "school" was a horrible health hazard and unfit for usage by students is beyond me.  But the scam artists promoting the lie that Sandy Hook was real are still out there and still spewing their garbage......More reports this week showing that vaccines do not work at all and in fact promote the very diseases that they are supposed to prevent.  How anyone can still think that mercury laden vaccines work and are good for us is troubling.  The brainwashing of the public has indeed taken its toll........Someone sent me an interesting comment this last week full of the usual insults and slurs and asking why I say the media is "Jewish controlled".   Has that person been living under a rock?  Take a look at exactly who owns the corporations running Hollywood and all the media outlets and get back to me.  For example, Eisner and Rothstein are not Catholic names by a long shot.........Whitewraithe had the first phase of her dental surgery this last week and is recovery.   I have not talked to her for a few days, but from her last email it does appear that everything went well and she is bound and determined to get back to writing her blog and doing our planned show.   I will keep everyone posted........Arsenal is still in the mix for the top 4 in the Premier League, but will close out the schedule with a few difficult games.  No hope now for top spot in the table now however with Liverpool looking very strong.  Better luck next year, Gunners!.... And finally, everyone is expecting me to do the close to this rant by taking a shot at the Kardashian family of skanks, trolls, and trollops.   Why bother?  America is such a mess and if people live for news about these media whores rather than focus on saving themselves, then there is no hope for them at all.... And people wonder why I have stated that America is on its way to oblivion? More to comeNTS