Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 13th, 2014

Sunday again, and it is time for my weekly rant....Yes, I have been MIA for the last while, and I have not been posting as many articles here as I usually do.... Again, as I have said many times, this blog is still a side project and it does not consume my entire life... I do have a life, with a family, home, work, and entertainment... As usual family always has come first..... It has been a rather hectic last few weeks with so many things on the go that doing this blog has again fallen to the sidelines.... But as I have always said, I am not a quitter by a long shot.....So many things have been happening around the world over the last while, and I do have a lot of catching up to do, so lets get right to it...The very strange "disappearance" of Malaysian flight MH370 is still consuming much of the Jew run media these days, now over a month since that plane carrying some 239 passengers and crew took off from Kuala Lampur airport and magically disappeared shortly afterwards into thin air.... For the longest time, I and others have surmised that the only logical place for that plane to have gone if it did indeed take a western flight path over the Indian Ocean was the US military base at Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory....It has been astounding to see the criminals in our governments and our lying media continue to try to promote the LIE that the plane somehow turned in a southeastern direction and crashed somewhere off the coast of Australia.  The "black box" pings that have been reporting coming from what may be the deepest part of the Indian Ocean have so far not panned out, and surprisingly to this date there still has not been any wreckage or any bodies pulled from the Indian Ocean at all..... I said in a previous article that the criminals if they wanted to coverup the stealing of this aircraft would make it seem that the plane crashed into one of deepest parts of the Indian Ocean, and somehow sank surprisingly without leaving any wreckage by simply dumping the "black boxes" extracted from the captured aircraft in exactly that spot....  This is very diabolically logical simply because few nations would have the capability of taking any sonar imagery of the aircraft if it sank to that depth other than possibly the United States itself.... And lo and behold we have exactly that scenario being reported by the liars in the media.   Does anyone remember the movie "The Hunt For Red October" where they covered up the stealing of the Russian nuclear submarine by having it "sink" to the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean where nobody would be able to view it with the technology available at the time?  Fiction may be becoming reality here....I had originally dismissed one other very diabolical scenario about this plane's disappearance due to the amount of time, people, and nations involved to pull it off..... That was of course the option that this plane did not even exist at all and that it was all an elaborate hoax.... But now considering the time involved, and the fact that there has been absolutely no wreckage, bodies, black boxes, etc, that option has again entered my mind...... It would also be the next step in the criminals experimenting on humans psychologically.... We had the Sandy Hook shooting hoax and other hoaxes such as the Kenyan mall shooting of last year take place that fooled so many people.... The next step for these monsters could be to try to pull off such hoaxes on a more massive and possibly a world wide scale.....Is it possible that the US, Malaysia, and possibly China, were all in on this scheme and that this plane never existed or took off from Kuala Lampur at all?   If it was, then we are in real danger everyone, because so many people have been easily fooled and we truly do not know what these monsters are capable of doing next....Until all other options and all other possibilities are removed, I am still sticking to the idea that this plane that magically disappeared was commandeered and flown to Diego Garcia.  The evidence brought forward by Jim Stone concerning Phillip Wood in Diego Garcia cannot be overlooked.  And again, I do pray for the 239 victims of this atrocity that are by this time either dead or have had their minds turned to mush by drugs......  I also do worry about my friends in America, because if this is true than their own government is truly one of the most evil and criminal entities that have ever existed in the entire history of mankind....The situation in Ukraine has turned into a fiasco for the Americans and has shown the world how truly weak the American administration has become.... The US and the EU tried to deceive the entire world by overthrowing the democratically elected government in the Ukraine and imposing their own puppet dictatorship, and it has backfired in their faces..... Right now, the Ukraine is a horrible mess, where catastrophic criminal Rothschild IMF "austerity" measures have been imposed on the people.   The result will be perpetual debt slavery that the Ukrainian people can never pay off in their lifetime, nor in their children's lifetimes.....The people are suffering, and many have rightfully now turned on the criminals who led the coup in Kiev.   Many, especially in the eastern part of the nation, have turned to Russia for help and have of course begun their own "referendums" to separate from Ukraine and join Russia.    