Northerntruthseeker Passes The 4 MILLION Viewership Mark...

I finally checked my "blogger" statistics the other day, and apparently this blog has passed the 4 million view mark according to Blogger...I do look at this as a milestone, and yet I find it disturbing that this mark was not passed some months back... I stated in my previous rant that I have suspected that Google and Blogger are manipulating the statistics of some bloggers and not showing the true readership numbers.... Many other bloggers are also just as suspicious....The reality is that this blog at one point over 6 months back was getting some 10,000+ hits at day, and then suddenly that number mysteriously dropped to just over 1000 hits (?) a day!  Do I therefore suspect that numbers are being manipulated? You bet!Anyways, I do want to thank the readership for their support..... I am doing my best as always to try to get the real truth out there for all to see...... And will continue to pursue that truth.....And as usual...More to comeNTS