More Black Lives Matter Bullshit: Video Of Complete MORONS In The United Kingdom Kneeling On Command To Support Black Lives Matter EVIL!

I have honestly had it with this black lives matter bullshit... That group, heavily funded and run by George Soros himself who want Jewish control over all of our nations, has been nothing more than a bunch of evil bastards hell bent on destroying our societies under the guise that one group, blacks, are suddenly given special privileges and have more rights than other groups...I have already been sickened by what I saw happen in my home province of Manitoba right here in Canada yesterday as some 20000 brain dead fucking morons gathered together like the dumb ass zombies with mosquito sized brains, to protest for 'black lives matter' and that BULLSHIT "murder" of that ass clown crisis actor known as "George Floyd".....And honestly, I thought that was the lowest of low..However, what happened here in Manitoba is no longer the front runner for the stupidity award... For I was sent the following video, by Youtube user "Husia Cat" out of the United Kingdom, that is entitled: "06/06 That's It.  I give up.. My People Are Finished.  There Is Nothing Left To Say Now" and to me is now the front runner in the most sickening video that I have ever seen category!   Here is that video for all to see for themselves, and I absolutely do have my own thoughts and comments about what this video shows, to follow:NTS Notes: Honestly, is there NO hope at all for humanity now???This shows the criminal power of the brainwashing media at its worse... Those fuckers have spread this "black lives matter" bullshit across the entire planet and has affected some of THE MOST ignorant and stupid people imaginable...I truly was at a loss for words as I watched this video, and I do feel for Husia Cat as she does explain that this shows there is NO hope at all for society.... I do hope that others that read this blog will take this video and the one from my most recent article, and show EVERYONE what has happened to our society now.... If people do not wake the fuck up now and get out there and fight this madness, then we will all be on our knees permanently for the fuckers that want their world domination...I again must reiterate that I will never get on my knees for anyone.. I would rather die on my feet than kneel for criminal tyranny!And again, fuck this black lives matter bullshit... ALL lives matter, and I will never surrender to the thought that a certain group is ever 'more important' than others!  These bastards in that "black lives matter" are the REAL RACISTS by definition of that term, and they must be stopped!More to comeNTS