Misurata and Tripoli Islamists Attack Legitmate Government of Libya in Toburk with Car Bombs

TweetNovember 12, 2014 - Car bombs were exploded in the Eastern cities of Tobruk and Al Bayda. Both of these cities are home to the legitimately elected government of Libya. Tobruk is home to the duly elected Parliament of Libya. This legally elected Parliament is working with the Libyan national army to cleanse the country of terrorists and radical Islamists brought into Libya by NATO and the US and to attempt to bring security and peace back to Libya as it was before the 2011 false revolution.. Al Bayda city is home to the Constituent Assembly that is tasked to draw up a new Libyan constitution.
The radical Islamists in Libya have all joined together under the umbrella name of "Libya Dawn" based out of the Libyan city of Misurata. They are made up of Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia and other radical groups using different names but all the same. These terrorists are made up mainly of foreign mercenaries supplied by Turkey, Qatar, Sudan, Afghanistan and others. They are criminal mafia gangs that are holding on to Libya by force, they are not elected, they have no legitimacy in Libya. They are in the process of destroying the city of Tripoli, they have already completely destroyed the Tripoli International Airport. They use guns and terror to control the people of Tripoli. Omar Al Hassi is the radical Islamic leader of the old now defunct puppet GNC (General National Congress) that currently occupying Tripoli by force. The June election of this year saw all the radicals, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia and other terrorists thrown out of office. Well, no surprise, these terrorists did not ever plan to give up their control of Libya. The election was just a show, there was never had any intention of allowing democracy of any kind in Libya. To that end, the new PM of the legitimate elected government, Mr. Abdulla al-Thani, had his Tripoli home attacked and his family threatened. These are the tactics of the terrorist mafia otherwise known as Libya Dawn. The new government was forced to set up their Parliament in the East for security reasons, they have joined with the Libyan national army, the Libyan tribes and tribal council and youth movements all over Libya to work together to rid Libya of the rubbish terrorists left behind by the criminal acts of the United States.
All that being said it is not difficult to figure out who would want to bomb the cities of Tobruk and Al Bayda. The car bomb in Tobruk was set off near the Intelligence buliding. The bombs injured at least 21 people, killed 4 and destroyed 5 cars. The first thought was that the bombs were set off by radicals in Eastern city of Derna, taken by radicals who have declared it an Islamic Emirate and have openly declared their allegiance to ISIS.
However, the truth has risen its ugly head and none other than GNC, self proclaimed head , Omar Al Hassi, his buddy, terrorist Nouri Abusahmain (on the British terrorist list) and their gang of terrorists, Libyan Dawn have let it be known that they are responsible for the attack. These are the psychopathic occupants of Tripoli who are supported wholeheartedly by Deborah Jones the US Ambassador to Libya now residing in Malta because she was not safe in Tripoli under the same people she is supporting.
As a result of these car bombings that many believe were aimed at the UN envoy as well as the Libyan Parliament, Bernardino León of Spain, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), has pulled his support of Misurata and the Libyan Dawn criminal terrorists. It is outrageous that this man Benardino Leon ever supported these criminals but none of the Libyans are surprised. As the Libyan tribes would tell you, Leon is a backer of the Muslim Brotherhood.
So, let's see how the UN is helping Libya? Libya whose population by 96% are against radical Islam is being represented at the UN by a person from SPAIN? who is himself a sympathizer of radical Islam. The same issue revolves around Deborah Jones (US Ambassador) who negotiates with the Libya Dawn terrorists regularly. The CIA is playing their dirty game again with Libya via these corrupt representatives. BUT, the Libyan people have awoken, they understand the evil game that took their country from them and they know how it works. They will clean out the rubbish and they will not be tricked again.
** See photos car bomb and Omar Al Hassi (terrorist) below
Tags: BombsTerroristsLibya DawnTobruk