Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 19th, 2015

  Sunday again... And time again for my usual rant....It definitely does appear that my "favorite fan club", which are of course the usual band of idiot Hasbara/JIDF agents and trolls has reappeared to fill my comment section at this blog with their usual idiotic and laughable spews... I do read them in their entirety from time to time and in most cases find myself laughing my ass off... I honestly cannot believe that anyone actually believes their drivel including themselves.. It definitely does show the warped mindset of their entire lot and how they have absolutely NOTHING to defend the crimes of their entire tribe of psychopaths and criminals.. Lets just say that again they are absolutely a waste of time and I do wonder why these idiots continue with their efforts knowing that most people are now on to them?  In my honest opinion, if this is the best these criminals can do, then we should have already won the battle against their criminality a long time ago if not for the complete ignorance of the general public....The weather around here is again about to go cold for the upcoming week.. Gosh darn that human caused Global Warming that the shysters continue to try to promote... The fact is that this last winter was absolutely very brutal with most of the eastern parts of North America submersed under constant snow and ice....Even the claims that the Arctic is somehow getting "warmer" has been dis-proven again with recent reports that the Arctic sea ice has increased dramatically over the last few years.    I am especially shocked by those who have turned to the concept that the Arctic is "melting" and that we are going to all die from the supposed massive release of methane gas that had been trapped under that ice but is now being released.... I stated clearly in previous rants and I will state it again.. The Arctic is absolutely NOT melting, period.  There is a thing called the Permafrost line that runs through Canada here, and it does move north or south from time to time dependent entirely on warming or cooling climate.   If the line was to move rapidly north in what would be the case of the Arctic melting, then there would be a serious problem and would indicate that "Global Warming" was indeed real... However, after making some inquiries myself to several Canadian departments to find  out the status of the permafrost line in this province, I will let everyone know once more that the line has NOT moved northbound, but in fact all indications show it has actually began to creep ever so slightly southbound... This southbound movement of the Permafrost line means that the planet is NOT "warming" at all, but is actually cooling... It also means that there is NO "massive release" of Methane Gas at all from melting Permafrost, and we are all not going to die anytime soon from a "methane gas" problem....Lets face facts here once again.. The fear of "Global Warming" is exactly that.. FEAR..... These criminals are now working hand in foot with our governments trying their worse at trying to use the psychology of fear on gullible people so as those gullible suckers will agree to new "Carbon Taxation" to "save the planet" from ourselves...This is of course not only a massive lie, but a big swindle to fleece the public again to fill the government coffers....These criminals are also banking on the ignorance and stupidity of the masses in that the gullible masses are still believing anything that comes over their idiot boxes, aka Talmudvision, on a daily basis.  And yes, the so called Jew spew news media networks are still working lockstep with the Global Warming criminals in lying to the public on a constant basis that Global Warming is real!   But like the fantasies of Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the faked Apollo moon landings, it is absolutely not....I am one pissed off NTS these days after reading the reports about governments all over the planet now wanting to take away benefits, privileges, and even the rights, of their own citizens who refuse to get their children subjected to poisoning from vaccines.... The criminal Australian government has been the worse in trying to force mandatory vaccinations on their people under new rules that state that welfare and social benefits will be cut off to any Australian that has not or refuses to have their children vaccinated... This is an abomination of basic human rights, and I sure hope the Australian public is not taking this and will be protesting against the criminal Tony Abbott government in Canberra....I have spent too many articles at this blog imploring people to understand that vaccines simply do not work, and do more damage to the human body's immune system than to actually fight the diseases they are designed to fight..... I and others have already discussed so many times about the dangers of the Mercury that is in these deadly injections and what Mercury does to the body's nervous system on top of weakening the immune system... There can be no doubt any more that Mercury does cause Autism and has been the major cause of the rapid increase of Autism across our world... The shocking revelation coming out in the Jew spew media that some 1/3 to 1/2 of all children by the year 2050 will suffer from "Autism" is absolutely caused by the increase of children being exposed to Mercury through the increase in the number of vaccines they receive today!   When will parents finally open their eyes that children being given some 20 or so 'vaccine' shots at an early age is absolutely NOT healthy at all..... There is a sinister program being done to purposely poison our children and destroy their minds, and we know that big Pharma and the criminals out to enslave us all are behind it.... Must I also mention the recent findings about the dangers of Formaldehyde and Squaleen that is prevalent in Vaccines as well?   