New NATO Strike Force To Be Deployed At Short Notice

Xinhua News Agency
September 20, 2014
NATO to develop readiness force to be deployed at short notice
VILNIUS: Chairman of NATO Military Committee said here on Saturday that NATO will develop a readiness force which can be deployed at a very short notice.
Knud Bartels stressed at a press conference after the Military Committee’s conference held in Vilnius that NATO will have the right forces, right equipment, at the right place and time.
“This force will be sustainable, credible, agile, visible and balanced,” he said.
The conference held in Vilnius will supply directions and guidance to the development of this force, according to him.
NATO’s greatest responsibility is to protect and defend all its 28 allies against threats, which is the reason for NATO to reach the decision to build a Readiness Action Plan during the NATO summit in Wales, Bartels noted.
“It was a clear commitment that demonstrates the alliance’s solidarity and resolve,” he added.
Readiness Action Plan aims to strengthen the bloc’s collective defense and to ensure the alliance is ready to deal with any challenge.
According to Bartels, the conference, at a level of chiefs of defense, discussed “critical developments” on four areas: Russia-Ukraine, Africa’s Sahel, Middle East and North Africa, and Asia-Pacific.
He also mentioned at the press conference the Resolute Support mission through which NATO will provide training and assistance to Afghanistan national forces.
The Military Committee meets twice a year at NATO Headquarters in Brussels at the level of chiefs of defense to discuss NATO operations and missions and provide the North Atlantic Council with consensus-based military advice on how the bloc can best meet global security challenges, and once a year they meet in a member country.
This is the second time that the committee’s meeting has been held in Vilnius, with a previous meeting ten years ago.
