Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Yes, it is Sunday again, and time again for my weekly rant...I have had many friends, colleagues, and even critics, out there asking why I have not posted as many articles at this site over the last while... And I will say it right out for everyone to see... I have been so busy these last few months that I have not had the time!   I have been involved in some major projects with my work and so much to do with my personal life over the last while that this blog and its writings have fallen by the wayside.... And with so little spare time, I have not had a chance to even surf the Internet over the last while to get up to proper speed with exactly what has been happening in our sick world.... For example, even yesterday I finally spent some 4 hours or so pouring over so much alternative news and other articles, but just to again bring myself "up to speed" and to prepare for this rant.....Lets face it.... I have been writing at this blog, and other blogs and sites for over a decade now, and I do wonder if all of my efforts have actually made any kind of difference?   I recently had a very long talk with Whitewraithe who has not been online for months now simply because she does not have a working computer and has had to concentrate on getting her own life back into order, and even she has said that she doubts if anyone has even noticed her own absence.....It did make my wonder if my own efforts have been worth it?I also noticed the intense apathy these days in my dealings with so many people... I for one have always been a "rebel" and a "radical" and people do see it when they ask me my opinion about world events and what exactly has been happening across the globe... But even when I tell people flat out the reality of what is really happening and that they should never ever believe anything that is promoted over the Jew spew media and other propaganda outlets, few are actually listening!   I seem to find more and more that same "wild eyed stare" that I noted so many times in previous articles from everyone around me when I tell them the truth, and I do wonder if anything that I state actually breaks through their thick skulls...... Yes, it is maddening at times.....But again, I am not a quitter, and I will continue to plug along and do my best at using this blog as my way to vent and to break through the bullshit and tell the truths.......I still cling to the hope that someone out there is actually listening and that I and others in what I call the "real truth movement" are hopefully making a difference...Anyways, onto what is happening in our sick world..... I see that the new controversial documentary that was just released in the United States about the realities of vaccines, and how they are being used to poison us and destroy our brains, called "Vaxxed" was of course blocked from view in most American cities.... It does seem that Big Pharma and the Jewish criminal elite behind vaccines does not want the truth about how deadly vaccines truly are to be seen by anyone....Yes, the reality is that vaccines ABSOLUTELY are one of the causes of the steep rise in Autism rates around the world.... The facts are simple in that well over a century ago before anyone was vaccinated to the rates they are today, the rate of Autism was around one case in 17000 babies born... NOW that rate is somewhere in the neighbourhood of one case of Autism in less than 100 births!   AND there are alarming reports that state clearly that the rate of Autism will escalate to around one case of Autism in every 2 births by the year 2050..... The facts are that this alarming and disturbing rise is absolutely associated to the increasing amount of dangerous and deadly Mercury additives in modern vaccines as well as the ridiculous increase in the number of vaccines demanded in children well before they reach the age of one!   To me the shocking fact is that there are still numbskulls out there that cannot see the obvious and real link between the alarming and rapid rise in Autism and the increasing usage of vaccines.....Yes, it should be apparent to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that this rapidly rising epidemic of Autism is by design... The Jewish power elite and other lackeys that control the Big Pharmaceutical industries behind vaccines are of course wanting to see this increase in Autism, because it works two fold... One is to increase the profits made by Big Pharma for their deadly vaccines, and two is for the Jewish dream of destroying their enemies, the Gentiles, by destroying their youth and future generations through the poisons in their vaccines turning their brains to mush...And for those who say that I am nuts for stating that destruction of humanity through vaccination is a reality, I again ask them to look directly at the criminal Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion where it states that they will destroy and/or control the Goyim through vaccines and other chemicals... And we must not forget the other plans under their Agenda 21 project that calls for the reduction of the human population of this planet by some 90%.  