And what about the recent revelations about the usage of aborted fetus tissue used in the manufacturing of vaccines?   Remarkably, when I told some people recently about THAT being used in vaccines, they gave me the usual "deer in headlights" look and refused to believe it.  But believe it, for it is real.......But still most will do nothing but allow our own governments to now push for "mandatory" vaccinations and just like in Australia, take away the rights of any individual who sees the truth about vaccines and refuses to expose their children to deadly poisons....The bottom line here is that everyone should take a stand against vaccines, for our children's very lives are now at stake....Lets get one thing straight when it comes to the escalating war in Ukraine... I live in one very sick country, called Canada, now.... The recent reports about the criminal Harper government now sending combat troops into the Ukrainian debacle now are absolutely true.  And in spite of the Harper regime claiming that these troops are for "training" of the Ukrainian military, we have always found throughout history the fact that these "trainers" or "instructors" do quickly become involved in any country that they are placed in... How quickly people forget the Vietnam War, where US "trainers" and "instructors" very quickly found themselves on the front lines and in real combat situations.....The Jew spew media here in Canada came up with their usual excuses for the Jew sock puppet, Harper, and why he has sent combat troops to Ukraine... Their excuse has been now that Harper is taking a firm "stand" against "Russian aggression" and "Russia's annexation of Crimea".   This is appalling considering that Russia has NOT been "aggressive" against Ukraine at all and  has refused to get involved in the Ukraine debacle.  And again the lies about Russia "annexing" Crimea.  How many times will it take to get it through to people that the people of Crimea voted in a legal and fair referendum to be returned to the Russian Federation?   There has been absolutely NO "Russian Aggression" as the criminal Harper continues to spew, and for him to commit Canadian troops to Ukraine will definitely put Canada now in the bulls eye of the  Russian Federation if and when that nice little war goes global....Harper himself is truly a sick freak and a liar, and has turned Canada from a peace loving nation to another war mongering nation being used by criminal Jewish interests....The economic situation across the planet continues to go from bad to a disaster... All that anyone has to do to see the danger that we all face with economic collapse is to simply take a trip to their local mall or large department store and see what is happening.. Everywhere that I have seen, I see people now tapped out financially with almost no disposable income and spending money... Stores around here in central Canada have been closing at an alarming rate due to bankruptcy or what they claim is 'downsizing'.....And the pace is now accelerating.... That, and the criminals are now pushing hard everywhere for the elimination of any cash for any transactions...Their claim is that this move to eliminate physical money for transactions is just the next step towards a "cashless" society where everything is somehow more "secure" with electronic transactions only.... To me, this is not only an effort by these criminals to increase their hold over peoples' lives through being able to see where and what everyone spends their money on, and to basically eliminate their opposition by simply removing that opposition from their electronic systems.....And of course the removal of cash from society will allow their financial ponzi fraud debt based monetary scheme to continue for just a bit longer...But by now even they know the end is near and they are indeed preparing for the worse that they themselves have created...The solution has always been to take these criminals out of our lives, end their fraud debt instantly, and return to proper monetary stability by only allowing our governments to print and issue currency... The solution however will not happen due to the criminal Jewish control over our governments...Someone asked me to give my thoughts on the scumbags who are now dropping their hats into the political arena in the United States and are running for the office of Jewish controlled President of the United States in 2016.... As I stated in a few rants already, can the American people find NO ONE to run for President other than crooks, thieves, murderers, and Jewish controlled slaves?  I could spent the entire rant talking about the evils of that Jewess, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who on top of being one of the masterminds behind the Clinton crime family that murdered hundreds if not thousands, was the one who sat there and laughed when Muhammar Gadaffi was murdered a few years back on national Talmudvision... The fact is simple in that this woman is absolutely criminally psychotic and should be in an insane asylum and not in the US oval office.  If the American people are that stupid and actually "elect" this mass murdering psychopath whom I have called for sometime: 'Killary, the Kackling, Kommie, Killer, Krazy, Kike, K**t, Klinton (KKKKKKKK for short)' then the American nation is that hopeless.... BUT on the flip side we have Ted Cruz who sucks Jewish dick better than others, Rand Paul who openly supports Israel first and foremost above the United States and therefore is a traitor to the American nation, and of course Jeb Bush from the Bush crime family who was the man in charge of security at the WTC before the Israeli 9-11 attacks on America, now running on the Republican side for President as well.... The fact is simple here in that America has turned itself into a lost cause because its own citizens are hopeless in trying to find someone who actually stands for America first and foremost, is not both a slave to Israel, and a mass murdering freak or psychopath!   