Mike Honda- 92%, Ro Khanna- 8%

Mike Honda is considered one of the most serious legislators in Washington. He isn't a show horse; he's a work horse. So it probably didn't surprise too many people in CA-17 when the local Democratic Party delegates in his district gave him a stunning 92% of the votes for endorsement this weekend, despite his conservaDem's enormous stash of cash, much of it from Republicans eager to take out Honda. The Party endorsed Honda-- as have President Obama, Senators Feinstein and Boxer and every Democrat in the California House delegation. His opponent, Ro Khanna, got 8% for all that $1,042,410 he's already spent on this race! The vote took place at the California Democratic Party’s Region 5 Pre-Endorsement caucus meeting on Saturday. Since he got 92% of the vote, he easily cleared the 70% threshold to be placed on the consent calendar at next month’s state convention of the California Democratic Party, where the final decision on the party’s endorsement will be made. Khanna should take his Social Security reduction ideas and his slick, shady staff of Beltway operatives to the Republican Party instead-- where they belong.Khanna already has another $2,000,000 to spend demonizing Mike. He's getting much of it from Republican billionaires like Peter Thiel and Wall Street predator Marc Leder, the galoot who hosted the Romney 47% dinner at his Boca Raton mansion.I'd like to ask you to take the 4 minutes to watch the little Honda biography above. I talked with Honda last week about his record on LGBT equality. In short, he's supported countless floor actions in the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and served on the Whip team for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He led the efforts as Ranking Member on Legislative Branch Appropriations to stop the use of taxpayer dollars in partisan defense of the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act. Mike has received a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign. When you watch the clip you'll see what he was talking about when he told us what's behind this kind of activism. "As someone whose family was interned during World War II because of our Japanese-American heritage, I know what its like to face unfair systematic discrimination. Throughout my career I have always fought to make sure EVERYONE in this country has equal rights and equal treatment. I am encouraged by the progress we have made in recent years, but I will not stop fighting for full equality for all members of the LGBT community until we have it."If you'd like to help make sure Mike stays in Congress and isn't replaced by a Republican anti-Social Security advocate masquerading as a Democrat, you can do that here.