What better way to bring in population control and reduce the Gentile population than by killing the next generation through vaccination...... It is to me so shocking that people do not see these factors as reality, and instead seem to do nothing while their children and future generations are subjected to this genocide....Why must I bother to bring up the Panama Papers again here?  I have already stated the obvious in two articles this past week that the Panama Papers are absolutely being used by the Jewish power elite, through that arch criminal George Soros, to wreck havoc around the globe.... These criminals know that most people are finally waking up to their crimes and are about to turn against their control structure, so these criminals decided to throw out these "Panama Papers" as a distraction and to deflect any criticisms against their evil operations... The Jewish power elite also loaded these "Panama Papers" with information that will ruin many low level Jewish people and their businesses....But again, to ensure that the master criminals at the top of the pyramid stay in control, they know that it is necessary from time to time to "eat their own"......And what about George Soros himself?   I am again shocked that this man is not right now rotting in a jail cell for his crimes against humanity.... His "organizations" have been linked to so much upheaval that has happened in nations across the globe, and has most definitely been behind the "migrant crisis" that has swept across Europe bringing many nations to their knees.... It seems that Soros himself absolutely gets off on destroying nations and causing trouble, and yet there he is scot-free and able to continue his destruction.... The shocker is that nobody has arrested this ultra criminal and put him on trial for his crimes... But as I have always said, Soros is Jewish, and it seems that the Jews never want to see any of their tribe members stand trial.... It again shows that there is definitely one law for the so called "Chosen Ones" and one for everyone else.....I see the "ceasefire" in Syria is not holding up too well as I had long expected... And just this last week I came across some reports that the US government itself was shipping some 3000 tons of weapons and armaments to "rebels" and "terrorist cells" still operating in Syria itself... Those reports also stated that "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS" forces were to receive some of these weapons... BUT after I read these reports, I had to ask the simple question to the American people:  Are not "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS" supposed to be the "enemies" of the United States?  And is there not a law in place in America that forbids any arming or abetting these "terrorist" forces? ..... What these shipments mean is that the US government itself should be arrested and charged with treason for their blatant arming of the very "enemies" of America itself!    And again, all this shows is that these "terrorist"groups are indeed a fraud and are in Syria for the sole purpose of overthrowing the government there and imposing a new US/Israeli controlled puppet regime in its place.....But besides the US blatantly arming "terrorists" in Syria, the news in the war to free Syria continues to go well for the good guys.... The Syrian army continues to advance and take back territory held by the fraud "ISIS" forces.....The criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal is still frantically looking for anything to turn the tide back in their favour, and apparently they are planning an "end around" through a possible "back door" to get boots on the ground in the region, via neighbouring Lebanon....With so much attention on what has been happening in Syria, little attention has been paid to the American/Israeli/NATO cabal moving some of their fraud "ISIS" forces into Lebanon to stir up trouble..... And even less attention has been paid on the fact that Lebanon's economy while the Syrian debacle had been taking place, has been progressively going to hell and is right now on the verge of total collapse... Of course I do believe that the Lebanese economy has been purposely ruined, by design, to foment uprising in the Lebanese people themselves, and therefore make Lebanon ripe for an invasion to "stabilize" the nation as well as to 'eliminate' the "ISIS invaders".... Many people forget that Lebanon was indeed on the list of 7 nations that retired former US General Wesley Clark spoke about over a decade ago that were to be destroyed by the US for the criminal nation of Israel.... And Lebanon is indeed in the Israeli plans under their "Securing the Realm" documents, to be destroyed and broken up into smaller "fiefdoms"......And finally we cannot forget the Jewish dream of securing southern Lebanon for them to access the Litani River for their own fresh water supplies....... Again, with Syria temporarily out of the picture for destruction for the Greater Israel project, the bullseye apparently is on Lebanon.....The US political circus continues, and the American public continues to allow their election process to be stolen from them and not do one damn thing about it.... But I do wonder if the entire charade is