NATO Runs Exercise At Joint Warfare Centre In Norway

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

May 20, 2015
Exercise Trident Jaguar 2015 Distinguished Visitors Day with Allied Rapid Reaction Corps

Norway-Russia border
The Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) was recently exercised and certified in a ‘Joint Force Trainer (JFT)’ headquarters role.
It was planning and conducting a Crisis Response ‘Small Joint Operation’ that was land-centred (SJO L) and involving high intensity warfighting. All this happened during the Trident Jaguar 2015 (TRJR 15) exercise run by Allied Command Transformation’s (ACT) Joint Warfare Centre in Stavanger, Norway, and with this certification the ARRC is one of NATO’s available operational headquarters’ response forces.
“NATO’s Military Effectiveness a key Enabler for its Political Relevance”
General Mirco Zuliani, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, led an ACT delegation to the Distinguished Visitors (DV) day of the exercise, and said in his opening remarks: “NATO’s military effectiveness has always been a key enabler for its political relevance in the face of a constantly changing security environment.”
TRJR 15 is part of an extensive series of exercises taking place across Europe, aimed at demonstrating defence capability, assuring Allies and deterring aggression against the Alliance. Moreover, TRJR 15 is set to be a demonstration of NATO’s commitment to the collective defence and security of member states.

Marking the Way ahead after the 2014 NATO Summit
“Exercise Trident Jaguar 2015 marked the way ahead after the 2014 NATO Summit, being a vivid presentation of training evolution,” General Zuliani said. “In fact, TRJR 15 demonstrated NATO’s military interoperability with civilian organisations. NATO has shown that it is able to integrate forces from across the Alliance and capable of deploying, planning and effectively responding to crisis on its boundaries,” the general said.
A significant Challenge to the Training Community
Exercise TRJR 15 was a two-level (Operational/Tactical) ACT-sponsored Command Post/ Computer Assisted Exercise (CPX). It independently exercised and evaluated the United Kingdom-led ARRC and Italy’s NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC).
The execution phase of TRJR 15 was JWC’s largest deployment to date. The exercise was described as “extremely complex [and] a significant challenge to the training community.”
A large-scale scenario set over land, sea and air pushed the staffs’ core land abilities to coordinate resources, synchronise assets, disseminate information, develop courses of action and provide recommendations to the Commander.
