NATO Pushes Missile System Despite Iran Deal

Voice Of Russia
December 6, 2013
Iran nuclear deal will not affect NATO missile defense system in Europe
NATO is currently rolling out its new Europe-wide missile defense shield, which will include two interceptor bases close to the Russian border in Romania and Poland, with the first of the first ground missiles becoming operational in 2015 despite recently-signed Iranian nuclear program deal.
For years, the US government has insisted that a planned missile defense system in Europe served to protect America’s allies against attacks from Iran. Now that the nuclear threat from Iran may be receding.
But the White House on Thursday said the missile shield, otherwise known as the European phased adaptive approach (EPAA), isn’t going anywhere.
“Our plans regarding missile defense in Europe and our commitment to EPAA as the US contribution to NATO missile defense remain unchanged,” National Security Council spokeswoman Laura Lucas Magnuson told The Cable.
Placing Iran’s nuclear program under tight U.N. control would require a comprehensive deal between Iran and six world powers, the so-called P5+1.Negotiators still have half a year to hammer out the details of a final agreement, which could implode at any moment – a point the White House acknowledged. “There is still much work to be done as we negotiate the contours of a comprehensive solution over the next six months,” said Lucas Magnuson.
Regardless, the decision to stay firm on the missile shield has sparked rare agreement between the White House and Republican hawks in Congress. “We absolutely must continue to put in place an effective and affordable missile defense system in Europe,” Sen. James Inhofe said.
The White House did not forecast whether it might change its mind about the defense shield in the future, but for some Republicans, the idea of scrapping the plans under any scenario is a non-starter. “Even if a deal were to work out in the next six months, Iran will retain the ability to enrich nuclear materials to assemble a nuclear weapon in the future, and would be able to field it in far less time than it would take for the US and NATO to deploy a missile defense system in Europe,” said Inhofe. “Furthermore, an effective missile defense system is an important hedge against other nations that might choose to follow in the dangerous footsteps of Iran and North Korea and has an important nonproliferation effect.”
NATO has also confirmed that it regards the missile defense to be a deterrent against any threats to Europe, not just one coming from one country.
The current European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) missile defense system was adopted by the White House in 2009. It generally uses more established technologies than President George W. Bush’s expensive and ambitious system that first aroused Russia’s ire over five years ago. The most ambitious phase of the program, initially scheduled to begin next decade, was also canceled earlier this year.
Voice of Russia, RT, FOREIGN POLICY
