NATO Integrates Georgia Into Military-Industrial Complex

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
November 7, 2013
Meeting with Representatives of Military-Industrial Complex

Within the frame of visit in France, Georgian Defence Minister continues working meetings. Today Irakli Alasania held meeting with the representatives of Military-Industrial Complex at Directorate General for Armament.
Irakli Alasania got acquainted with the achievements of the leading military-industrial companies of France. The representatives of the companies delivered presentations to the Minister as well. The sides discussed possible directions of future cooperation in military industrial sphere.
“France has one of the most developed military industries in the world. Hence, Georgia’s cooperation and joint projects with them is very interesting. Today we held meetings with all representatives of French military industry and set plans for future cooperation,” outlined Georgian Defence Minister.
Irakli Alasania’s meeting with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian is also scheduled within the visit to France. Ministers will discuss the details of bilateral cooperation in defence sphere. NATO-led international mission in Afghanistan, upcoming Vilnius and NATO Summits will be one of the main topics of the meeting.
