Northerntruthseeker Rant For Monday, January 2nd, 2017

 Yes, it is indeed Monday.... And time for my weekly rant...Yesterday was of course New Year's Day, and I spent the day with family.... And indeed once again I did the cooking for yesterday's feast in celebration of the New Year as well..... It was hectic, and by the end of the day I was completely spent... I did not do my rant yesterday as I had predicted I would not be able to, and thus here I am today doing some major catching up....OK, last week I celebrated Saint Al of the Gore's "Global Warming" fiasco by shovelling out almost some 30 centimetres (thats about a foot for you Americans on the old scale...) of that non-existent white stuff that the moron said would be a "thing of the past".... Well, that was bad enough, but now we are experiencing near record cold temperatures to boot... Temperatures are hovering here at around the -20 to -25 Celsius (-5 to -15 Fahrenheit) range, with NO end in sight.....To anyone with even an ounce of brain power, they can see that we are NOT having this fraud "warmest year on record" bullshit but are indeed entering a severe solar minimum with even colder temperatures right across the planet coming... And yes, this flies in the face of that clown Al Gore and his cronies still screaming "Global Warming" and demanding that we all bend over and take their carbon credit schemes without any resistance.....  I again call complete bullshit on the entire "Global Warming" fiasco and ask that Mr. Gore come up here and see his "snowfalls are a thing of the past" reality for himself....Yes, it is a new year, and there have been many asking for my predictions for this coming year.... I figure I would spend the first part of this rant giving what I see will most definitely happen for this year, and yes what I am about to say will not sit well with so many... Here goes nothing:President Donald Drumpf will NOT be assassinated for he is exactly what the Jewish elite want to be the next US President.... He is a Jew butt kisser and will do exactly what his masters want.... All of this talk about his possible "assassination" is exactly that, just talk, and we will see right after his January 20th inauguration exactly what he stands for, which is the same as all previous Presidents before him, a lot of hot air!Hillary "Killary" Clinton will NOT be put up for any criminal charges, at least for the time being..... Yes, there is so much that this murderous freak has done, and the death toll from the Clinton crime family is in the thousands, not including the estimated 1 million deaths that she is directly responsible in both Libya and Syria.. BUT the facts are that it is not only these mass murdering freaks in the Clinton crime family that are so corrupt and should be up for prosecution, but a huge gaggle of hardened criminals that are sitting in the US Congress and Senate as well... IF this Jewish freak of nature is ever prosecuted, chances are that she will simply open her books and drag all of Washington DC down with her.... That factor therefore means that in most ways this murderer is basically bullet proof for the moment and will NOT face any prosecutions for the immediate future....There is too much at stake in Washington DC that could collapse the entire government, and I can guarantee incoming President Drumpf knows it....Therefore Killary will NOT be prosecuted for the time being, much to the chagrin of the American people....Incoming President Drumpf's first official foreign visit will indeed be to Israel..... When this happens, and I can see it as soon as March, the American people will once again finally understand that they have themselves a Jew butt kisser sitting in the Oval Office.....Drumpf has already said many times repeatedly that he has "Israel's back" and we will see him go to bow down to his Jewish masters when he flies off to that psychotic nation shortly after his inauguration...There will be a lot more "terrorist" attacks happening this year in not only the United States but right around the world..... Yes, the policy of having the psychological effect of fear generated in gullible people will continue non stop for the foreseeable future.... And with each fraud "attack" we will see more and more of individual freedoms stripped away from nation's citizens as a result......The criminals behind these attacks know perfectly well that they get what they want through the policy of generating FEAR, and they have no intention of stopping these "attacks"......And will it change with President Drumpf in the White House?  