NATO, U.S. Start War Games In Eastern Mediterranean

Anadolu Agency
November 11, 2013
NATO war games in Eastern Mediterranean
Warships opened fire at water and air targets in the Mediterranean Sea during a naval military practice hosted by Turkish Navy and joined by the Standing NATO Maritime Group-II and the US Navy today to test their fire power.
A high rate of hits was enjoyed by navy officials before a target sank after being hit by Turkish frigate TCG Salihreis in Invitex-Eastern Mediterranean military exercise.
USS Stout, an American destroyer that was deployed in Iraq War and during the operations targeted Libya attracted media attention with its powerful Tomahawk missiles.
USS Stout’s commander Lt Colonel Robert Alpigini said they are in the Mediterranean with the 19 year-old destroyer and the ship was named after a World War II commander.
The military exercise will continue with bombing practices on land targets and refueling trainings on Saturday.
