No, Angry Foreigner is Not Alt-Right

I do not consider myself alt-right, and I never have. I don’t even consider myself ordinary right-wing. Every political test I’ve done places me left of center, and although Im not interested in labeling myself politically it should at least give testament to people’s misconceptions of me.
Ever since Hillary Clinton’s speech, all of a sudden everyone is defining themselves as alt-right. The term has even spread to Sweden where we, as far as I know, don’t have any alt-right movement online.
We do, however, have a very small anarchocapitalist movement who are  trying to capitalize on the alt-rights growing popularity. They seem to have deluded themselves into thinking they qualify as alt-right, simply because they’re discontent capitalists. I guess that crazy bullshit cult is just hungry for some marketing.
Look, the fact that there’s a couple of confused capitalists in this pile of race realists is irrelevant when the movement as a whole is talking mostly about jews. I’ve seen people write shit like: “The alt-right is just a term for anyone who’s against political correctness and the regressive left!”
No, “alt-right” is not a general term for common sense. The unifying core beliefs of the alt-right is that equality is a dangerous myth, and the dogma that all races are equal needs to be rejected. They are ”race realists” who think that the most important thing you can talk about is the jewish question. They also believe that culture is directly tied to race and biology, which then leads them to draw the conclusion that muslims can never truly change.
And for some reason people think I’m a philosophical ally of the alt-right. Because I reject tolerance for the sake of tolerance, I reject virtue signaling, I hate suicidal ”progressive” policies and the destructive Black Lives Matter movement.
Here’s the thing tho: Anyone with half a brain is against these things. Including many left-wingers. Being against political correctness doesn’t make you special. We can’t give white nationalists patent on common sense.
And when did I ever say that all races aren’t equal? I’ve not once made a video on racial biology. If you consider me a philosophical ally of those guys it’s because you’ve made assumptions about opinions I don’t have.
Here’s the thing about cultures: Western culture is awesome because it allows porn, women can fuck around, countries are largely secular and don’t respect religion, fags and trannies have human rights, or at least many of us are trying to give them equal rights.
There’s a conversation happening about allowing people to step outside of gender norms, and even though feminism goes way too far sometimes, there are sensible feminists as well. There’s also a general respect for freedom of speech in the Western world, even though many SJWs are trying to change that.
Many muslim countries don’t have any of these things. That’s why I criticize them. Because they aren’t progressive.
Now, with the exception of freedom of speech, the alt-right hate these things I mentioned. They hate progressive values. They think slutshaming is biologically defensible, and that traditional gender roles should be enforced on everyone.
They freak out when I wear nail polish, and when I made a video celebrating pornstars and disputing slutshaming they called me a cuck and got REALLY triggered, because I had the nerve to “promote a jewish invention whose purpose is to destabilize Western society”. By that they mean porn.
The alt-right are just as regressive as the radical muslims they despise. They’re essentially right-wing SJWs. Instead of “racist” they just call everyone “cuck”. And while I do agree that insult is funny as hell, and certainly has some merits, they take the definition way too far sometimes. They’ll call someone a cuck just because he isn’t strongly against race-mixing. Black girls are fucking hot, why would any heterosexual male oppose race-mixing? Come on.
And so it becomes kinda weird to see them in my following, since everything I criticize about radical muslims and ethno-masochistic leftists directly applies to them as well. Clearly we have very different views of what Western culture actually is, and what parts of it are worth preserving.
The alt-right is simply a reaction to the SJWs that have been dominating public discourse for so long. Ironically, however, the alt-right are just as collectivist, narrow-minded and bigoted as the SJWs they despise. I’ve seen them get triggered when I make jokes about Hitler, or unfavorable comparisons to Hitler.
Some people are trying to say that the alt-right is a diverse group consisting of many different factions. I call bullshit on that. While it is true that there’s a number of unhappy conservatives present, they are outnumbered by the racists.
The alt-right aren’t joking when they deny the holocaust, praise Hitler and talk about ethnic cleansing with a dash of romance. I know some of the guys are trolling, but there’s way too many who believe that shit for real. And the most progressive people you’re gonna find in that movement are…… Well. Not even Milo Yiannopolous and Gavin McInnes identify as alt-right. I think that says a lot.