I doubt it....The "war" in Syria will continue, even with Drumpf in the White House....Apparently incoming President Drumpf has stated that he will continue the war against "ISIS", and I can guarantee that he has been made fully aware already that the US itself has not only created that fraud, but is continuing to support it....But it makes sense, for Israel itself is behind the want to destroy Syria, and with Drumpf firmly under Jewish control, he will continue the policies that have the aim of having that country destroyed continue.....Canadians will be the next nation to have a national Carbon Tax imposed on them by the Trudeau regime in Ottawa.... Yes, Justin Trudeau is all in on this fraud, and his government will indeed impose their long desired criminal "Carbon Tax"on the gullible Canadian people.... It is coming and will be put into place as early as this spring... Be ready my fellow Canadians, for you are about to be fleeced big time....There will be NO war against the Russian Federation this year.... Yes, all the immediate fear mongering is just that, fear mongering... NO nation is that stupid as to risk a global conflict against the nuclear armed Russian Federation, and all of this clamouring and stupidity may indeed end within 18 days when Drumpf gets into the White House..... And even though Barry Soetoro is right now doing some "sabre rattling" against the Russians, the people in the Pentagon are not that ignorant and stupid that they would risk the destruction of America itself by wanting an insane war against Russia.....Israel will continue to build its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.... This is a gimme... The Jewish criminals know that the UN is useless to stop them and with their full control over America they know that if ever threatened the Americans will come running to their support..... These psychos have always wanted ALL of that region for themselves and they want the Palestinians out, permanently.... As I have said so many times, there is NO choice for the Palestinians than to fight when the alternative is permanent exile or death... I know what I would choose in a heartbeat....The world economies will NOT collapse this year....  Yes, every nation is indeed on the edge of total economic collapse due to the criminal Jewish Usury system of debt... But we have seen this same doom and gloom scenario of "collapse" predicted now for decades, and by manipulation and crookedness, the criminals have avoided a world wide collapse so far... I doubt if this year will be any different.....The world will not end in 2017.... Hey, this is an extra one for good measure... I have long had the doom and gloom idiots claim that "Planet X" or "Nibiru" is coming, or that "this year" will be the one when the world ends... But the facts are that this planet is in NO danger (yet) from any spacial or cosmic threat, and the only threat is from mankind screwing up the planet itself....Well, so much for a few predictions.... On to other business..... I see that already we have a new "terrorist" attack in Istanbul Turkey at a night club... BUT I have been waiting for the obvious sign that this is indeed a hoax and a false flag with the fraud "terrorist" group "ISIS" taking responsibility for that "attack".... Once "ISIS" claims responsibility, we will know that this "attack" was a fraudulent as all the rest.... And at the moment that I am typing this report, "ISIS" has YET to claim responsibility....I cannot understand the mentality of the majority of Americans that they would actually swallow the bullshit that their crooked government is continuing to spew with all of this laughable "Russian Hacking" business..... EVERY piece of evidence that has come forward has already stated clearly that the  "hacking" of the Democratic party was NOT by the Russians, but done internally by Democrats that were sickened by the thought of having Queen Killary in control of the US..... And even on the weekend, we had the reports of the Vermont power utility companies being "hacked" by the Russians that was being pushed on the American people.. But now the criminals and liars in the Jew spew media have "egg on their faces" when it was discovered that the "hacking" was most probably done by an employee of the power corporation itself and from one single laptop computer... And yet, even last night after family dinner when I turned on the Jew spew media Talmudvision, there were still reports from these LIARS that the Russians "allegedly" did the hacking!   Yes, there are indeed gullible people across America that will indeed swallow that slop and will blindly follow their crooked government as it pushes for war against Russia itself based on false allegations!.....The one good news is apparently the newest "ceasefire" in Syria that was brokered by the Russians is actually holding, at least for the moment.... I again am weary that this one will hold up since every single 'ceasefire agreement' before it was purposely ruined by the criminal US government that does NOT want any peace in Syria other than to see Assad removed from office and Syria cut up into pieces.....I can guarantee that the US will use this respite in the fighting thanks to this "ceasefire" for it to rush in even more arms and equipment to their fraud "rebels"....As I had predicted before, this "war" in Syria is NOT over by a longshot and this coming year will see the death and destruction continue thanks to the greed and lust of the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal.....OK, I guess I have rambled on long enough.. So much more has been happening around the planet, and I will touch on some other matters at hand right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"........A report has come out stating that every American aircraft carrier is now back in port in the United States, and claims that this could signal a new war.   