The New Child Abuse in declining Christian America

Submitted by Serban V.C. Enache…
Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced an investigation into the case of a 7-year-old whose mother plans to turn him [transition him] into a girl against the father’s wishes. Jeff Younger said his son is happy being a boy and doesn’t want to be a girl. Pediatrician mother, Anne Georgulas, as well as counselors and therapists who testified on her behalf, told the court that the 7-year-old is transgender and had expressed to each of them his desire to be a girl. A Texas jury decided on Monday that Jeff Younger cannot stop his [biological] son’s social gender transition to a girl. According to the state program Planned Parenthood, social transition refers to when a person begins to publicly conform to the opposite gender. The mother said her child should be allowed to wear dresses, be treated as a girl, and be called “Luna.” The jury decided on Monday that the mother should receive sole guardianship of James Younger and his twin brother Jude Younger.
In my opinion, this is a case of entwined matriarchy and mental illness. A child at that age cannot make such a life-altering decision for himself. The parent and the so-called specialists supporting this outrageous move should not only be investigated for child abuse [and facilitating child abuse], but they should also face a thorough psychiatric evaluation.
The infiltration of post-modernist ideology in NGOs, Academia, political parties, and state institutions has gone hand in hand with a decline in Christian values in the United States. During its founding years, it’s estimated that 98 percent of the colonists were Christians. But in a recent survey released by Pew, only 65 percent of Americans now consider themselves as such, the lowest level on record. A 12 percent fall in ten years time is huge, ditto for the generational disconnect. The great majority of older Americans still identify with the Christian faith, in contrast to the Millenials, more than half of which do not. They’re the first generation in US history in which Christians are a minority.
The number of young adults who consider themselves “nones” almost quadrupled since ’86. Thousands of churches are shut down every year. Many of these empty buildings are repurposed into hotels, indoor playgrounds, bars, and the like… The fastest growing religion today in the United States is Wicca.
Altough 65 percent of Americans still consider themselves Christians, and many of them have an active interest in politics, they sadly have no idea about what the economics of Jesus Christ were. Instead, they cling to the foolish, I would say blasphemous philosphy that material wealth equals virtue, and poverty equals sin. That Heaven [or fate] somehow ordains suffering for the poor, for the ugly, and blessings for the beautiful, for the wealthy, as a result of their deeds [good or bad]. Ironically, this view is found among religions that believe in many lives, in reincarnation, karma. You’re born into a life of suffering and dearth because you did many bady things in a past life. And you’re born into a life of affluence as reward for the good things you did in a past life.
As an atheist, I’ll say this about Jesus Christ – he died for our debts, not our sins [narrowly defined, often by hypocritical and simonous clergymen]. Christ was in favor of debt jubilees [burning the books of debt] and restoration of confiscated property. He was against the money lender class, against usury, against rent-seeking landlords. When we think about debts, we’re not just talking about money [IOUs] and money things [coins], but also commodities – like grain for example. The temple would lend you [a pleb] a certain quantity of grain and charge you interest, which you could only pay if you agreed to work on the temple’s farmlands. With basically near zero bargaining power [because you’re a pleb], the temple had final say on your remuneration. And without bargaining power, no matter how frugal your were, you could never escape these debts if your creditor was not of good faith [if he was not fair with you]. Jesus Christ was against the debt peonage economic model; and that’s why the usurers and rent-seekers had him killed.
But if you ask your average Christian from the United States about debt forgiveness, he’ll call you a communist. In contrast to Jesus, who was poor, the Church not only allowed itself to get rich, but preferred to be rich, to centralize resources, moneys, and power. In fact, money itself was created by the temples and palaces alongside the creation of the calendar, as a way to keep track of economic activity [accounting] and distribute the fruits of collective labor. When I say “poor,” I’m not suggesting a return to primitive times; I’m not against people keeping what they earn. What I’m talking about is fair socio-economic relations: economic surplus vs economic rent; wealth creation vs wealth extraction. The opulent minority didn’t get in that position because they engaged in virtuous, industrious, wealth-creative labor [manual and mental]. It got there by charging the rest of society rents, interest, and monopoly prices. There can be no Christian Renaissance if the economics remain rooted in the profoundly anti-Christian world views of today.
The post The New Child Abuse in declining Christian America appeared first on The Duran.
