NATO’s Eastern Campaign: U.S. To Hold Patriot Missile Drill In Poland

U.S. Department of Defense
March 13, 2015
U.S., Poland to Conduct Patriot Missile Exercise
By Nick Simeone

WASHINGTON: U.S. and Polish forces will conduct an exercise later this month involving a U.S. Patriot missile battery and Poland’s 3rd Warsaw Air Defense Missile Brigade, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren announced today.
The exercise will involve some 100 U.S. soldiers and 30 vehicles at a location on Polish territory.
Warren called the exercise part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which is designed to reassure allies, demonstrate freedom of movement and deter regional aggression on the eastern flank of NATO. The mission began in response to Russia’s armed support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea a year ago.