I am not sold on it, for there has been other times that these ships have returned to US ports and there has been no war as a result.   Barry Soetoro may be a nut job, but he is not that crazy as to now risk a global war as his parting gift to incoming President Drumpf...........The war in Yemen is continuing unabated, and again I am troubled that more focus has not been placed on the growing humanitarian crisis unfolding there.  Even now thousands of Yemeni people are indeed starving to death thanks to the criminal embargo on that impoverished nation.  But with the US on the side of the murderous Saudis and wanting that nation subdued and destroyed, the truth about the real situation is not being seen via the Jew spew media.........The recent Berlin "truck attack" has now been fully exposed as a fraud and a set up.  My concern is for the German people who have blindly and gullibly swallowed that bullshit and are now going to bare the brunt of criminal Angela Merkel's calls for their freedoms to be suppressed for the fraud of "security" from equally fraudulent "terrorism"......And about that Tu154 that went down in the Black Sea earlier last week?  I am not yet sold on the idea that the criminals behind NATO may have electronically jammed the aircraft to cause it to crash.   That type of attack would have indeed triggered a severe Russian response and even possibly war.   The information is still sketchy right now as to exactly what caused that crash and I am still leaning on it being purely a mechanical failure.......This is insane:  The California state government passed a bill last week making child prostitution no longer an illegal offence.  And with that lunacy, the state of California has now basically opened its borders for every pedophile across America to come in and have sex with children without any prosecutions! Yes, the "Liberals" in California have truly now gone insane, and I do feel sorry for the people, and especially the children, now living in that state......Then we have the other lunacy in America where now the state of Alaska has BANNED the burning of fire wood.  Honestly, this is another act of lunacy, simply because Alaska is covered by forrest, and the primary method of staying warm in that cold state is of course to burn wood.  WHO in their right mind would "ban" firewood in a state that is dependant on burning wood for fuel and for human survival?  Another case of American government lunacy indeed.......I have one question for those idiots out there that still believe in the bullshit of "Russian hacking", which is: What about the known cases of Israel hacking America?  Does anyone remember how the Israelis used their "Stuxnet virus" to hack across not only America, but the world as well?  Heck, doesn't Fukushima and the disaster created by the Israeli "Stuxnet virus" even ring a bell?.........Someone asked my thoughts about the deaths of Jewess Carrie Fischer and her Jewess mother Debby Reynolds.   Both suffered from severe mental illnesses, and I do wonder if the "medications" that they were both on contributed to their deaths.  And we must not forget that severe mental illnesses are a trademark of the entire "tribe" as well.........So Barry Soetoro and his tranny "wife" Michael have another 18 days left in the White House.  All I can say is "good riddance" when they finally have to leave, and don't let the door slam them from behind as they leave.......Arsenal got a good victory on New Year's day, beating Crystal Palace by the score of 2-0.   And with Manchester City winning this morning against Burnley, it means the Gunners are still sitting 4th in the table.  Chelsea appears to be a runaway winner of the entire league this year, and the best I can hope for now is for Arsenal to hold onto a Champions League berth..............Again, my plans for this coming year are to continue to write at this blog and hopefully reach more people with real facts and the basic truths.  I am NOT in this for any money or glory, and will never be bought off..........And finally, what the heck, I will start off this year's first rant with my closing shot at the Kardashians once again.  Fans are "gushing" over pictures of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian's baby "Dream" saying that the baby looks exactly like Rob.  I feel sorry for that kid, considering how butt ugly Rob is.  And once again, a new year, and more stupid antics from this entire "family" of misfits and trollops yet to come.   I am hoping that with this new year, most Americans will finally have had enough of these pieces of trash, but that may be wishful thinking......Well, anyways, Happy New Year to everyone..... I am indeed crossing my fingers that 2017 will be the year that we finally defeat the Jewish criminal scumbags that want to enslave us all, but that may indeed be wishful thinking....More to comeNTS