NATO Military Committee Pays First Visit To Georgia

Xinhua News Agency
February 12, 2014
NATO military committee on first visit to Georgia

The NATO Military Committee on Tuesday started a two-day visit to the South Caucasus country of Georgia, after postponing it from November 2012.
It is the first visit by the NATO’s highest military authority.
The NATO delegation, met by Chief of Joint Staff of Georgian Armed Forces, Major General Vakhtang Kapanadze, at the airport, is scheduled to meet with the Georgian president and prime minister before having its 28+1 meeting with Georgia on Wednesday.
General Knud Bartels, head of the NATO Military Committee, said at the airport that the fact that his committee is in Tbilisi is a clear sign of NATO’s support for reforms of Georgia.
Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania said that the visit is very important as it will be a good opportunity for NATO to look into the reforms in Georgian armed forces and assess the country’s readiness for making next step on its NATO integration path.
The NATO military committee originally planned the Tbilisi visit for November 2012 but postponed it after the South Caucasus country’s legislative polls held on Oct. 1 that year.
Ministry of Defence of Georgia
February 12, 2014
NATO Military Committee Session Officially Opened

NATO Military Committee Session is being held in Georgia for the first time. Committee meeting in 28+1 format has officially opened at the Hotel “Radisson Blu Iveria”. Chairman of NATO Military Committee, General Knud Bartels is leading the session.
General Knud Bartels made opening remarks at the session:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to offer a warm welcome to all of you for the first Military Committee with Georgia meeting in permanent session in 2014 and the first ever Military Committee meeting in Georgia.
“In particular, I would like to welcome our Georgian partners and guest speakers from the Georgian Ministry of Defence, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and present Defence Attaches. It is great to have you here today. On behalf of the Military Committee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Georgian CHOD, Major-General Vakhtang KAPANADZE, for his kind invitation to Tbilisi and for Georgia’s unique hospitality.
“In particular, I would like to welcome our Georgian partners and guest speakers from the Georgian Ministry of Defence, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and present Defence Attaches. It is great to have you here today. On behalf of the Military Committee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Georgian CHOD, Major-General Vakhtang KAPANADZE, for his kind invitation to Tbilisi and for Georgia’s unique hospitality.
“The Military Committee is grateful for the opportunity to get a first-hand look at Georgia’s significant steps in transforming its security and defence sector, and to learn about Georgian culture and traditions.
“NATO welcomes Georgia’s commitment to their military reforms, reinforcing our dialogue, practical cooperation and the improving military to military interoperability with NATO military forces.
I would like to underline that NATO views Georgia as an extremely reliable military partner and that our cooperation is characterised by open and honest dialogue. We thank Georgia for its significant contribution to NATO-led operations in Afghanistan, and its commitment to contribute to the NATO Response Force.
“I would like to encourage our Georgian colleagues to continue to maintain the high level of practical military cooperation that is essential in sustaining our excellent relationship”.
Chief of General Staff of GAF, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze delivered a speech to the high military representatives of NATO Military Committee, Head of NATO Liaison Office to the Caucasus and NATO defence attaches accredited to Georgia, as well as Georgia’s Military Representative to NATO HQ, top brass of Georgian Defence Ministry and General Staff:
“It is a great honor and pleasure for me to welcome you in Georgia. I would like to express our gratitude for the Military Committee unanimous decision to visit Georgia and once again demonstrate the Alliance support to our defence transformation process and Euro-Atlantic aspirations.
“Today, you will have an opportunity to get a firsthand look at results of the successful reforms in Georgia and discuss the matters of strategic importance both to the Alliance and to Georgia.
“The last year marked significant progress in democratic development of Georgia and in reform process that was once again highlighted by the NATO assessment teams.
“This year we will continue to progress in our priorities by focusing on steady implementation of the Strategic Defence Review recommendations. Throughout 2013 we have applied our utmost efforts for sustainment of the Georgian Armed Forces readiness, development of critical infrastructure and improvement of personnel’s social conditions.
“Simultaneously, we have continued elaboration of conceptual basis for defence transformation, including development plans (procurement requirements, command and control, rotary wing aviation, combat engineering, air surveillance and anti armor capabilities, intelligence and early warning, Special Operations Forces, combat service support). We put special emphasize on further institutionalization of military education and personnel management systems. NATO and partner nations support is very valuable in this regard.
“Let me reiterate our irreversible course towards NATO that represents our primary foreign and security policy priority for Georgia. Therefore, Georgian Armed Forces is devoted to its objective of achieving interoperability with the Alliance. To this end we remain dedicated to efficiently utilize existing tools of cooperation and pursue undertaken track of successful implementation of our commitments with the Alliance.
“Georgia is committed to stand by the Alliance in ensuring Euro-Atlantic security and preserving stability in the regions beyond its borders.
“In 2014 Georgia will remain in ISAF with 1600 military servicemen deployed without national caveats.
“Georgia is also actively engaged in NATO’s post 2014 planning process and stands ready to contribute to the Resolute Support Mission.
“Moreover, we will develop bilateral cooperation with our Afghan counterparts aimed at enhancing ANSF capabilities. Besides, we are offering slots to Afghan servicemen in Georgian educational and training institutions.
“Let me reiterate our strong commitment to provide Georgia’s full transit capacities for ensuring retrograde transit from Afghanistan. Georgia has significantly advanced its infrastructure, therefore the transit route through Georgia represents one of the most cost and time effective option for the Alliance to consider.
“Let me use this opportunity to emphasize our commitment to participate in the NATO Response Force 2015/16.
“Last but not least, dear colleagues, let me once again express our gratitude for the first ever visit of the NATO Military Committee in Georgia and wish interesting and fruitful discussions”.
NATO MC rarely visits non-NATO countries. The high-ranking military officials of the Alliance paid outside visits only in several non-member states of the Alliance.
