New Video From Anthony Lawson: Another War For Israel - Featuring America's Newest Allies: Al Qaeda (An American/Israeli Invention!)

It does seem that this rush to war against the innocent nation of Syria has momentarily hit a few stumbling blocks for the lunatics in both the US and criminal state of Israel's governments.   The so called "speech" a few nights back by the criminal US President has definitely not swayed American opinion, and in fact has made that criminal himself look like a liar.   It now appears that short of a new Israeli false flag attack on the United States to be conveniently blamed on Syria, the long sought attack has been "postponed"...For this article, I want to present the newest video by Anthony Lawson.... It gives his perspective of this insane push for war in Syria, and is entitled: "Another War For Israel - Featuring America's Newest Allies: Al Qaeda" and is a definite must see by everyone... I have it right here, and of course I have my own thoghts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  It is so amazing that the criminal US government is supporting this "Al Qaeda" in Syria, considering that they pushed the lie for years that it was "Al Qaeda" that did the murderous attack on the United States on 9-11 that killed some 3000 innocent Americans.   And most Americans cannot see the hypocrisy in that???What everyone needs to understand (again) is that Al Qaeda itself is a fraud.  It is the creation of the Mossad and the CIA to have an "enemy" for their war on terror and their excuse to wage war on innocent nations.  Al Qaeda is in fact a horrible joke on the American people, and is always used by the Jew media and the Jew controlled US Government to strike fear in the public to get them to support wars of conquest.... The only nation that benefits from this phantom Al Qaeda organization and the destruction of nations is the criminal state of Israel!I for one have long wished that the American public would have awoken by now to this facade, and realized that their criminal government will continue to push for an invasion of Syria to satisfy their Jewish masters unless they are forcibly stopped.    That time is woefully long overdue!More to comeNTS