From Multiple Snipers triangulating on police to.... the LONE GUNMAN- So predictable

U.S. Army reservist named as lone gunman in Dallas

A U.S. Army reservist who served in Afghanistan, embraced militant black nationalism and professed a desire to "kill white people" has been named by authorities as the lone gunman in a sniper attack on police in Dallas that left five officers dead.Authorities said on Friday the suspect, identified as Micah Johnson, 25, was killed by a bomb-carrying robot deployed against him in a parking garage where he had holed up, refusing to surrender during hours of negotiations with police.

Multiple memes employed

Seven other officers and two civilians were wounded in the ambush in downtown Dallas. The five killed marked the highest death toll for U.S. police in the line of duty from a single event since the Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackings that leveled the World Trade Center Twin Towers in Manhattan.

The latest violence was especially devastating for Dallas, which struggled for decades to heal scars left by the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, blocks away in Dealey Plaza.

It was at the end of a rally in Dallas that gunshots crackled on Thursday night, sending hundreds of demonstrators, and police officers patrolling the march, scurrying for cover. Police initially believed they had come under attack from multiple shooters.

I suspect the police more then "believed" they had come under fire from multiple shooters in multiple elevated locations. I would suspect myself that the bullets coming from varying locales would imply more then one shooter- Unless Micah had bullets that could make multiple turns and do loopy loops- haha facetious

By late Friday, however, investigators had concluded that Johnson, armed with a rifle, was the lone gunman.

Good thing before they blew him to bits the suspect, identified as Michah Johnson,  (innocent until proven guilty?)  allegedly (hearsay) told the police he just wanted to kill white people..



  1. information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
