A New Revelation from Newsbud’s Sibel Edmonds: “Turkey’s Never-Admitted-to Nuclear Capabilities”

In this special sneak peak, we share a highlight from a brand new episode of Newsbud’s Roundtable that hasn’t even aired yet. This episode features Sibel Edmonds and Professor Filip Kovacevic. The topic of discussion is the heightened tensions between the US and Russia, specifically Turkey’s role. In this must see episode which will air in its entirety very soon, Sibel Edmonds unexpectedly reveals info that to this day has not been admitted to officially.
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Show Notes
Sibel Edmonds case: Front page of the (UK) papers (finally)
"We Can’t Afford to Let Them Spill the Beans"
Found in Translation
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds In London Times 
Sibel Edmonds: 'Buckle Up, There's Much More Coming'
Nuclear secrets for sale on black market
NY Times confirms US involvement in Nuclear Black Market
The EyeOpener- CIA & the Nuclear Black Market: A Case Study
Sibel Edmonds' 2005 Spring Offensive: FBI Shields Pakistan/Turkey Nuclear Weapons Development, Drug Trade, Cheney, Rumsfeld
Is Turkey Secretly Working on Nuclear Weapons?