Monika Schaefer, Prisoner Of Truth: Status Of Monika And Her Brother Alfred - Monika Is Still Sitting In A German Jail On Ludicrous Charges!

Yes, I am back... I figure I would start some new articles today by first presenting the latest on Monika Schaefer, who is still sitting in that German jail on the most ridiculous charges imaginable..OK, For those who are new here and need to get brought up to speed... Monika Schaefer is a very intelligent lady who has been living in Jasper Alberta Canada for the last few years working as a "street musician" aka a "busker".. Her gift of music comes from her playing of the violin and according to many that have watched her perform, she does it very well...Needless to say, but about a year ago Monika came under fire from the Canadian "thought police" for her releasing a video entitled: "Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About The Holocaust"... That video was Monika herself addressing her own mother (and others) about her thoughts on the Jewish "Holocaust" of the second World War, and in the video she states that she was indeed wrong all of these years and that the German people are absolutely innocent of the charges that they had "exterminated" some "6 Million Jews" in the concentration camps in Germany and Poland during the Second World War....The fire storm that Monika generated from that simple video was tremendous.. She had to endure the "wrath" of the Canadian "thought police" that absolutely was trying to have her  imprisoned for the release of that video..... And luckily Monika did escape their wrath, but had to give up on her "busker" in Jasper because the town refused to renew her license to operate....  Monika basically "disappeared" from the limelight for some time and the Jewish bastards behind "Youtube" have indeed attempted many times to take down Monika's video that caused the firestorm in the first place, but luckily it is still available at least for now for everyone to view...However,  Monika's actions did not escape other so called 'governments' including the one that right now rules Germany with horrendous "hate crime" legislations that includes "Holocaust denial"... Monika went to Germany earlier this year to lend support to another brave person who has endured the "wrath" of the German "Holocaust" laws, Sylvia Stolz..... Many people are not even aware that Sylvia Stolz was the brave young lawyer who defended Ernst Zundel over half a decade ago, and was subsequently sent to jail on the trumped up charges of "holocaust denial" herself! ... Sylvia was back in a German court room being charged with "enciting hatred" for her speaking out a few years ago in Switzerland about her ridiculous incarceration in Germany for almost 5 years.... Monika was indeed in the courtroom in the audience along with her brother Alfred Schaefer when the Stolz trial came to an abrupt "recess" during which the German criminal "thought police" arrested Monika Schaefer on the ridiculous charges of "Holocaust denial" for her release of her video! As it stands over a month and a half now since Monika was railroaded by the stupid German thought police and thrown into a German cell awaiting her "trial" for "Holocaust denial", there has been very little news coming forward about her well being.. However, her brother Alfred Schaefer has been coming out periodically with "updates" on both his and Monika's status in Germany, and I want to share the latest "email" that came my way from Alfred, via John Kaminski and others,  right here:Dear Friends,recently I was attacked in my home again, for the third time now, and all of my computer and communication equipment was stolen. They did this because of my efforts to get my courageous sister Monika out of the gulag. They kidnapped her recently and wanted her to disappear. I am writing this from GERMANY, not from one of those "bad" countries like North Korea, or Russia, or Iran.Then they ordered me to appear in one of their interrogation centers. I have declined this and have sent them a letter which can now be seen in this 9 minute video. Please take the time to view this, as our success is dependent on understanding the reality unfolding around us and engaging them. This is not a game. SchaeferYes, Apparently the German "thought police" are indeed doing their best right now to "rough up" Alfred and to basically scare him enough that he would "abandon" his sister and his own work in Germany...And YES, We can now see how far the once great German nation has fallen when you see how they are wanting to force Alfred into one of their so called "interrogation centres" where he will absolutely be either tortured or have to endure terrible treatment... For my German readers I really have to ask how you can stand for this??OK, So we have Monika still incarcerated awaiting her day in a German "kangaroo" court where she will be found "Guilty" no matter what kind of strong evidence to the contrary she and anyone that represents her presents... That shows how Germany is absolutely NOT a free nation where people have freedom of thought!Please take the video that Alfred has enclosed and spread it around for everyone to see what has been happening here... Monika is indeed a "prisoner of thought" and Alfred is definitely being harassed and being subjected to horrendous invasions of his own privacy...I for one have to ask the big question in all this:  WHAT are the German thought police and the criminal Jews behind this madness wanting to hide?   Quite possibly the truth?   ALWAYS remember that "truth never needs laws to support itself, ONLY lies do"... And apparently these monsters will stop at nothing to prevent real research and fact finding missions to find out the truth about that period of our history.....I will bring forward any new news about Monika and Alfred when it does become available.... Stay tuned..More to comeNTS*One update:  There was ONE letter that Monika was able to send out from her Jail cell in Germany,and one Youtube user was able to make a video that contains the content of that letter... Here is that youtube video here:I also have my prayers for Monika, as I hope others do as well....