North Korea Doesn’t Deny Hacking Sony Over Seth Rogen Movie

Sony Pictures went through a nasty hacking attack this past week. It ground the studio to a halt for awhile, and also led to the leaks of some upcoming movies.
So whodunnit? Believe it or not, it sounds like it was North Korea.
Sony speculated that North Korea was behind the attack, and North Korea explicitly didn’t deny the idea, and the FBI’s own investigations are focusing on that possibility.
It’s potentially the best and craziest publicity a movie could possibly get, but upcoming Seth Rogen movie The Interview, a comedy in which a TV host and producer go to North Korea to interview Kim Jong Un and are courted by the CIA to assassinate him, made North Korea livid.
North Korea complained to the UN that the Seth Rogen movie amounts to a war crime, which itself could be the setup to myriad bad Hollywood jokes, but now it seems they got so mad that they attacked Sony Pictures.
