Neocons: Who They Are and Why It Matters

President Donald Trump has hijacked the slogan “America First.” Once upon a time, it stood for nonintervention in foreign wars, now it stands for neocon intervention and forever war. The Trump presidency has embraced the neocon ethos of murder and “creative destruction,” based on the teachings of an arcane philosopher, Leo Strauss. The German Jewish emigre believed deception and permanent war are the foundation of the state, a state led by a sociopathic elite. Strauss believed, as Thomas Hobbes before him, that humans are inherently aggressive. He said this aggressiveness should be channeled into hostility and war against other people and nations. The neocons as of yet do not have a direct role in a Trump executive, but they are influencing the Trump administration through their foundations and think tanks, most notably the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Donald Trump is a man with zero guiding or animating principles, but for one: the pursuit of adulation. The neocons, or some of them at least, gave him the praise he so desperately needs after he bombed Syria, canned the Iran nuke deal, loudly and abusively confronted North Korea and its eccentric hereditary leader, and has slowly but surely moved into the camp that believes Russia is a threat to America. The neocons are behind the scenes pulling strings that result in forever war and a body count now surpassing a million and a half souls.
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Show Notes
How 'America First' Got Its Nationalistic Edge
The Value of Values: Soft Power Under Obama
Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception
Neoconservatives Declare War on Trump
Obama Urged Trump To Continue Neoconservative Foreign Policy
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Bad Moon Rising
Trump's foreign policy team baffles GOP experts
White House downplays Trump's meeting with John Bolton
Trump ran as a foreign-policy realist. Instead he’s become another interventionist neocon