The New Drone Order – Part III_Intro: At the Advent of Winged Drones, Research Progresses Forward

Biology-inspired Engineering and Morphing Technology
Drones with wings? But why?! While some Dronesters are dwelling on the metallic, the plastic, and the 3D printed, other roboticists & researchers are harkening back to the whims of the natural world. There are birds that can maneuver like no human built aircraft can. Researchers have found that the courtship dive of the Anna's Hummingbird makes it comparatively speedier than a jet fighter at full throttle or the space shuttle re-entering the atmosphere. Anyone who's anyone has admired how frustratingly hard it is to catch a fly, much less swallow one. I once knew an old lady who swallowed a fly. It's a good thing it wasn't a drone fly, or she may have sputtered and wheezed. Perhaps she could’ve sued Lockheed Martin if she survived?
The third edition of the New Drone Order series will introduce readers to projects like the Lentink Lab at Stanford University, and other related information.
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*Read Part 2 here