New Jersey School First in Nation to Allow Medical Marijuana

A school nurse at one school in Vermont has refused to give a young girl CBD oil (even though it isn’t made from cannabis, but rather hemp) for her recurring seizures, but not everyone is being deprived of this medicine. Recently, another 17-year old has won a legal battle in New Jersey to consume cannabis oil during her school lunch period.
Smokeless medical marijuana will now be allowed at the first school in the United States following New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s signing of a bill that supports Genny Barbour’s right to treat her epileptic condition while attending a school in the Maple Shade School District. No other school currently allows cannabis to be used while on school property.
Barbour lost a lawsuit filed by her family, but the lark School Board revisited her request to consume medical marijuana while on school property. Previously, the board insisted that using any form of cannabis while on school grounds would go against the drug-free school zone laws. The new rules developed by the board will give students with conditions like Barbour’s the ability to use medical marijuana on school premises.
Susan Weiner, executive director of Larc School, said in a statement:

 “I’m thrilled that we have been able to reach this point. We’re about helping children. I know there are so many kids in this state and across the country who can benefit from this. We’re grateful that our legislators recognized it’s a sincere need that helps students, because we do see the difference.”

The bill, which was approved by the State Legislature over the summer and then signed into law on Monday by Governor Christie, provides a legal shield for schools and other operations serving disabled patients that want to administer medical marijuana.
New Jersey’s latest medical marijuana law will enable Barbour to consume a single dose of cannabis oil at The Larc School, however, the law dictates that only a member of the family or a registered caregiver can give the medication under the supervision of a school staff member.
This has forced Genny’s parents, Roger and Lora Barbour, to continue in their legal battle. Barbour’s parents want a school nurse to be able to give their daughter the medical marijuana during the school day as she needs it.