New Year’s Resolution

Because I am a free human being, I resolve to redeclare my independence. Not just today, but every day. Not just this New Year, but every year.
I resolve to impart the knowledge that independence is not something we are, it is something we do. It is the sum total of the decisions that we make, the thoughts that we have, the words in which we express those thoughts, the ways that we interact with those around us. It is a habit of thought and it is a choice that we make each and every day to live as free and independent human beings or to live in mental enslavement. In recognition of that fact, I choose to express my freedom through my thoughts, words and deeds.
I resolve to act rather than react, set the news agenda, rather than follow it, inspire rather than infuriate.
I resolve to teach this independence of thought to my son, not just by lecture but by example. By displaying the love and compassion that I hope to instill in him, and by leading by example.
Not just today, but every day. Not just this year, but every year. I resolve to redeclare my independence because I am a free human being.
How about you?