Newt Gingrich defends Trump: “Hillary Clinton is a racist demagogue” (Video)

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Former US House speaker Newt Gingrich blasted Hillary Clinton for calling Trump’s national anthem remarks a racial attack.
Much like former President Obama, Hillary Clinton draws directly from the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” playbook, using divisive racial rhetoric to keep her elite status in tact, and Newt Gingrich calls her out on it…

“Look, let me say first of all, Hillary Clinton is a racist demagogue, I mean let’s be blunt. Let’s be straight out about this thing. She can’t possibly debate on the merits, any of the things we are talking about.”
“She is using racism as a deliberate weapon. She is dividing the country on racial grounds, as a deliberate political weapon, in exactly the model of modern liberalism, which can’t possibly survive if they don’t constantly go back to racism.”

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“Donald Trump said nothing that had anything to do about race. He talked about defending the flag. He talked about defending our national anthem. Now how you take that and translate it into a racial attack…Tells you everything you need to know about the sickness of the modern left, and the sickness of the Democratic party. They cannot survive if they can’t constantly yell race, and as a result they have become one of the most divisive and destructive forces in America today.”

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