NEWSBUD- Where Media Integrity Matters: Join Our Campaign for a 100% People Funded Media

Support a 100% People-Funded, Nonpartisan Online News Source
The day has finally come for your chance to help us create a 100% people-funded news alternative. Our Kickstarter campaign is now live, and we’re counting on your support. For us to realize our collective dream of a major independent, nonpartisan media platform, we need your help. Without you, we cannot build the independent news source that we the people deserve. We can only do that when we are 100% publicly funded, and that means we need you, your voice, and your commitment to our cause. Please make a pledge and help us put the word out.

Newsbud Telethon - Part 1 - February 14

Newsbud Telethon - Part 2 - February 14

*For a list of podcasts, videos and articles on Newsbud scroll to the bottom of this page.
**We are asking those of you who support this one-of-a-kind media project to come and join us. Please add yourself, and your voice, to our group list here
A Message from Sibel Edmonds- Founder, Newsbud:
Welcome to our main page and threads for everything Newsbud! Starting today we’ll be collectively (yes, that means YOU!) campaigning to make Newsbud, a 100% people funded, independent, nonpartisan, online news source, a reality. I want you to pay special attention to 100% People Funded and what it means, thus, the importance of your role and participation in making this one-of-a-kind media platform come true. Solely people-funded media means no corporate advertisement gunk. It means no marketing gimmicks imbedded in the information presented. It means no strings attached to billionaire sugar daddies- be it Soros, Koch, Rockefellers or Carnegies. It means a media outlet only accountable to you-to we the people.  This means integrity. It means ethical and agenda-free journalism. It means making we the people relevant, and taking the 0.0001% out of the equation, thus making them irrelevant. And most importantly, it means that it is up to you and me, up to us the people, to do what it takes to create NEWSBUD-Where Media Integrity Matters.
Thomas Jefferson put it simply and eloquently: An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy.

For a decade and a half I’ve been fighting for the public’s right to know. An informed citizenry has been my life’s mission- From whistleblowing and years of leading congressional investigations, to forming the first and only National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, to establishing Boiling Frogs Post- a 100% viewers’ supported independent online information forum. Now, with your support, and in partnership with a network of nationally and internationally recognized journalists, producers, and analysts, we will be creating NEWSBUD, an independent news and multimedia network poised to redefine content-driven, online publishing through a 100% publicly funded platform: An empowering, publicly funded media network that is accountable only to its viewers and to the truth.
Please allow me to present a few important points and dates before ending this message:

  1. Please mark the following date on your schedule board, desktop calendar, smart phone, laptop and everywhere else: Sunday, February 14, 2016 (Valentine’s Day!). This is the day we will launch our Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign based on an ‘All or Nothing’ platform. Meaning, we’ll make Newsbud a reality if we raise our required minimum funding during the campaign, or everyone will get their pledge (donated money) back. Now please go to your gadgets and set the reminder function for this important date (If you’re using a music tune- make it an excited and happy one, and make it loud!).
  2. We have created a group e-mail list for all who support our mission for a 100% independent media with integrity. Our goal is to recruit at least 20,000 of you who are interested in this project and want to support it, whether via a monetary contribution or by helping us reach and activate others to join this campaign. You may have already signed up with us, but there is more we need you to do: please inform and encourage others you know, and invite them to join this solely people-powered media project by signing up. The direct link is here, and the sign up button is below.
  3. Join NEWSBUD list

  4. During the next 28 days we’ll be presenting you with a series of podcast and video shows, and commentaries on Newsbud and related details. Please do your share by sharing these presentations with others. Help us raise awareness by disseminating these programs through your social media network, e-mail groups and other blogs and forums.
  5. I am planning to record and publish my solo podcast series on Newsbud. What I want to do: take and answer your specific questions for each episode, rather than providing you with canned and scripted information. Yes, I want it to be participatory. So, please participate by submitting your questions and comments here

