More Clarification About What Happened In House Races Last Tuesday

As far as I can tell, aside from 2 run-offs in Louisiana-- between 2 Republicans in the 3rd district and between a Democrat and a Republican in the 4th district (Boustany and Fleming both having given up their House seats for unsuccessful Senate runs)-- there's only one House race still undecided: CA-49 where tens of thousands of votes are still being counted to determine whether incumbent Darrell Issa (R) or challenger Doug Applegate (D) will represent the suburban San Diego district. Only 4,000 votes separate them and the most recent batch of counted ballots has narrowed the total slightly in Applegate's favor.Interestingly, the vote is still too close to call not just in CA-49's congressional race but in CA-49's presidential race and in presidential outcomes in 25 other congressional districts around the country. Three House districts in Arizona (McSally's, Sinema's and the Kirkpatrick district that was won by fake-Democrat Tom O'Halleran) may have been won by Trump or by Clinton. The count goes on. In California it's 8 seats (Issa's, Ami Bera's, Jeff Denham's, David Valadao's, Steve Knight's, Raul Ruiz's, Mimi Walters' and Dana Rohrabacher's). There are 4 Illinois districts where the contest between Trump and Clinton remain uncalled: Lipinski's, Roskam's, Bustos' and Hultgren's. There are 3 district's in New Jersey they're still counting: Garrett's (which is now Gottheimer's), Leonard Lance's and Rodney Frelinghuysen's. Others: Erik Paulsen's district in Minnesota, the Vegas seat Jacky Rosen just won in Nevada, the old Steve Israel Long Island North Shore district that was won by Democrat Tom Suozzi, Kurt Shrader's district in Oregon, 2 suburban Philly districts, Pat Meehan's and Ryan Costello's, Will Hurd's in Texas and Dave Reichert's swingy Washington state district.Not counting those still-uncalled districts, these are the ones where voters split their tickets and voted for one party's presidential candidate and the other party's congressional candidate. (There are 6 districts where voters went for a Republican for Congress and Hillary for president and there are 8 districts where voters went for a Democrat for Congress and for Trump.)

• CO-06- Mike Coffman (R) and Hillary• FL-26- Carlos Curbelo (R) and Hillary• FL-27- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) and Hillary• IA-02- Dave Loebsack (D) and Trump• KS-03- Kevin Yoder (R) and Hillary• MN-01- Tim Walz (D) and Trump• MN-07- Collin Peterson (D) and Trump• MN-08- Rick Nolan (D) and Trump• NH-01- Carol Shea-Porter (D) and Trump• NY-18- Sean Patrick Maloney (D) and Trump• NY-24- John Katko (R) and Hillary• PA-17- Matt Cartwright (D) and Trump• VA-10- Barbara Comstock (R) and Hillary• WI-03- Ron Kind (D) and Trump

Republicans managed to win one Democratic seat, Blue Dog Brad Ashford's in Omaha (although he has the worst voting record of any Democrat in Congress and voted with the Republicans far more than with the Democrats so... better off without him). Democrats needed to take 30 Republican seats to win back the House and it was widely thought that they would win between 12 and 20. But they didn't come close. Below is a list of all the new (and newish) members who will be sworn in in January. The bolded names represent a party switch. The Democrats only won 9 Republican seats, a disastrous outcome, which could change to 10 if Applegate beats Issa. Pelosi blames James Comey for how terribly her incompetent DCCC performed and will soon be dancing around with Ben Ray Lujan declaring how brilliant he is for not losing even more races.

