Nobody Has Been Better At The Military

"President" Pig-Man can't pull his lard ass away from his mastabatory Nazi rallies and cheating at his pathetic golf game. Did you read the transcript of the interview the illegitimate and incompetent fake "president" did the other day with the Associated Press? You should; it will encourage you to help get out the vote in 2 weeks. Let me skip the lies and lame attempt at a cover-up for his crooked Saudi cronies and his bullshit and lies about the midterms, the lies about how he feels about a Democratic takeover of the House, the lies about Stormy Daniels, the lies about hurricanes and Climate Change... and even the bitter lies about the Mueller investigation that half the country prays will land him in prison someday. This bit of classic gaslighting could have been inserted after any question-- and it practically was after every question:

I have the most successful. Nobody has done what I’ve done, and nobody has come close in the first two years of office. And that’s despite the fighting, the Democrats’ obstruction.

Instead, towards the end of the endless bullshit and bragging and utter disgustingness, an AP reporter asked him "On the subject of American soldiers and military overseas, why have you not yet visited a military base in a combat zone like in Iraq and Afghanistan?" And the repulsive pig's anus answered: "Well, I will do that at some point, but I don’t think it’s overly necessary. I’ve been very busy with everything that’s taking place here. We have the greatest economy in the history of our country. I mean, this is the greatest economy we’ve ever had, best unemployment numbers. Many groups are, you know, we’ve never even been close to these numbers. I’m doing a lot of things. I’m doing a lot of things. But it’s something I’d do. And do gladly. Nobody has been better at the military. Hey, I just got them a pay raise. I haven’t had a pay raise in 11 years. I just got them a substantial pay raise. ‘They’ meaning our military people. I just got them new equipment. They have stuff that was so old that the grandfathers used to fly it. I have done more for the military than any president in many, many years."