Murdered Democratic Party worker Seth Rich had contact with Wikileaks

Seth Rich was murdered in Washington D.C. on the 10th of July 2016. The person who delivered the fatal gun shot remains at large.
Police have called the killing a murder that resulted after an attempted robbery. That would make sense if any of Rich’s possessions were stolen. None were, not his wallet nor his smartphone.
Many had long suspected that Rich who worked as a Voter Expansion Data Director for the Democratic National Committee (Democratic Party) at the time of his death, was the source of the leaks which were eventually published by Wikileaks, detailing how Hillary Clinton’s main Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the nomination.
Now a retired Washington D.C. homicide detective, Rod Wheeler has come forward to state that Rich had email contact with Wikileaks shortly before his murder.
Mr Wheeler stated,

“My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.
I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarter”.

Social media has all ready reacted to the claims, especially in light of the fact that the Democrats alleged and continue to allege that the leaks from the DNC came from a Russian rather than an internal source.
This begs the question:was his murder a random act of violence or a premeditated politically motivated killing?

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) May 16, 2017

The post Murdered Democratic Party worker Seth Rich had contact with Wikileaks appeared first on The Duran.