• AZ-01- Blue Dog (ex-Republican) Tom O'Halleran replaces New Dem Ann Kirkpatrick• AZ-05- Andy Biggs replaces Matt Salmon• CA-17- Corrupt conservaDem Ro Khanna replaces progressive Mike Honda• CA-20- Jimmy Panetta replaces Sam Farr• CA-24- New Dem Salud Carbajal replaces New Dem Lois Capps• CA-44- Nanette Barragan replaces Janice Hahn• CA-46- Blue Dog Lou Correa replaces Blue Dog Loretta Sanchez• DE-AL- Lisa Blunt Rochester replaces New Dem John Carney• FL-01- Matt Gaetz replaces Jeff Miller• FL-02- Republican Neal Dunn replaces Blue Dog Gwen Graham• FL-04- John Rutherford replaces Ander Crenshaw• FL-05- ConservaDem Al Lawson replaces progressive Democrat Corrine Brown• FL-07- Blue Dog Stephanie Murphy replaces Republican John Mica• FL-09- New Dem Darren Soto replaces progressive Alan Grayson• FL-10- New Dem Val Demings replaces Republican Daniel Webster• FL-11- Daniel Webster replaces Rich Nugent• FL-13- Charlie Crist replaces Republican David Jolly• FL-18- Republican Brian Mast replaces New Dem Patrick Murphy• FL-19- Francis Rodney replaces Curt Clawson• GA-03- Drew Ferguson replaces Lynn Westmoreland• HI-01- New Dem Colleen Hanabusa replaces progressive Mark Takei• IL-08- Raja Krishnamoorthi replaces Tammy Duckworth• IL-10- Blue Dog Brad Schneider replaces Republican Bob Dold• IN-03- Jim Banks replaces Marlin Stutzman• IN-09- Trey Hollingsworth replaces Todd Young• KS-01- Roger Marshall replaces Tim Huelskamp• KY01- James Comer replaces Ed Whitfield• MD-04- Anthony Brown replaces Donna Edwards• MD-08- Jamie Raskin replaces Chris Van Hollen• MI-01- Jack Bergman replaces Dan Benishek• MI-10- Paul Mitchell replaces Candice Miller• MN-02- Jason Lewis replaces John Kline• NE-02- Republican Don Bacon replaces Blue Dog Brad Ashford• NV-03- Democrat Jacky Rosen replaces Republican Joe Heck• NV-04- Democrat Ruben Kihuen replaces Republican Cresent Hardy• NH-01- Democrat Carol Shea-Porter replaces Republican Frank Guinta• NJ-05- Blue Dog Josh Gottheimer replaces Republican Scott Garrett• NY-03- Democrat Tom Suozzi replaces Blue Dog Steve Israel• NY-13- Adriano Espaillat replaces Charlie Rangel• NY-19- John Faso replaces Chris Gibson• NY-22- Claudia Tenney replaces Richard Hanna• NC-13- Ted Budd replaces (Renee Ellmers)• PA-08- Brian Fitzpatrick replaces Michael Fitzpatrick• PA-16- Lloyd Smucker replaces Joe Pitts• TN-08- David Castoff replaces Stephen Fincher• TX-15- Vicente Gonzalez replaces Ruben Hinojosa• TX-19- Jodey Arrington replaces Randy Neugebauer• VA-02- Scott Taylor replaces Scott Rigell• VA-04- Democrat Don McEachin replaces Republican Randy Forbes• VA-05- Tom Garrett replaces Robert Hurt• WA-07- Pramila Jayapal replaces Jim McDermott• WI-08- Mike Gallagher replaces Reid Ribble• WY-AL- Liz Cheney replaces Cynthia Lummis

So did the DCCC at least come "close" in any of the races where they spent big bucks? Let's count "big bucks" as anything over a million dollars and let's count "come close" to a loss with 45% or more. These are the DCCC big money races with the results:

• PA-08- $7,238,618- Steve Santarsiero- 45.5%• NV-03- $6,850,028- Jackie Rosen won• FL-26- $6,101,294- Joe Garcia- 41.2%• VA-10- $6,068,688- LuAnn Bennett- 47.1%• TX-23- $5,301,699- Pete Gallego- 46.8%• CA-10- $4,708,313- Michael Eggman 47.6%• NV-04- $4,516,112- Ruben Kihuen won• CO-06- $4,970,827- Morgan Carroll- 42.4%• FL-07- $4,437,951- Stephanie Murphy won• NJ-05- $4,090,077- Josh Gottheimer won• ME-02- $4,035,982- Emily Cain- 45.1%• NY-22- $3,563,474- Kim Myers- 40.4%• MN-03- $3,783,284- Terri Bonoff- 43.1%• CA-49- $3,231,961- Doug Applegate N/A• IA-03- $3,197,753- Jim Mowrer- 39.8%• CA-25- $3,176,482- Bryan Caforio- 45.7%• AZ-01- $3,001,713- Tom O'Halleran won• MN-02- $2,837,602- Angie Craig- 45.2%• CO-03- $2,920,096- Gail Schwartz- 40.8%• FL-13- $2,553,435- Charlie Crist won• MI-01- $2,482,393- Lon Johnson- 39.7%• NY-19- $2,404,546- Zephyr Teachout- 45.3%• CA-21- $2,000,462- Emilio Huerta- 41.4%• IL-10- $1,983,222- Brad Schneider won• CA-24- $1,658,266- Salud Carbajal won• IA-01- $1,466,452- Monica Vernon- 46.1%• NY-24- $1,428,213- Colleen Deacon- 39%• IN-09- $1,403,035- Shelli Yoder- 40.5%• KS-03- $1,351,966- Jay Sidie- 40.6%• NY-01- $1,069,507- Anna Throne Holst- 41%