Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBy now, you've probably seen the front page of Sunday's New York Times which lists 1,000 or the 100,000 and counting virus victims. While normal people have a normal reaction to this ongoing nightmare, President Psychopath really seems to have a deep need to always put an exclamation point on the fact that he really doesn't give a shit.Well, perhaps that's not really fair of me. You see, it's obvious to me that he does give a shit in that his whole reaction to the threat of COVID-19 has been to ask himself not what he can do for his country but what can he do to it, or, what he can do for himself and his donors. That's me generously assuming that President Psychopath even considers this country to be his country. His response to the threat of the virus can only be seen as the response of a madman hellbent on maximizing the number of dead Americans. Not even the dumbest of dumbfucks would do so little or do so wrong. This is not ignorance. What Trump has done or not done can only be reasonably seen as deliberate psychopathy.President Psychopath is a man so full of contempt for us that he asks himself "How can I catapult the destruction?" He has done that with everything. He's even fighting the very idea of healthcare in our courts while this plague rages. He could have responded to the virus threat two weeks earlier than he did and prevented the deaths of over 50,000 Americans. Likewise, he could have prevented a huge percentage of the non-fatal cases. He could have prevented a ton of grieving for so many of us but that's not who he is. Instead, he exponentially explodes the destruction just as his henchmen in the White House and $enate do when they follow his every psychotic wish. Even now, $enate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch is refusing to have the $enate address serious aid to small businesses and middle and working class Americans while he smugly boasts that there will be no more unemployment insurance. It's all I got mine. Why don't you just die time. We're in a deep state of emergency and McConnell goes home and sits on his thumb while Trump goes golfing not just at taxpayer expense but at the expense of taxpayer life, liberty and the pursuit of economic well-being. All that matters to these two Putin capos is the confirmation of more Neo-Nazi judges and getting more tax breaks to their donors in eager anticipation of "campaign contribution" kickbacks.I get emails from the Trump/Pence 2020 campaign. They want me to contribute money. They invariably start out by throwing around words like "socialism," "big government," "lamestream media," and the like, often randomly combining two or more as epithets. These emails name drop too. It's all Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, Crooked Comey, Shifty Schiff... He now calls President Obama "Obamagate" instead of the usual "Obamanation," his former appellation for his predecessor. Then the emails tell me that they are asking for a donation from me because I am a "patriot that loves Trump and America." His name always comes first.Yesterday (Saturday), I sent Howie a couple of the emails and I noted how they now seem to be more and more intensely desperate and read more and more just like President Psychopath's insane tweeting. Clearly he's writing them himself now. They are coming more often and they more than hint at a mind that is coming undone at a faster pace. One of the deranged emails opened with the line "Obamagate is the biggest political crime in our nation's history." But wait, there's more and it's coming with more projection on his part-

Barack Obama will forever be remembered as the disgraced former president who used federal law enforcement in an attempt to hurt his political opponents. His administration, including Sleepy Joe Biden illegally spied on President Trump and his 2016 campaign and then LIED about it-- we can't let them get away with it.

In the email, "Illegally spied" is in quotes and highlighted in yellow for extra frenzied emphasis. As you can see, the email is indeed an amazing example of projection. President Psychopath not only fails to detail what the hell "Obamagate" is, he accuses his opponents of doing the kind of things he's telling Attorney General Kneepads Barr do. Putting 'lied' in caps is an especially ironic touch. Oh, and the whole thing is "the greatest HOAX of all time."Then, not 3 hours later, another email came with the header "Should Hillary Clinton Be In Jail?" He added six bright red exclamations, three on each side. I won't even get into the rest of the derangement expressed in the email.Ah, but, today (Sunday) came the sickest Trump/Pence 2020 email to date. It's nothing short of using the corpses and souls of the American military dead of past wars in order to sell Trump MAGA merchandise to raise campaign funds-

The brave men and women who fought for our freedom and laid down their lives for our Nation are truly exceptional and I wanted to do something special to honor them for Memorial Day. There is nothing more Patriotic than Americans proudly wearing USA gear for everyone to see, which is why I wanted to do something special to honor them for Memorial Day. For a short time, you can take 25% OFF your ENTIRE purchase at the only Official Trump Campaign Store with code: USA25.

Yeah, he wanted to do something special to honor the dead; sell merchandise! I can just see him laying a wreath at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier on July 4th and then selling replica wreaths for his campaign right then and there.The email then provides a link directly to the "Official Trump Store" to "shop the Trump Memorial Day Weekend Sale NOW. Yes, you can tell by what the email puts in bold letters and caps what is most important to President Psychopath. The sale code is actually not just bold, it's even highlighted in yellow; no such emphasis for the "brave men and women who fought..." In his twisted mind, they are mere props.So, it wasn't just enough for brave Cadet Bone Spurs to go golfing at taxpayer expense in his celebration of 100,000 dead American virus victims. He just simply HAD to obscenely make use of those who died defending a country he is determined to destroy for his own purposes and those of his supporters and handlers. Well done, sir, and well done to those who keep you where you are. May you all burn, not in Hell, but right here in the real world where we can see.