Therefore the 2016 "selection" for President will be business as usual with another Jew butt kisser sitting in the oval office....I was informed that last week marked "Holocaust" remembrance day.... I must have missed it..... Honestly, I am still troubled as to the pseudo-science and the "facts" surrounding this most "sacred" part of our supposed history... In spite of scientific evidence that shows that event could not have happened at all as it has long been claimed, we are stuck with it still being shoved into peoples' minds constantly... I am also perplexed as to WHY proper research and investigation into that "event" is still blocked and curtailed everywhere.. Living here in Canada, even "denying" that it ever happened gets that person locked up in jail charged with a "hate crime"..... It puzzles me for the fact that if this "event" did happen as we have been brainwashed into believing and the number of victims of that "event" was real, then it should be able to stand against any scrutiny or investigation.  However, such investigation is blocked and again any investigators are admonished or face jail time... The fact is that if it was real, then WHY do we have crimes against anyone wanting to research it?  The old saying that "Truth never needs laws to support it, only lies do" is clearly at play here.....The bottom line here, I will not and cannot touch this subject in any great detail as it would have me put up on false trumped up charges of being a "hater" and a "denier".... Whitewraithe has still not had much luck in trying to find any steady employment in the great state of Tennessee and it has hit her hard with bouts of depression... I have been doing my best in helping her out as much as I can, but it always seems to not be enough.... She has been a warrior and has of course been busy writing at her blog to try to keep her mind clear and not focused on personal troubles and issues that have plagued her.... I again ask that everyone take the time to look at her writings over at Pragmatic Witness ( and if they can to send her a bit of help.. I rarely ask this of anyone, but it would help a true patriot, and of course a close friend of mine, a lot!Well, I guess that is enough for this rant for now.... There are of course a very long list of issues that I have not covered and I will as usual touch on them in this, my "last minute tidbits"......Jade Helm and other "training" exercises to start this coming week, and I am deeply puzzled that very few Americans and Canadians are up in arms about these abominations on our soil.  Yes, they may be the prelude and preparation for the full imposition of Martial Law in our countries, and the people simply are now too weak and too much like sheep to actually give a damn?.......Hey, tomorrow, the 20th of April, is Adolf Hitler's 126th birthday.   Some critics have long accused me of being a "Hitler worshiper" and I always laugh at that strange accusation.  The fact is that Hitler was human like everyone else, not perfect, and very much had many weaknesses.  Yes, he did work hard to try to free Germany from the tyranny of Jewish banking scoundrels, but there are still many of his actions that were indeed puzzling and still need to be answered.....Fish and marine mammals are now dying off in large numbers off the American west coast and nobody seems to want to link that disaster to the still ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster?  Does anyone else see something wrong here?......Last week also marked the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing that to me was most definitely a false flag operation conducted right on American soil.  Now 20 years later, there are still many pieces to that puzzle that have never been answered and it does stink of a massive coverup......Nothing new coming out of Yemen, other than more death and destruction, especially of innocent civilians.  I am still looking for the real reasons for that debacle and of course the part that the US and Israel are definitely playing.....Yes, tonight Whitewraithe and I will be having Turbulent Times show number 14 at 7PM CDT, and we decided to delve into the one subject that is dearest to my heart, which is exposing the lies of NASA and their fraudulent space missions.  To me, it is so remarkable that some 46 years since the fraud of Project Apollo that some people still do not get the scam.  It will be a lively show and hopefully everyone will tune in to blogtalk radio.  I will post the show link shortly..... Arsenal was not involved in BPL action this weekend, but instead was involved in FA cup action against Reading.  But Chelsea did win their important game against Manchester United and basically has now locked up the BPL championship.  Maybe next year for the Gunners.....Must I talk about the fraud of ISIS at all here?  Or have people finally got the message that it is and always has been a scam, run by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad for the sole purpose of setting things up for a nice war against Syria.  But believe it or not, there are still suckers out there allowing the Jew spew media to fill their heads with fear that "ISIS will get them".  Yes, some people are that gullible...Amazing that I went this entire rant without one mention of the horrors of the psychotic state of Israel and that state being the scourge on the entire planet.  I must be slipping....Oh the horror! There have been some articles coming out these last few weeks that the skank and trollop filled show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"  has always been scripted, and the Kardashian clan of morons and idiots are denying it.  Honestly, considering there is not a brain cell in the lot, of course the shows have to be scripted.  Yes, America, a nation that is now going to hell economically and pushing hard for global conflict almost everywhere, sure loves their Kardashians...More to comeNTS