part of a master plan to  not elect either mass murdering freak of nature Hillary Clinton or Jew butt kissing Donald Drumpf to the White House, but to have the Jewish Mossad Sayanim agent, Bernie Sanders, as the next President... Yes, while all the attention has been focused on "Killary" Clinton and Donald, quietly Mossad agent Bernie has moved up in the polls and could become the Democratic nominee for the President....... AND with the threats to ruin the Republican candidacy of Drumpf by the Republicans themselves as well as the possibility of Killary's run for Presidency ruined by her criminal activities being finally revealed to the American people, there could be one candidate standing when all of the shenanigans are over, and that is Jew Bernie himself.....Lets face it.... People across America are getting so fixated by Drumpf and Killary, that few even understand or know anything about Bernie Sanders and his past, including the facts that he is indeed Jewish, very much a Zionist and a firm supporter of Israel above and beyond the United States itself, and actually spent some time living in Israel itself before returning and settling in the United States.... It seems that few understand that the present political circus we see in America right now may have all been done on purpose to have the Jews get their man Sanders, a rabid Zionist and firmly an Israeli first and foremost, into the Oval Office!Well, I guess that is enough for now... I again will do my best if and when I find the time over the next week to fire off as many articles that I can..... In the meantime to again cover so many subjects that I may have missed so far, here comes my "last minute tidbits".... There is still snow on the ground here in central Canada with temperatures about 10 degree celsius below normal for this time of year.  And yet we find the idiots behind the fraud of "Global Warming" calling this the "warmest year on record"?   I again do want to know what college these clown rejects were kicked out of?   But again, the general public will be suckered into paying the fraud of "carbon taxes" without realizing they are fools.......A "soft" coup happening in Brazil right now, and it appears that George Soros' groups are behind all the upheaval there.  Makes sense considering that master criminal has been all over ever coup across the planet for the last decade at least.  And again, WHY is he not in jail?......US economists have finally 'admitted' that the economic outlook is dismal and that there has been NO real growth in the US for the last year!  But we still see the Jew spew media out there proclaiming that this is only a "temporary" setback, and that "economic recovery" is right around the corner.   Honestly, how can the American people continue to swallow this bullshit?.........The ridiculous Lougheed Martin F35 continues to amaze me.  Reports are coming out that state that every single base that will have this flying lemon has to be "modified" to allow it to operate from their airfields that will add to the cost of the "project".  Yes, this TRILLION dollar fiasco continues to be more and more a dismal disaster, and yet the US military is hell bent on putting it into service and thus be suicide for the pilots flying them into combat.......A report came out last week stating that the only ones to gain from the Saudi Arabian debacle in Yemen were the "Al Qaeda" forces located there.  Why should I and everyone else be shocked by this?  It seems that every where the US sticks its nose into these days, the result always is a rise in "terrorism".......Jew spew media bullshit "News show" "60 minutes" is going to air a report later today "linking" Saudi Arabia to the Israeli Mossad 9-11 attacks on America.  More propaganda and deflection from the real truth that the Jews and their agents in America were 100% behind those attacks it seems, and setting up the eventual destruction of Saudi Arabia itself.  Yes, Saudi Arabia is a horrific and most criminal nation, but for the US to try to blame 9-11 on them now reeks of pathetic desperation........Arsenal blows a 2-0 lead over West Ham United yesterday and has to settle on a 3-3 tie in BPL action.  I was disappointed indeed, and clearly the Gunners do not deserve a shot at the BPL title let alone a Champions League berth.  Maybe next year........I came under a bit of criticism for my statement in last week's rant where I said that all religion is a fraud.  I stand behind that statement, and for those who do not like it and want to continue to believe in fraud "sky fairies" there are other sites you can go to.............And finally another shot at the mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary "Killery" Clinton and her antics.  Apparently this witch had the nerve to shut down several streets in Manhattan New York last week just so she can have one of her $500+  hair cuts at a "beauty salon".   To me, this shows how much this creature actually cares about the American people by her abuse of power in bringing part of New York to a stand still just so she can have her ugly hair done.  And yes, there are still fools out there that consider this freak to be the next US President?More to comeNTS