NATO’s Number 2: “Ukraine’s future lies with Europe”

Russian Information Agency Novosti
December 10, 2013
Ukraine’s Future Lies With Europe – NATO Commission
BRUSSELS: NATO’s deputy head said Tuesday that a bilateral commission had unanimously acknowledged that “Ukraine’s future lies with Europe.”
The Western bloc also “continues to follow Ukraine events with concern, calls on all to refrain from violence [and] engage in political dialogue,” NATO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said on Twitter.
Police forces moved in on protesters in Ukraine’s capital on Tuesday, breaking up the last of their street barricades and driving the anti-government demonstrators into Kiev’s central square.
Vershbow made his comments after a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, a decision-making body responsible for developing bilateral ties, gathered in Brussels earlier in the day.
Street protests have been taking place in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities since the government announced late last month that it would postpone the signing of free-trade and association agreements with the EU in favor of strengthening ties with Moscow.
