Nick Ruiz for Congress: Endless Summer

As you probably know, Blue America has endorsed Nick Ruiz, a professor, a surfer and a former Green Party candidate running as a progressive Democrat now, against anti-environmental corporate stooge John Mica in a central Florida district next to Alan Grayson's. Grayson should be able to fly back and forth between Orlando and DC with Nick rather than Mica and his weird wig.Nick has a contest for the month of August-- Nick Ruiz for Congress: Endless Summer-- and we want to make sure you know about it. From Nick:

"I'd like to announce a a very special contest for NRIII 2014 supporters that is going to be alot of fun. We have to raise funds for our first TV commercial and the petition/ ballot access fee. We have a first goal of 15K. It's a surf contest, called Endless Summer. It goes like this:1. Contribute any amount toward our goal.2. On August 31st, the contest ends and if we hit the goal-- one random winner and companion will be flown to sunny New Smyrna Beach, Florida for a weekend that includes a hotel stay and surf lesson with me at Ponce Inlet, arguably the best surf spot in all of Florida. It's sunny here year-round, so the date of the trip is negotiable.3. What have you got to lose? Help a progressive get into Congress, and perhaps win a Florida weekend getaway."

Recently Nick told me in an interview that the Republican and the Democratic political Establishments are "listening to the wealth establishment, and they are cognizant of the funding of their political campaigns. They want to curry favor with the wealth establishment. That’s who wants this done. In that sense, corporate politicians, and the PACS that support them, are all the same. But we have choices to make. You can vote for me in FL-7-- I’m the anti-social justice establishment’s worst nightmare. Because I will not acquiesce to social injustice. In fact, I will work to reorder the entirely unjust scenario just described, by replacing corporate Democrats with authentic progressive people."Nick has to defeat John Mica to get into Congress. But I suspect that once he gets there, it'll be hacks like Steny Hoyer and Steve Israel who will be pulling the hair out of their heads because of him. There are some (admiring) Democratic freshmen that joke about Alan Grayson's incredible record of accomplishment-- even in a House controlled by the GOP-- by cracking to themselves: "unleash the cracken." God only knows what they'll come up with when Nick is in Congress!Please consider making a contribution to Nick's cause on the Blue America ActBlue page-- whether you want the surf holiday or not.