NATO To Present Transitional Road Map For Egypt

State Information Service
February 24, 2014
Egypt posts NATO on road map developments
Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs and International Security Hisham Badr left on Sunday 23/2/20147 to Brussels to meet the assistant Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
He said a round of negotiations will start on Monday 24/2/2014 for discussing means of expanding cooperation in the field of combating terrorism and training Egyptian cadres within the framework of the NATO role in upgrading potentials of Mediterranean partnership states.
He added that he will post NATO officials on the steps taken for implementing the political road map and the progress of the Egyptian war on terrorism.
Daily News Egypt
February 24, 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hold talks with NATO officials in Brussels
Ali Omar
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Sunday that Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs Hisham Badr will be travelling to Brussels to hold bilateral talks with officials of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
According to a statement released by the ministry, the talks will focus primarily on NATO cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organised crime. Badr also hopes to coordinate efforts in hosting a NATO seminar in Egypt concerning the fight against terrorism.
The statement added that Egypt has a “bilateral plan” to increase cooperation with NATO, specifically in the fields of science and skills development. Crisis management, peacekeeping operations, mine-detection training, as well as disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation policies will be discussed.
State-run MENA reported that training for ambassadors and media professionals, organised by NATO, will also take place.
Badr will also take this opportunity to present Egypt’s transitional roadmap to the NATO community.
The talks, which will last three days, commemorate the 20th year of cooperation between the organisation and Egypt.
