Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

When the looting starts, the shooting starts!- White Supremacist Alabama Governor George WallaceWhen the looting starts, the shooting starts!- Tweeted by White Supremacist President Trump, May 28,2020

The above quote, most recently messaged by President Psychopath, served as a rallying cry throughout the southern states during the civil rights era of the 1960s. It's earliest attribution is probably to Miami's racist Police Chief Walter Headley in 1967 but was gleefully chanted repeatedly by Alabama Governor George Wallace and the notorious Birmingham "Commissioner Of Public Safety," Bull Connor.All three men were southern Democrats or, as they preferred to be known Dixiecrats. They rose to power back in the days when southern racists flocked to the Democratic Party but often broke with it over issues of civil rights and voting rights for minorities. This was before Nixon invited all southern Democrat racists to switch parties and become members of the Republican Party where nearly all of them have enjoyed a home ever since.To Trump, the tweeting of the above quote was no accident at all. It was as much of a dog whistle to his "very fine people" as the Charlottesville "very fine people" statement itself and his infamous Central Park Five newspaper ads were back in 1989.Context is everything. Trump didn't invent police brutality but he has certainly happily encouraged it like any racist psychopath, past or present would do (See the brief clip below). Trump's racism and perverted view of justice has given direct permission to bad cops and has lead directly to the deaths of several people of color. An American nightmare is the stuff of Trump's dreams.