Nebraska Cop Arrests Cop Block Activist in Video for Saying “Fuck the Police” on Public Sidewalk

Nebraska police arrested the founder of Omaha Cop Block for doing nothing more than “using four letter words” on a public sidewalk.
The Omaha police officer Lucpdo felt mocked, so he used his badge and gun to get street justice, punishing Floyd Wallace with a trip to jail for contempt of cop.
The YouTube effect doesn’t happen for police quite the same as it does for activists, since the officer’s video hasn’t yet surfaced.
Police often complain that citizens “bait them” into making unlawful arrests and violating citizens rights.
So why take he bait?
Undoubtedly, Cop Blocker Floyd Wallace said a few words that any officer might take offense to hearing. Police are also (supposed) to be bound by the Constitution and the law, which prevents the kind of censorship you can see in the video below.
The Omaha police officer was sitting in his patrol car when Floyd Wallace’s recording begins, himself using a cellphone to record the Cop Block activist.
The officer refused to provide his name and badge number when asked early in the video, asking why Wallace needed it, then demanding that he remove his camera from inside the officer’s car.
It’s not recommended that citizen journalists place recording gear inside of police vehicles intentionally, but the officer didn’t try to criminalize that act too.
“Freedom of speech, better not try anything buddy,” said Wallace to the Omaha police officer.
It didn’t work.
“You’re under arrest,” said the officer to Wallace who responded, “For what?! For what?!For what?! For what man???”
Wallace can be heard asking the officer why he’s being detained, but the cops response is muffled, Floyd’s is not.
“Disorderly conduct,” mumbled the Nebraska lawman.
“That’s not a crime, freedom of speech,” replied the activist.
Of course, Floyd Wallace is right.
Four letter words, saying “fuck the police” and a number of other offensive behaviors don’t constitute criminal offenses.
Disorderly conduct refers specifically to “fighting words” or phrases said immediately which will provoke a fight by any reasonable person.
The famous US Supreme Court case of Houston vs. Hill says that even a person standing and shouting obscenities at an officer isn’t obstructing their work.
We’re not suggesting that readers all go up to police and denigrate them verbally, but in America, you do have the free speech right to do so.
At PINAC News we however encourage readers and citizen journalists to be a little more technical and demand your First Amendment Rights while recording the police.

Ed Note: First version of this story incorrectly said Oklahoma in title and body. Omaha is located in Nebraska.
The post Nebraska Cop Arrests Cop Block Activist in Video for Saying “Fuck the Police” on Public Sidewalk appeared first on PINAC.
