NASA Faked Mars Mission: Why I Am NOT Sold On The "Mayan Head" On Mars Discovery

One of the best researchers out there that has come up with some truly dynamite articles and facts is of course Jim Stone, who writes the blog: Jim Stone Freelance, at Jim has been so spot on for the last while with his findings concerning so many topics, including the missing Malaysian flight MH370 flight that most definitely flew to Diego Garcia, and of course the Malaysian flight MH17 false flag that was most definitely the last flight of the missing MH370!   It has been so hard to find many mistakes that Jim has ever made, but just like myself, he is prone to error once in a while...Jim most recently put out a most interesting article concerning something amazing that was discovered from NASA's Curiosity probe on "Mars"..... It concerns a relic that has come up on a recent Curiosity image which looks like a "Mayan head"...... Jim has put out several articles over the last while stating that this gives us "proof" that there was indeed life on Mars and that this "head" shows that there was indeed an advanced civilization that once occupied the red planet, but was most probably destroyed in a planet wide catastrophe... I on the other hand am not sold on this image as coming from Mars, due to the fact that the fraud NASA "Curiosity" probe is most definitely NOT on Mars at all!I have long come under fire for my statements that ALL of the Mars missions have been faked... I have shown in previous articles why the "Curiosity" probe is absolutely NOT on Mars at all, and it looks that I will have to again explain my findings about how NASA has absolutely faked their Curiosity Mars mission here....First, I want to concentrate on the way that Curiosity "landed" on Mars.... NASA released the following imagery that shows the Curiosity landing procedure, and I want to share that image here for my own readers...(Note all images courtesy of NASA and JPL)Please blow up this image for your own convenience, as I explain further....NASA (the saying it stands for "Never A Straight Answer" will come into play here) claims that after the release of the Curiosity lander from its orbital probe it began its descent to the Martian surface at a speed of approximately 13200 Miles Per Hour.... To slow the probe down, NASA claims that the probe used a procedure called "Aerobraking" which means it used the ultra thin Martian atmosphere's molecules to create friction on the craft's heat shield and thus causing a slow decline in its speed.... Notice the image states that from an altitude of some 78 miles, the craft would "aerobrake" through the very thin Martian atmosphere until it was slowed to around 900 Miles per hour at an altitude of some 7 miles.... This is period of aerobraking has been called the "7 Minutes of terror" in which communication with the lander is lost and during which time the heat shield is superheated by friction of the atmosphere....OK, one of the things that I first found very wrong with this 'aerobraking' is the fact that not only is the Martian atmosphere ultra thin (0.004 BAR or 4/1000 that of Earth at the surface) but it is very tenuous at best considering that astronomers claim that Mars' atmosphere actually freezes out and accumulates at its poles during its change of seasons.... That means simply that there is NO way in hell that the NASA scientists could calculate the exact entry window and period for aerobraking due to the fact that they have absolutely NO clue as to the exact density and pressure of the Martian atmosphere at the start of the aerobraking period... Therefore they have not the foggiest as to the exact angle of inclination and period of aerobraking as well as the speed of the craft at the end of the aerobraking period.... That leaves the speed and altitude of the point of parachute deployment as noted in the picture to pure conjecture....Now comes the most interesting part about the claims by "Never A Straight Answer".... I have said it before and I will state it again... How in the hell could a parachute even be "deployed" at an altitude of 7 miles above the Martian surface?   Even here on Earth with its much thicker atmosphere (250x or so at the surface as compared to Mars), no parachute can be deployed until an altitude of some 15000 ft is achieved... At that point, above Earth, there is enough air pressure to exert the proper drag on a parachute and allow it to unfurl... And then of course any object can be slowed and allowed to float safely to the surface of EARTH.....BUT... We have Mars, with its surface pressure of only 0.004 BAR, which is the equivalent pressure at around 120,000 ft above the Earth!   At 7 miles altitude above Mars, the pressure would be even worse, and around 0.0001 BAR (Yes, I did the math, taking into account density, pressure, and even Mar's 2/5th gravity of Earth and this is approximate) and therefore there would be absolutely NOT enough drag in that thin Martian atmosphere to even allow the parachute to deploy!!!  And therefore with no parachute to slow the craft, that probe would continue to fall like a stone at well over 900MPH,  unlike what "Never A Straight Answer" speculates....  