The criminals in the US Government are now desperately trying to save their failed situation in Ukraine by sending in armed US mercenaries to squelch any uprisings against the criminal puppet government, and much of the nation is now on the verge of a new civil war..... This is quickly turning into another fiasco for the United States, much like all the other fiascos we have seen that the US has been responsible for over the last 1/2 century at least....One other note about the Ukraine situation... The liars in the Jew run media, and our criminal governments, are still promoting the falsehood that Russia has "massive" military forces lining the border between Russia and Ukraine ready to "invade" Ukraine itself..... Is it just me?  Or has everyone not noticed how the "number" of Russian troops ready for this "invasion" has miraculously fallen over the last few weeks?  First the liars said that Russia had "200,000" troops ready for an invasion, then that number fell over a week ago to some "150,000".  Now this last week the number fell again to "50,000"...... All I can say is that NATO's "intelligence" is really that stupid, or obviously there are NO Russian forces at all for that "invasion"!   And again we must not forget how an NBC news crew traveled the entire length of the Russian/Ukraine border on the Russian side and found absolutely NO Russian troops ready for this "invasion" at all..... What we have here is horrible and yet laughable lying propaganda to brainwash people into believing there is a Russian "threat" to Ukraine when in reality there is none at all...... The Russians are not stupid, and Vladimir Putin is not planning an invasion of Ukraine.... The Russians know fully well that the American led coup in Ukraine will collapse on its own without their interference....And speaking of Russia... The Russians have signed the huge deal this last week to begin trading with Iran in currency other than the US dollar, and of course the US is now stupidly threatening war on Russia if that deal does go through.... I said before that the US is so desperate now to keep their dollar as the world's trading currency that they are indeed considering World War III to keep their dollar afloat.   I hope people realize that these lunatics do not care about human life at all, and will consider having billions of people die just to keep the US dollar ponzi scheme and the Jewish system of debt Usury going....Yes, people have been wondering about my stance on Vladimir Putin.   I have warned many to not believe that Putin is somehow a "savior".... This man did lead the KGB for decades and has been fully programmed into the machinations of the Jewish Communist system.... His government is also still controlled by the Jewish Obligarchs that never left Russia but are still in full control of that nation..... Shockingly, many people look at Putin as the one man that can somehow save the world, and possibly prevent World War III....All I can say is that he is part of the sick ultimate game being played on everyone by the Jewish criminals out for world domination.   I see that there are reports this last week of a new "chemical weapon" attack in Syria (imagine my lack of shock), and again the liars in the media are going all out and saying that it was done by Bashar Al-Assad's forces.   This is so ridiculous and I am appalled that anyone would again fall for this lie considering that the last time the criminals attempted this fiasco in August, 2013, they were caught in their lie and had to spin their way out of it....... Now the media is hoping that much of the world has a very short attention span and that they will fall for another "chemical weapon" attack fraud to get public opinion swung towards the need for an invasion of Syria itself....Why another "chemical weapon" false flag attack in Syria now?  The answer is two fold... The Syrian government forces have almost destroyed what is left of the "rebel" forces, and in spite of the introduction these last few weeks of newer and more deadly US built weaponry (such as TOW anti-tank missiles), these mercenaries are indeed on the run... The second reason is Bashar Al-Assad is about to enter a new election in Syria, and again the people of Syria will vote OVERWHELMINGLY in support of Al-Assad's government.   Such a vote would be a black eye for the United States and Israel, and considering that election will take place very soon, time is short and their timetable for the destruction of Syria has to now be accelerated....Yes, the Middle East "peace talks" have failed, and I do really hate being absolutely right on this one.... But facts are facts... The criminal and psychotic state of Israel is run by the idealisms of "Zionism" that calls for ALL of Palestine to be dominated by the Jews.... These criminals laughingly still believe that it was their "god" that gave that entire land to them, and therefore there is no room at all for the Palestinian people in their sick mindsets..... Therefore these "peace talks" have always been a sham, and nothing more than stalling tactics while the criminal Israelis build their settlements in Palestinian territory and make sure that a Palestinian state is never a viable option.   The ONLY choice for the proud people of Palestine is and always has been to fight back.... Fight and make life for the criminals and their illegal settlements an absolutely living hell.... Again, is there any option?  The choices for the people of Palestine is to either fight or to be exterminated.  With those choices, I know again what mine would be in a heartbeat....Yes, I have been watching what has been happening in Nevada with great interest... This fight between Cliven Bundy, and the criminals in the US Government, over the rights to cattle grazing land has been a black eye for the US Government and should have been in every major media outlet across America.  