NEVER Give Any Money To The Red Cross! I Stand Behind This Statement With Proof!

I have indeed been under fire over the past week for my stance that any money given to "relief organizations" to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, should NEVER EVER be given to the American Red Cross or any other "Red Cross" organizations..... Many have called me a "hypocrite" for this stand, and many others have said I "did not know what I was talking about".... I figured I would once again show proof positive that the Red Cross is NOT this great "aid organization" as they have claimed.....First I want to once again present the link to that report that I put forward in yesterday's rant that shows how the "Red Cross" was NOWHERE to be found in regards to aid workers and volunteers trying to clean up the mess in Houston Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey..... Here is the link to that report here for those who still do not believe what I am stating:, I checked with some other alternative media sites and one article came glaring through from Mike Rivero's What Really Happened website.. This one comes from the Democratic Underground website from 2014 and shows proof that MILLIONS (if not several BILLION) in US dollars was wasted in Hurricane Sandy relief efforts!  Here is the link to THAT startling report here: I stated in the rant from September 3rd, 2017, that Red Cross "relief" money was either wasted or "disappeared" into the pockets of "administration" from the Haiti Earthquake relief funds from 2011... Here is a link to that report that shows that waste here:, good luck with finding that missing $500 MILLION that should have gone to the victims of the Haitian Earthquake... The money is long gone and most probably into the deep pockets of the scoundrels running the Red Cross...OK, Do you want to see more?  Well, even Jim Stone over at, has stated in an article that the Red Cross is NOT to be trusted and NOBODY should be giving them one red cent for Hurricane relief!  Here is Jim's article here:Red Cross is a scum sucking money pitWhat would you expect from something the Rothschilds set up?Houston city councilman, in official session, begs people not to donate to Red Cross"Now, my last rant will be on the Red Lost... I'm sorry the Red Cross. Because the Red Cross - if anybody wants to donate to the Red Cross, please call me. I beg you not to send them a penny. They are the most inept, unorganized organization that I've ever experienced. I've been in Kingwood fighting this thing and we have not seen one person - not a single person from the Red Lost, yet every time I turn on the TV they're receiving multi, multi, hundreds of millions of dollars. What are you guys doing with it? How many contractors are you helping us with? So, to this day, many days after the hurricane hit, I have not seen a single person in Kingwood or Clear Lake that's a representative of the Red Cross. You know who opened our shelters? We did. You know who sent water and supplies? We did. People didn't have cots - we got them blankets, we didn't get a darn thing from the Red Cross. So, if anyone wants to send them money, don't waste your time, don't waste your money. Send it to other causes."My comment: SO THERE YOU HAVE IT. The same goes for any charity that is owned by scamming liberals. Watch the video with him saying this (and a lot more about others he's not happy with) HEREI have to hand it to Jim, for he says exactly what I have been thinking about the Red Cross for years.. They are criminal and nothing more than a scum sucking money pit...I also must note that Jim Stone is right that the International Red Cross is run by criminals that are most probably directed and controlled by the Rothschilds.... Therefore we know where the money went.....I honestly used to believe that all moneys given to charities and to aid organizations was sent to the penny to those who needed help... But now I know that many are indeed money pits where so much is stripped off to pay for "administration costs" and to the deep pockets of the scoundrels running these "aid" organizations...Well, there you have it.... I have never said that nobody should give money to charities to help those in need, especially the victims of these disasters... MY intention is to alert people that they should be asking hard questions and challenge these "relief" organizations to make sure that every nickel sent their way actually goes to the victims and not to line their pockets....So to those who criticize my stand... There's your proof and I stand behind my statements....More to comeNTS