But we have this image (which I find so laughable) as NASA states was taken from the orbiter showing the probe with its parachute deployed (!): There have been  many that have said that they used a "supersonic" parachute, that they have been working on since the 1980's  (Gosh darn, some 10+ years since the conventional parachute landing of Viking on Mars... More NASA faking indeed!),  to achieve the landing in the low pressure atmosphere of Mars, but I have done my research and found that nobody in "Never A Straight Answer" has ever stated that the Curiosity probe landing was done with such a "supersonic" parachute, (The supersonic parachute supposedly is still in the experimental stage)and the imagery presented above shows a conventional parachute in use....OK, now we have NASA's claim that this probe with its "parachute" deployed was now being gently slowed from 900 MPH to some 180MPH at about 1 mile above the Martian surface.. At that point "Never A Straight Answer" claims that the parachute was released as the bottom of the landing probe was opened up and the Curiosity probe with a "sky-crane" (!) was released.... NASA now claims that the sky-crane fired its hypergolic rockets (which worked so well on the fake Project Apollo)and these rockets that were on the edge of the "sky-crane" gently dropped the Curiosity probe dangling from cables below the sky-crane to the Martian surface.... Then the sky-crane would hover (?) and allow the probe to be released from its cables... Then the sky-crane would lift away (?) and crash some 500 meters away from the landed probe....Now is it just me, or does anyone else see so many things wrong and peculiar about this???First, about the "sky-crane".... I have never ever seen any pictures or released data on this "miraculous" craft that was supposed used for the first and ONLY time for this Curiosity mission... Believe it or not, this "sky crane" was never ever even tested on Earth!  There are no write ups anywhere about it, and all we have are the "simulations" that NASA has released stating that it worked for the first time and SO PERFECTLY for this Curiosity mission to Mars!   And then we have the method of landing with the Curiosity probe "dangling" below this "sky crane".... See NASA's simulation images here: OK, can someone please explain to me how they were able to vector the hypergolic rockets (again worked so well with the fraud of Project Apollo) to create downward thrust with that Curiosity probe directly below it???  The rocket thrust exhaust would most definitely be hitting that probe as it was attempting the landing and therefore causing unknown havoc to the sky-crane itself... How would the sky-crane even adjust for the unknown factor of the downward thrust actually hitting the probe as it was attempting to land the probe? Or from the debris and dust flying up from the Martian surface???  Again, "Never A Straight Answer" has not explanations... And do NOT give me the bull crap about JPL and NASA on Earth guiding the landing because at the time of Curiosity landing on "Mars", Mars itself was some 100,000,000 miles away from Earth meaning almost 10 minutes in communication time between the probe and mission control on Earth ONE way!!!  If there was indeed a quick adjustment needed for the landing due to the probe suddenly swinging or causing the sky-crane itself to tilt, the on-board computer would have to adjust very quickly and I seriously doubt that it would have done the trick.....Most probably it would have crashed long before its computer and its handlers on Earth could do the necessary adjustments to its vector.... "Never A Straight Answer" indeed....  And yet NASA claims the landing went off without a hitch, and we find the controllers at JPL in so many videos clapping and cheering....Yes, they have a lot to cheer about because they have not only suckered the world again, but their future funding is guaranteed!Which now leads me to the fact that because the Curiosity probe is NOT on Mars simply because its landing was impossible as "Never A Straight Answer" states, it is actually sitting in a desert right here on good ol' Earth....I have been in so many arguments and debates over this issue, and after the facts that I have presented, many have indeed began to question and come to the same conclusions....All this leads us to now and this latest imagery coming from the very fake Curiosity probe on "Mars".... What we have with these images is most definitely a carefully conceived and well planned set up for all of us to the idea that Mars itself harbored life in the not so distant past... This has been carefully planned by the criminals behind "Never A Straight Answer" for quite some time for their push for more FUNDING and for a world wide call for a "manned mission" to Mars itself.... This was stated a few years ago by William Cooper who stated clearly that NASA and the US Government were well into the planning stages for either an "alien invasion" of Earth (Project Blue Beam)or the planned 'discovery' of life on Mars...It would be used as not only a method of getting the funding for a Mars manned mission (estimated at over a TRILLION dollars and would be as fake as Project Apollo) but would be also used in the planning of uniting the planet into the one world government system....In conclusion... I have always supported Jim Stone in so many of his findings... But I am not jumping to any conclusions about this "Mayan head" on Mars due to the fact that not only is the Curiosity probe absolutely NOT on Mars, but the criminals behind the entire gag would not be that foolish to even allow such imagery to be released if it was not a fake.... They want to carefully groom people into the idea of an advanced civilization once resided on Mars to get their long sought projects going, and this may be exactly what we are seeing now... "Never A Straight Answer" indeed...More to comeNTS