Without you, we cannot build the independent news source that we the people deserve. We can only do that when we are 100% publicly supported, and that means we need you, your voice, and your commitment to our cause. Don’t let the 1% render you powerless- Empower yourself with NEWSBUD-People Powered Media where integrity matters.
Thank You All,
Sibel Edmonds
Sibel Edmonds is editor and publisher of BFP Report, founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), and author of the acclaimed book Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, and The Lone Gladio, a Political Spy Thriller. . She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award. Ms. Edmonds is a certified linguist, fluent in four languages, and has an MA in public policy from George Mason University and a BA in criminal justice and psychology from George Washington University.
Who We Are: Showcasing A Few Newsbud First-Tier Associates
Since October 2015 we’ve been busy forming our first-tier partners and associates. In a couple of weeks we’ll present our complete list of Newsbud associates and team members. Meanwhile, while we are finalizing things, let’s present a few Newsbud associates together with their bios and photos, welcome them, and let them know how proud of them we all are. Shall we?

Peter B. Collins- Senior Producer (NB: Evening News Desk)
Peter B. Collins is a radio producer and talk show host based in San Francisco. For over three decades he has produced and hosted talk programs on major stations, and for satellite radio and national syndication. Mr. Collins also owns and operates Collins Media Services offering consulting services and development of radio programs.

Bill Conroy- Senior Editor & Investigative Journalist (NB: National Coverage)
Investigative Journalist Bill Conroy is unquestionably one of the most original, accurate, and important journalists on the trail of the U.S.-backed Drug War. His work includes the ongoing “House of Death” series, which revealed widespread corruption and criminal activity perpetrated by U.S. agents. His journalism has changed the way the media reports the Drug War. Bill has decades of investigative-reporting experience covering a variety of issues for numerous print and online publications, including, The Daily Beast, the national Business Journal chain, and alternative newsweeklies in Milwaukee, St. Louis and San Antonio.

Pepe Escobar- Senior Correspondent & Analyst (NB: International Coverage)
Pepe Escobar is an investigative journalist and geopolitical analyst. He is the former roving journalist and correspondent for the Hong Kong-based Asia Times Online, where he wrote the column The Roving Eye from 2000 to 2014. Mr. Escobar has been a foreign correspondent since 1985, and has lived in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Washington and Hong Kong. Even before 9/11 he specialized in covering the arc from the Middle East to Central and East Asia, with an emphasis on Big Power geopolitics, energy wars and the New Great Game in Eurasia/the New Silk Roads. He speaks five languages, and is the author of "Globalistan" (2007), "Red Zone Blues" (2007), "Obama does Globalistan" (2009) and "Empire of Chaos" (2014), all published by Nimble Books. He currently lives between Paris and Bangkok.

Paul Jamiol- Editorial Cartoonist (NB: Editorial Toons)
Paul Jamiol has been cartooning and illustrating for the past 40 plus years. He has been recognized for his work nationally and internationally. His cartoons and illustrations have been featured in numerous newspapers and on the internet, and have won multiple awards from state, regional and national press associations.

Pearse Redmond- Producer & Columnist (NB: Podcast & Blog)
Pearse Redmond is an independent researcher and podcast producer who hails from New York City. He is the host of Porkins Policy Radio. His podcasts address a variety of topics, and frequently focus on the geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucasus region, and the complex relationship between the entertainment industry and the national security state.  Pearse holds a B.A. in Political Science (with a concentration in the Middle East and South Asia) from Purchase College.

Tom Secker (NB: Book & Film Reviews)
Tom Secker is a researcher, writer and producer based in North Yorkshire who specializes in the intelligence agencies. He wrote and produced a pair of feature-length documentaries examining the 7/7 London bombings which is both an original investigation into the bombings and a sociological analysis of the theories around the attacks. Since then he has been running the site where he documents the state's relationship with pop culture, often publishing unique source files obtained via archives and FOIA requests. He hosts the podcast ClandesTime and co-produces and co-hosts the series The CIA and Hollywood.

Guillermo Jimenez- Senior Producer & Author (NB: Podcast & Editorials)
Guillermo Jimenez is a writer and podcast producer based in Austin, Texas, with years of experience working as an editor, translator, and columnist at various publications. A fluent Spanish speaker, Guillermo's work has focused primarily on issues dealing with Latin America, the erosion of civil liberties in the United States, the national security state, the drug war, and immigration. He received his bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, with a concentration in psycholinguistics. As the host of Traces of Reality, Demanufacturing Consent, and the RadioWHO Podcast, Guillermo has conducted over 200 interviews with prominent writers, activists, authors, and artists from around the world.