But sadly again most Americans have been kept out of the loop by the liars in the media about exactly what has transpired and who is responsible for this fiasco.... The fact is that the Bundys have had every legal right to graze and stay on that land north of Las Vegas, and for the US Government to try diabolical dirty tricks to have them removed from that land shows how far into tyranny the US itself has indeed fallen... Luckily and rightfully many people have finally said enough is enough and have thrown their support behind the Bundy family and have sent support to Nevada to back up the Bundys rightful claims.    At least for now the criminals have halted their efforts at having the Bundys removed but people must stay vigilant, because I can guarantee the criminals in the US Government will not stop and will try again very soon.....I for one am truly shocked about how far the US has fallen into tyranny.... I do read the daily reports about how people everywhere across America are now treated as common criminals and have been accosted by state and federal forces for absolutely no just cause and in clear violation of their rights and "freedoms"..... It is shocking to hear about people being taken down at gun point for absolutely committing no crime at all right across that once great nation!.   We hear constantly of reports of police thuggery and actions against American civilians today that would be unheard of some 10-20 years ago.    But again, we can blame the Israeli attacks of 9-11 and the continuing fraud shootings across America, for turning America into a psychologically paranoid nation.   The end result is definitely coming and sadly in my own honest opinion it will indeed be a tyrannical police state.    I have long asked Americans to wake the hell up and do what they can to stop this slide into tyranny, but I believe that many have already had their minds turned to mush thanks to the brainwashing of the media and the foods that they consume and the vast majority are too far gone to lift a finger to stop their nation from collapse....  I do not like the idea that America is doomed, but there is almost nothing out there that has shown me otherwise....Well.... I guess that is it for right now.... I will close this "rant" with my usual "last minute tidbits"..... The UN is now asking nations to consider "carbon taxation" as a method of saving the planet from "Global Warming".  Don't say I didn't warn everyone that this was coming...... Nothing new coming out of Fukushima this last week.  More media lies and government coverups while this disaster continues to poison the planet....I saw a report this week that the "happiest" people on the planet were the people of Iceland.  No wonder considering the Icelandic people sent the criminal Jewish banksters running a few years back and Iceland is now prosperous.  This should have been a lesson for everyone to emulate!......Yes, this last week marked the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide that I again state was partly the fault of the United States for backing the criminal government there in the early 1990's.  But history is now repeating itself with the US involved deeply in Africa, not for saving the people, but for securing resources.  The criminality of the US's foreign policies continues........I saw how this last week the state of Louisiana in the United States is actually considering passing legislation to make the Bible the "official book" of the entire state.  It shows how truly brainwashed the American south is with their "Buy-bull" thumpers running amok and running their state governments.  What ever happened to the "separation" between church and state anyways?......  The criminal Harper government here in Canada continues to kiss Jewish butt, but what else is new?   And the Canadian people actually voted for and continues to support these clowns?.....  One good news item out of Canada though.  The separatist movement in the Canadian province of Quebec has taken a black eye with the defeat of the Parti-Quebecois in the provincial elections this last week.  Quebec separating from Canada has been shelved for the time being......What the hell has happened to Arsenal over the last few weeks?  The Gunners were securely in first place just over a month ago, and now with some resounding defeats, they are out of the top 4 positions in the English Premiere League.  If they fail to secure a Champion's League birth then there will be many questions in the upcoming off season indeed....My friend, Whitewraithe, is back, sore mouth and all.   That lady has endured tremendous hardships over the last few months with constant pain in her mouth and the need for dental surgery.  The lady is indeed persistent, and our internet talk show is still on the table.   We will try once she has her health in order and I do have the time.......People have been asking me about the "Rant" picture that I have made a regular opening part of every rant for the last while.  Whitewraithe found it a while back, and recommended that I use it.  I like it, and will use it for the foreseeable future until something else comes along.....And finally, my weekly report on America's greatest sweethearts,  the Karadashian family of washed up trollops and has-beens.   It appears that my favorite target, Kim, is now wanting a "secret" ceremony with Kanye before her "public" wedding to take place in Paris, France.   Wow, it is amazing how the paparazzi newshounds are all over this and how it makes top news in America.  The hell with what has just happened in Nevada, and the criminality of the US government all over the world, the Kardashians always come first in the eyes of the liars in the American media.    Like I said, America is indeed doomed.....More to comeNTS