NATO Is Now A Threat To Global Peace

Cowichan Valley Citizen
December 13, 2013
NATO is now a threat to global peace
Letter from Gerry Masuda
Duncan – NATO was created in 1949 to keep the Russians out, the Germans down and the U.S. in Europe. NATO was successful in achieving this and has outgrown this original mission. NATO is now taking on another role which may not be supported by We the People of the nations which make up NATO.
NATO is being transformed from a regional defensive alliance into the world’s bully under U.S. direction and control which is threatening to global peace.
NATO is also expanding beyond its original founding nations. It is expanding its membership and alliances to encompass the countries that formed the former USSR. NATO has expanded from its original 16 member nations to 28. NATO now represents onesixth of the world’s population with a combined budget of a trillion dollars per year.
The U.S. and NATO are rapidly encircling Russia by forming partnerships with neighbouring countries and welcoming others into NATO. From Russia’s security viewpoint, the situation must be increasingly threatening.
NATO is being organized to be able to launch a NATO mission anywhere worldwide within 28 days. NATO is also carrying out multi-national military exercises on Russia’s borders. These aggressive actions by the U.S. and its surrogate NATO are raising the risk of war.
Now is the time for We the Peoples of these NATO and affiliated countries to start to get our countries to withdraw from NATO. NATO is now a threat to global peace. It is time to disband NATO.
Gerry Masuda