Christoph Germann- Senior Analyst (NB: Central Asia & Caucasus)
Christoph Germann, based in Germany, is an independent analyst and researcher majoring in political science. His analyses and work focuses on the New Great Game in Central Asia and the Caucasus region. Mr. Germann’s articles are regularly published at Russia Insider Magazine and BFP Report. He also runs the blog The New Great Game.

Spiro Skouras- Senior Producer (NB: News Desk)
Spiro Skouras is an independent producer and analyst, and a co-host on Real Talk Live. He runs a popular YouTube channel with video productions on a variety of topics ranging from civil liberties and environmental issues to media censorship and geopolitics. Mr. Skouras is based in the US Pacific Northwest, and travels frequently as a roving cameraman with a keen eye for real stories.

Katie Aguilera- Senior Columnist & Researcher (NB: Blog)
Katie Aguilera is an independent researcher, author, and activist who resides in Bend, Oregon. She studied Outdoor Recreation Leadership and spent many years working in the field of wilderness therapy and as a river guide. She writes at the blog Seeking Redress.

Professor Filip Kovacevic- Senior Analyst (NB: The Balkans & Russia)
Filip Kovacevic is a Montenegrin geopolitical author, university professor and the chairman of the Movement for Neutrality of Montenegro. He received his BA and PhD in political science in the U.S. and was a visiting professor at St. Petersburg State University in Russia for two years. Dr. Kovacevic is fluent in several languages, and is the author of seven books and dozens of academic articles. He currently resides in San Francisco and teaches at the University of San Francisco.

Christian Sorensen- Senior Researcher & Analyst (NB: MIC Coverage)
Christian Sorensen is an independent writer and Arabic translator. He served in the U.S. Air Force during 2007-2011. Mr. Sorensen holds advanced degrees in Translation Studies and International Relations. His research focuses on U.S. weapon procurement and war profiteering.

What NEWSBUD Will Provide
NEWSBUD will be a news and multimedia network unlike anything else online, in print, or on TV. It will offer all of the elements people expect from a large news organization and also utilize social media, a mobile app (news alerts, etc.), and other Internet platforms.
All NEWSBUD reports and multimedia productions will be entirely independent and nonpartisan and will be developed, written, produced, and vetted by our staff, who will be paid with funding from the public.
We are planning to set up our headquarters in Bend, Oregon. We’ll be setting up our IT department within our HQ office, and have at least two recording studios (video & audio). We will operate 24 X 7 and will deliver:

  • Hourly updated headline news (weekdays, 5 days per week)
  • Original investigative stories (2 to 3 per week)
  • Evening News (weekdays, 5 evenings per week)—a 30-minute news show, covering significant news stories of the day and one feature story every weekday evening
  • Analysis videos (daily)—providing analysis and multiple perspectives on several of the day’s stories
  • Podcast shows (daily)—featuring in-depth discussions and analyses with expert guests
  • Editorials and analyses (daily)
  • Original editorial cartoons
  • Live chat with VIP guests (weekly)
  • Discussion forums—24/7 monitored and managed public discussions and activism
  • Roundtable political discussions (video, every Sunday)
  • Book and film reviews (NB Weekend Edition)
  • And more!

Newsbud Coverage (Updated List)

Podcast (Audio Only)
Sibel Edmonds Presents: Buckle-Up & Join the Ride: Our New Media Project is on Its Way!
NEWSBUD- Where Media Integrity Matters with Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins & Pepe Escobar
Newsbud Presents Investigative Journalist Bill Conroy: Ethical & Independent Investigative Journalism
Pearse Redmond Joins Media Roots' Robbie Martin on CIA-Hollywood Partnership & Newsbud- Where Media Integrity Matters
Opperman Report Presents Sibel Edmonds on Newsbud-Where Media Integrity Matters
The Ochelli Effect – Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond talk Newsbud (and more!)
Tackling The Lies With Newsbud! By Katie Aguilera