New Machine Turns Food Waste into Energy

An Israeli company, HomeBioGas, has created a portable machine that turns food waste into renewable energy for cooking or electricity, and its byproduct can even be used as plant fertilizer. [1]
The machine, which is temporarily available for $995, is part of an initiative to help create more sustainable energy as well as provide electricity and gas for cooking in parts of the world where it is spotty or lacking. The machine is also portable, and can be easily packed up and moved, which makes it a fantastic invention for those without a permanent home looking to provide electricity and gas to temporary shelters.
It differs from other compost in that it not only accepts plants, but also meat, dairy, fats, oils, and even used kitty litter. The machine will compost it and release biogas to the tune of about 6 kilowatt hours of energy. This gives individuals using the HomeBioGas enough gas for about three hours of cooking.
The European Union also funded a project to help bring these machines to the Palestinian village of al-Awja. One man in the village who received a machine, stated why it is so useful for him and those he lives near: “(In) this area … there is no water or electricity. We have no services.” [1]
A private investor has also helped fill a need in Uganda by providing an orphanage with a machine. Yair Teller, cofounder of the HomeBioGas system, told Jewish Business News that the kids were delighted with it.

“These children lit up when they discovered the HomeBiogas magic — that they can transform their waste and produce their very own energy,” he said.

Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Energy has also purchased several units in order to cut down on the amount of wood the citizens rely on for heating.
In addition to those living without gas and electricity, the company is seeking to target affluent western consumers who are interested in reducing their carbon footprint.

“We’ve received orders from various distributors in many countries, such as Australia, Nigeria and Costa Rica, that want to set up demo installations,” the owner stated. “About 70 different countries are interested in establishing distributorships. So evidently we are answering a need.”
