Mike Huckabee Wants To Start A Third Party Even More Reactionary Than The GOP

A right-wing propaganda site reported Thursday that Mike Huckabee fears the Republican Party is getting too liberal. In poll after poll, the vast majority of normal Americans think the Republican Party has drifted way too far to the right. But Huckabee is now whining publicly about starting a third, more reactionary political party.

Two days after threatening to leave the Republican Party and run for the White House in 2016 as an independent because the GOP has "abdicated" on same-sex marriage, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax that the GOP would be walking away from him and other voters if it doesn't stand strong on social issues."I don’t think the GOP is going to walk away from the entire body of values voters— but if so, then there would likely be no place for me as a voter or candidate," he told Newsmax by email Thursday. "I wouldn’t be leaving them; they’d be leaving us."In an interview on Tuesday with the American Family Association, Huckabee charged that Republicans have given in on battling gay marriage and other social issues and vowed that it jeopardized his standing with the party, as both a voter and a potential presidential candidate."If the Republicans want to lose guys like me, and a whole bunch of still God-fearing, Bible-believing people, go ahead and just abdicate on this issue— and go ahead and say abortion doesn't matter, either," Huckabee told Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, on Wildmon's Today's Issues radio show. "Because at that point, you lose me, I'm gone.""I'll become an independent," Huckabee said. "I'll start finding people that have guts to stand. I'm tired of this."…In the AFA interview, Huckabee charged that the GOP "establishment" has waved the "white flag of surrender" on gay marriage. Wildmon co-hosted the interview with Ed Vitigliano, the association’s research director."I'm utterly exasperated with Republicans and the so-called leadership of the Republicans who have abdicated on this issue, when if they continue this direction they guarantee they're going to lose every election in the future," Huckabee said. "Guarantee it— and I don't understand why they want to lose."A lot of Republicans, particularly in the establishment and those who live on the either 'left coast' or those who live up in the bubbles of New York and Washington, are convinced that if we don't capitulate on the same-sex marriage issue and if we don't raise the white flag of surrender and just accept the inevitable, then we're going to be losers.

The porky little neo-fascist primitivist from Arkansas has been riding high on the top of many 2016 Republican nomination polls. Like extremist Ted Cruz, he would be a Hillary Clinton dream candidate, a fanatic so far from the mainstream that her coattails would sweep at least 10 Democrats into the Senate and make up for all the damage Steve Israel and his corrupt DCCC have done to the House in two cycles. The Real Clear Politics polling average shows Hillary beating all the Republicans and the really extreme ones, like Huckabee, who are so admired by the nut-job fringe that dominates the primaries, doing really badly in one-on-one match-ups across the country. Clinton vs each of the top 7 dwarves:

• Clinton vs Christie- Clinton +9.4• Clinton vs Paul- Clinton +8.5• Clinton vs Bush- Clinton +9.9• Clinton vs Huckabee- Clinton +9.6• Clinton vs Ryan- Clinton +6.7• Clinton vs Cruz- Clinton +13.8• Clinton vs Rubio- Clinton +11.5

An extreme right kook from Florida, Ron DeSantis, who would be wiped out in one cycle if Florida’s legislature didn’t gerrymander Corrine Brown’s district so strongly to create an absurd D+21 district by forcing virtually every African America from Jacksonville to Gainesville and down to Orlando into an electoral ghetto. Right Wing Watch reported that DeSantis has tried to soothe Huckabee by reassuring him that the Republican Party will always stand for hatred and bigotry, especially when it comes to gay people.