MUST-SEE CONFERENCE: USS Liberty, Weaponized Media, Global Cities – All to be Explored, Exposed

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — This is an announcement about the first in a planned series of highly affordable GREAT TOPICS FEST presentations.
The event that will take place Sept. 8, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas at Hotel Contessa on the beautiful Riverwalk, in the shadow of the famous Alamo, is entitled, “The Ship That Won’t Sink,” referring to the unprovoked and deadly attack by Israeli air and naval forces upon the USS Liberty in June 1967. We are proud to welcome as a featured speaker on this topic veteran and USS Liberty crew survivor Phil Tourney.
Other speakers’ topics will include presentations on the Global Cities agenda, Weaponized Mainstream Media, and Exposing, Defeating the Banking System’s Foreclosure Racket and much more.  To learn more and to obtain tickets to attend the event in person or purchase video links of all speakers (pay-to-view, for just $10 for everything), here is the direct link:

This event is a fund-raiser for:
‘ERASING THE LIBERTY,’ a critically important movie that’s in the works about the shocking coverup regarding what happened to the USS Liberty naval vessel and her crew in June of 1967 .

 Supporting REAL JOURNALISM in an age of agenda-driven, fake, unreliable, corporate “news.”
For more information on this special event contact:
Mark Anderson
Skype: mark.anderson43